Page 37 of Fury

Sawyer grabbed her hand. “We aren’t trying to belittle what it is you do. I’m sure among humans the FBI is an important resource. But this situation is different and involving more people is dangerous to everyone, including us. You really think you can call in the FBI and that they are going to just accept we are a different species that can shift into wolves?”

His question caused her to open and then just as quickly shut her mouth. She could barely believe they shifted into wolves and she’d seen it with her own eyes. There was also the fact that if she didn’t report everything she’d discovered on this case, she’d be jeopardizing her career.

“I’m required to check in. And call for back up when I need it. If ever there was a situation for that, I’d say this is it.”

Dante narrowed his eyes. “You always do everything by the book, Agent Bishop?”

She bristled at his question. “Rules are there for a reason, Mr. Warren.” She was gearing up to give him some serious what for in regards to playing by the rules. Her father had always been a stickler for regulations and routine and her entire life had been influenced by that. So what? A sense of order often gave her peace of mind.

But before she could continue, the driver who'd been quiet until now made an incomprehensible noise from the front seat, pulling her attention away from Sawyer and Dante.

She followed his gaze through the windshield to find an eerie glow above the tree line that partially lit up the night sky. Beyond that faint reddish light, smoke poured from the trees.

Holy crap.

“What the fuck?”

Sawyer's agitated question was quickly followed by a series of growls.

“Stop the truck!” Dante shouted.

Before Penelope could grab something to hold onto, the brakes were stomped and she jerked forward nearly crashing her head into the seat in front of her. A hard hand grabbed her arm and judging by the current now sizzling through her blood, she knew Sawyer had stopped her fall without even looking. Was this sensation something to do with whatever science or maybe magic that made it possible for him to transform into a wolf? There had to be some kind of chemistry anomaly to explain this.

She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment before opening them again. There were so many questions tumbling through her mind right along with the realization of the almost overwhelming attraction she felt for him.

If not for Dante scrambling from the vehicle and leaving a trail of clothes in his wake, she would have remained transfixed by the heat coming from Sawyer's touch.

It was an odd sensation of calming warmth that directly warred with her mind as she tried to focus on her surroundings and not the deep desire for something else pulling at her.

A moment later, Dante reappeared through the open doorway. “Stay with her,” he demanded. “No need for revenge is as important as protecting a mate. You know this. That’s an order.”

She looked between Dante and Sawyer, finally noticing that Sawyer already had his free hand on the door handle and a hard expression stamped across his face. And while he nodded towards his boss, the muscle in his jaw ticked back and forth several times. Whatever this was, he was being forced to hold back and he didn't like it.

“What's going on?” She swung her head back to the door, but Dante was already gone. As were the two men from the front seat.

“They'll get across the island quicker on foot.”

She scrunched up her forehead, hardly able to believe that they’d move faster than a vehicle.

“Babe, you shouldn’t underestimate our wolves. They make us more than capable for this kind of thing.”

Her frustration grew as she finally realized they’d run off intending to leave her behind. With barely a grunt of acknowledgement, she scooted toward her door and grabbed the handle.

Sawyer’s hand tightened on her arm, stopping her from getting out. “What are you doing?” he asked.

“What does it look like? I’m getting out of the backseat so I can move to the driver’s seat. I’m not staying behind like some child incapable of taking care of business. I’m a trained agent, if anyone should be on the scene it’s me. Now let go of me and let’s go. I have a feeling every second is going to count.”

A rumble sounded in Sawyer’s throat a second before he released his grip. “You can grab the passenger seat. I’m driving.”

She didn’t hesitate before scrambling from the vehicle and moving to the abandoned front seat. She grabbed the buckle while Sawyer did the same before shoving the vehicle into gear.

As they lurched forward, she stole a sidewards glance at her driver. From this angle the scars that ran along his face and exposed arms and hands were pronounced as he squeezed the wheel in a grip that looked like death.

“What?” he asked.

Caught. She turned her gaze back to the front windshield and the disappearing road in front of them. “I don’t know. I guess I expected more of an argument. So far, you and your gang have been pretty heavy handed with your orders. It’s clear you don’t like having a woman in charge.”

He turned, his facial expression difficult to read. “We’re a pack not a gang. And if my Alpha were a woman who’d proven herself, I’d like to believe I’m enlightened enough to follow her.”