She leaned back, pressing her back against the chair as far as she could, waiting for an attack any second. This could not be happening. Men could not…
The wolf's eyeteeth were visible at the edges of its mouth and she could only imagine those sharp teeth biting into her femoral artery and killing her almost instantly. Not exactly the way she’d envisioned her death.
Penelope sucked in air. “Easy for you to say, you're not the one he's sniffing.”
“I would hope not. I'm certainly not going to mate him.”
Not understanding, she glossed over his words. “Can you get me loose? And then give me some sort of rational explanation for what I just saw?” She could feel her brain beginning to shut down, making a total freak out imminent if she couldn't figure out what had just happened.
“I don’t know about rational, but I can fill you in. However, I’m not going to promise you’ll like it. In fact, I’m pretty sure you won’t.”
The wolf shoved his head between her legs, making her jump and shriek all over again.
“Seriously. If you just let him finish, we’ll both be better off.”
“Finish what exactly? I’m not looking to die by an animal attack. Why aren’t you helping me?” Her panic rose with each passing second.
“He scents your distress, which is only going to make it worse. Now he’s got to check for any injuries.”
She looked down at the wolf head still in her lap. “Between my legs. Seriously?”
Dante shrugged and held up his hands. “Just the messenger.”
“This is insane. You’re insane. He’s insane. Everyone is insane!”
Dante laughed, a hearty sound that did little to soothe her frazzled nerves. “I can see why he likes you. Sassiness is a great trait in a new mate.”
“Why do you keep calling me that? Stop it. Do I look like a wolf to you?” She shook her head. “Forget it. We’re going to have to straighten this out later, but can you do something about this?” She gestured towards the wolf now sniffing seriously close to her backside.
Dante shook his head and grinned, “Sawyer, that’s enough. You know she’s not hurt and now you’re just freaking her out.”
In another macabre display of freakishness, the wolf snarled at Dante as his bones began to make those horrifying crunching noises again. Penelope stared, her mouth agape as once again the beautiful golden skin of Sawyer emerged from behind the thick layer of tawny fur.
Honestly, if she hadn’t seen it happen with her own eyes, there’s no way she would believe anything like this could ever happen. Although her brain still couldn’t quite comprehend all of it. Part of her thought she had to be dreaming. Yes, that had to be it. Apparently, she’d fallen asleep during her struggles and was in the throes of a strange nightmare. What other explanation could there be?
You know it’s not a dream.
“Can someone please get this tape off of my wrists?” she said through her clenched jaw. She couldn’t decide if she was angry, petrified or relieved they were here, but for now she would take freedom anyway she could get it.
“Sorry,” Sawyer said. He walked behind the chair and ripped the tape between her wrists. She heaved forward and freed her ankles too.
"Penelope," he started.
“NOPE! I don’t want to talk about it. Not now. Maybe never. Let’s just get the hell out of here before anyone comes back.”
Sawyer and Dante exchanged glances, their eyebrows raised.
Sawyer turned back to her. “The two guys guarding over you aren’t coming back.”
It took a few seconds for his meaning to sink in, but when it did she shook her head.
“What exactly am I going to find out there?”
“Does it really matter?” Dante asked.
“It might. I’m the one who has to explain all this shit. In fact, I can see it now. All right down to the nitty gritty details of my captors being mauled to death by wolves that magically turned into men." Her voice had turned shrill, but she couldn't stop it. Her brain had gone into hyper drive. "I’ll be laughed right out of the agency.”