Chapter Four
Holy shit.Sawyer swallowed hard. He was in trouble with this one. She leaned close to him, allowing him to take in even more of her sweet scent already teasing his senses. And nearly exploded. His wolf, already paying attention, went into full alert and pushed at his skin. Sawyer had to clench his jaw and forcibly concentrate not to reveal something he shouldn't.
Miss Bishop was totally wrong about what he wanted to know though. He could care less about her age or dress size. He had incredible vision and already knew she was the perfect size. Curvy and a little on the thick side were right up his alley.
With her scent still swimming in his head, he had an urge to know what she tasted like too. He glanced at her left hand and breathed a sigh of relief to discover she wore no wedding ring. His wolf might have wanted to do something crazy, like kill someone, if she were taken.
"I guess that's as good a place to start as any, although a bit superficial wouldn't you say? Your age and size mean nothing to me. Although I am curious about why a little girl chose the FBI."
She shrugged. "My father was an agent."
"Ahh. That makes sense then. Every little girl needs a good father as a role model."
Her eyebrows climbed up her forehead as she looked at him with a heavy dose of skepticism. "Have a lot of experience with little girls, do you?" she asked.
"Don't get cheeky, ba—Agent Bishop. I don't just work and live on this island, I consider my neighbors to be my family. And that includes the women I grew up with."
That seemed to get her attention as her expression softened. "Why is that?” she asked. “I mean the neighbors being your family part. What about your real family? Where do they live?"
Sawyer closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He should have seen that question coming a mile away. He’d apparently opened the door himself and rolled out the red carpet. It seemed Ms. Bishop had thrown him off his game. He clenched his jaw at the memory he wanted to forget. "My parents used to live here too. Until they were both killed in a car accident." A lie she would never detect.
A soft gasp fell from her lush lips. He knew because he'd been keeping an eye on them practically since they sat down. She often bit at her lower one and it puffed up a bit because of it, making him want to lean forward and lick it. Or maybe bite it for her.
Ugh. He couldn't control his runaway thoughts when it came to this woman. And she kept distracting him.
Lock it down.
"I'm sorry. I should have been more careful. I didn't mean to upset you." The soft brown color of her eyes seemed to turn warmer as she leaned forward and touched his hand. That touch fired his blood, closely followed by a sizzle of electricity that raised the hairs on his arms. Apparently, parents were a soft spot for Agent Bishop. He filed that information away for now and decided to save that tidbit for later.
"I'm not mad and you don't have to be careful with me. I can take it. It was a long time ago and in fact, I'm happy to embrace the memories of my parents. They were good people."
And they were. His life might have been completely different if they still lived. Thanks to the hunters that killed them, he would never know. All information he would never share with an agent of the FBI. He shoved that information at his wolf. He had to stop looking at the woman in front of him as a viable candidate for something more than business. Some business could not ever be mixed with pleasure and this was one of those cases.
"Okay," she answered, withdrawing her hand.
Of course, the wolf whined at the loss of her touch. What the hell was wrong with him anyway? He rarely took interest in the women he spent time with. Why bother now?
"So, then how did you get the scars? Is that from the recent explosion?"
He winced. So much for telling her not to be careful. Although he was pretty sure this was the part where he was supposed to prey on her sympathy and distract her from her main goal.
"Yes. I got caught underneath a ceiling beam when it fell." And that was all the elaboration she would get. There was no need to give her any of the details about his best friend who he considered a brother, Creed's (unclaimed at the time) mate being pregnant and dancing at the club. He certainly didn't need any kind of credit for trying to save her. Any other wolf in the pack would have done the exact same thing in his position. It just happened that he was in the right place at the right time for Dani.
"So you were there when it happened? That’s perfect. Can you walk me through the details of the event?"
He resisted the urge to frown at her questions. Despite knowing this would happen, he would have preferred small talk for a while longer. His wolf hadn’t fully settled from the nightmare this morning and he wasn’t sure reliving it again this soon wouldn’t cause trouble.
"Not much to tell you. It all happened so fast. The explosion rocked through the building and we all pretty much made a run for it. Everything else is kind of a blur."
She reached into her pocket and pulled out a notebook with a small pen tucked into the spiral binding. "Do you mind if I take some notes."
He shrugged. "Have at it." Although in reality, he hated that she had to be like this. For a fleeting moment he got the impression there was more to Agent Bishop than her job. For a few minutes, she'd been open to his discussion and the next it was like a switch flipped and she turned all business again.
She opened to a blank page and scribbled something real quick before looking up again.
"Where exactly in the building were you when the explosion happened?" She looked at him with fierce determination in her eyes and her pen poised expectantly over the page. That serious, no nonsense look made him want to kiss her until she forgot. There had to be something more to this woman than her peppering him with questions and making him remember that night.