Page 41 of Fury

Chapter Fourteen

“Dirty sex?”she asked, her eyes wide.

He nodded, reaching out to stroke her arm. “Yep. As dirty as we can get. And I’m feeling pretty damned inspired to get very dirty with you. It’s going to be exciting to watch you go from the prim and proper FBI agent to an insatiable primal lover.” He smiled down at her feeling that feral need inside him rise more and more with each passing second.

“You are crazy,” she said, jerking away from his touch. “I’m on duty. I came here to do a specific job and I plan to finish it. That’s it. That is the extent of my mission here. Nothing else. So stop acting like this is a done deal.”

His head lifted, focusing on her eyes instead of the lush mouth he wanted to kiss.

“And what exactly is there to finish, Agent Bishop? Because as far as I can tell, your job here as an FBI agent is complete. You know who committed the crime. The question is how far are you willing to go with the information you've learned here? And more important, how far am I going to have to go to convince you to stay with me?”

He watched her spine stiffen along with the rest of her. That starch would go a long way when she turned wolf. The pack needed more people like her. And she would be pack. She just didn't know how to accept it yet.

“I hope you're not implying what I think you're implying,” she said.

He shrugged. “Hope away.”

“Kidnapping a federal agent is a serious crime.”

He stared down at her, loving the fire now sparking in her eyes. “There are far more compelling ways to get you to stay than resorting to kidnapping.”

“And that would be?”

A smile crept across his face. “The aforementioned dirty sex comes to mind for a start.”

She rolled her eyes and it took a fair amount of his control not to bark with laughter.

“I'm hardly controlled by my libido. I am civilized after all.”

This time he couldn't control it as laughter poured out of him. He wished he could have videotaped this moment so he could show her down the road, or better yet, show their children.

That thought sobered him. Not once since his parent's death had he thought about the future like that. Not until one starched up, pant suit wearing FBI agent had stormed into his life. And just like the other major events in his life, her arrival changed everything.

“I could always bite you.” He regretted the words the moment they left his mouth. Her eyes widened further and the scent of fear drifted through his senses. Shit. Way to go, asshole. He doubted scaring her half to death would convince her to stay. That meant he needed to get them back to where they'd been when she’d straddled him in his seat. If he hadn't have been so fucked up and deep in his own memories at the moment, he could have fucked her then. A few well placed touches and his lips on her skin…

Her arousal, however, had taken him by surprise. All other thoughts had vanished from his head, forcing him to temporarily forget the fire he NEVER forgot.

“What happens if you bite me? Do I turn into a wolf, too?”

Too smart for her own good. So much for subtlety.

He started to say something and froze. He stuck his nose in the air and breathed deep, searching for something underneath the acrid smell of smoke. Bastards were using the fires to throw off their senses and it was working. Except he still managed to find something faint. Enough to elicit a growl.

They were no longer alone.

Sawyer sprung from the vehicle without answering, alarm written all over his face. The hair on the back of her neck rose as she too exited the Jeep. "Sawyer, what's wrong?" she whispered.

“It doesn't matter, because he won't be biting you or anyone else ever again.”

Penelope whirled while reaching for something at the small of her back. Probably an automatic reflex to grab her gun. Except it wasn't there. Her kidnappers had stripped her of all weapons before tying her to that chair he’d found her in.

A hot red rage crept through his blood at the memory. He'd been drugged and her taken. The anger she’d held at bay for him returned in full force. Assholes had to pay.


“Get behind me, Agent Bishop.” He knew his words were clipped and cold, but he had to shut down his emotions to get them through this. A mate could be both a great strength and a crippling weakness depending on the situation.

“I will no—”