“You won’t have to tell them anything. You’ll be with us.”
Penelope turned and glared at Sawyer. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“It means—”
“Enough,” Dante interjected. “We don’t have time to do this here. There is no telling how many are out there or when they’re coming back. Getting in here was way too easy. It’s time to regroup and meet up with the rest of the pack before any decisions are made.” He pointed at Penelope. “And that includes you, Agent Bishop. While I agree the method in which you just learned that shape shifters exist leaves a little to be desired, the fact remains that you now know. And that information is extremely dangerous.”
“Is that some sort of threat?” She did not like the sudden direction of this conversation. Not to mention both men were still completely naked and impossible to take serious in that state.
Sawyer growled.
“No, Ms. Bishop, I am not threatening you. However, the situation is tenuous at best. We have secrets that need to be maintained for the sake of everyone. That at least warrants a lengthy discussion, wouldn’t you agree?”
Reluctantly, she nodded. “What would be really helpful right now is if the two of you could put some clothes on.” She waved her hands in their direction. “This is not normal.”
Sawyer grinned at her. “I get why looking at him makes you nervous, but me too?”
She rolled her eyes. Men and their egos. Apparently that applied to all species. “I think I have more important information to digest than simply how hot you are, don’t you think?”
His grin widened. “As long as you think I’m hot, I can live with that.”
Dante shook his head. “I think I’m going to throw up. Fortunately, I think our backup has arrived and should be equipped with extra clothing. Believe it or not, this kind of thing happens often enough we know to be prepared.”
Sawyer tried to take her hand, which she jerked away from him as he led the way out of the building, with Dante taking up the rear. She tried not to look, but she couldn't help it. He walked right in front of her! And Sawyer naked was a sight to behold. Had she ever seen a man with a tighter ass than his?
She rolled her eyes at her own ridiculousness. She definitely needed to get her head examined and pronto. Fortunately for her, as soon as they got outside a Jeep pulled up with more men she recognized from her FBI files. Creed Donovan, one of the men who along with Sawyer served as security for Club Diablo before it was burned down. The other was one of Dante’s brothers although she couldn’t remember exactly which one.
Creed opened the door and jumped out. “Need a ride?” While he said it with a smile, their tight body language and glances at each other said they were anything but relaxed.
Dante reached into the back of the Jeep and pulled out two packs, one of which he tossed to Sawyer. While Creed offered her the front passenger seat and she got in, the other two finally put some clothes on.
In a strange way, that managed to put her even further off balance. At least when they were naked they were impossible to take seriously, and she hadn’t stayed focused on the fact she’d witnessed Sawyer turn into a wolf and then back to human again. Something her brain still refused to process.
“What’s the situation?” the driver asked.
“Only two men were left to guard agent Bishop here and both of them have been neutralized. No idea yet where the others are holing up, but they can’t be far. In fact, it’s as if they wanted us to find Ms. Bishop.”
“You think they sacrificed two men for something bigger?”
Damien. That was the name she couldn’t remember. Dante and Damien. That left only Diego missing from this family pow wow.
“I wouldn’t put anything past those hunters. They’ve gone way beyond too far this time. The situation needs to be resolved tonight.”
Penelope did not like the sound of that. “What are hunters?”