Page 30 of Fury

Chapter Eleven

Sawyer foughtto open his eyes amidst a stabbing pain in his head and the misery of a thick, swollen tongue in a dry mouth. As he clawed up from the sluggish remains of sleep, he struggled to call up any memory that could clue him in to what had happened to him.

Had he been drinking again?

He pried his eyes open and looked up at his all too familiar bedroom ceiling. Obviously, he'd passed out yet again. Probably blacked out more likely based on the throbbing in his skull.

Fuck. He thought he was past this.

“About time you woke up.”

Sawyer's head jerked to the side, the pain tripling with the sudden move. He groaned and fell back against the mattress. “What the hell, Dante? I don't need a fucking audience to recover from a hangover.”

“A hangover, huh? Is that what this is?” Dante stood and paced forward. At the edge of the bed he looked down. “We found you passed out on the bridge with no sign of what the hell had happened. No one saw you leave and no one saw you return. That was yesterday. What exactly did you do? And what did you do with the woman? Creed said you told him she was coming back.”

Sawyer grabbed his head and willed his Alpha to shut the hell up. The pain, it was excruciating. He tried to recall how and why he'd drank himself to this state. He'd thought the worst of those days were behind him, but this felt like being back at square one with twice the pain to go with it.

"Shit. I can't remember a thing." After the fire, there had been many mornings like this. He'd wake up with the hangover from hell and no memory of how he'd gotten there. Just a raging headache and residual pain from the scaring that wouldn’t fully heal.

But square fucking one? Why now?

“I sure as hell hope you were celebrating a successful mission. What about the FBI lady? She hasn't been seen since yesterday. How were you able to get her to leave the island so quickly? Did she wrap up her investigation after all? Or did you use something else to satisfy her?” Dante's last comment came out on a snort.

But it was his second reference to a female...

A jolt of fear sliced through Sawyer's body with the force of a lightning bolt in the middle of a rare summer storm.


Memories flooded into his mind in a forceful, excruciating rush.

Everything about her had gotten under his skin. Her reluctant smile, or more often her need to bite her lips to hide a smile. Her curiosity too. Even her sensitivity to his personal questions. Especially when he asked about her panties.

That red blush that crept up her face looked sexy as hell. It made him wonder where else she blushed.

As his mind wandered through the memories of meeting and connecting with the sexy FBI agent and the single kiss they’d shared the night before, his blood went cold.

Everything came back, making him jump from the bed.

“What's wrong?” Dante's features sharpened and his eyes turned gold as his body went on alert, sensing a problem.

"I didn't drink a drop of anything last night." He growled. "I was shot with a fucking dart gun. And I was with Penny when it happened."

“What? Where? Was it hunters? Who is Penny? This had better not be about another town chick who can’t let go,” Dante warned.

“Yes, it was hunters. On the other side of the bridge.”

“And Penny is our new FBI friend? What happened to her?” Dante's voice came out hard and cold. They both knew damn well what had happened to her.

"Shit.” He rubbed his neck where they’d hit him. “They had to have taken her or worse. They got me with the dart before I could even get out of the car or warn her. Although why they left me alive I don't understand.” His skin began to itch as the familiar tingle worked up his spine.

Dante pulled out his cell phone and started punching numbers before he placed it against his ear.

"This is bad," he said. "Real bad."

Sawyer nodded as the wolf inside him grabbed for control. This situation was not as simple as Dante thought it was. He was about to lose it and when he did there'd be nothing anyone could do to stop him, short of killing him.

Dante was speaking into the phone, but Sawyer no longer heard the words. His head buzzed as he fought the takeover. His blood heated and burned him from the inside out. A sensation he hated more than ever since the fire, making the change to wolf more painful and traumatic than ever before.