There was only him.
Only him, and he had an investment pitch to prepare for.
About to buzz Ryan into his office, there was a knock on the door and Ryan walked in.
Ryan was Victoria’s trial replacement, recommended by Victoria in her official resignation letter. Marcello was prepared to give him a chance at filling Victoria’s shoes but was not yet ready to have him occupy her desk.
He didn’t think he would ever be ready to see someone else occupying the space she’d made her own.
‘Excellent timing,’ he said. ‘I was about to call you. Can you prepare a report on Symon Tech for me?’
‘It’s already done, sir.’
‘Good work,’ he said, impressed.
Ryan looked sheepish. ‘I didn’t do it.’
He swallowed against the automatic tightening of his throat. ‘Victoria?’
Four days on and saying her name hadn’t got any easier.
The younger man nodded. ‘I’ll email it to you.’
‘Thank you.’ He let a beat of silence pass. When that wasn’t filled, said, ‘I presume there was something you wanted from me?’
‘Yes. Err... A few of us have, err, been, err...’
He had to fight his eyes from rolling. Victorianeverprevaricated. ‘Get to the point.’
‘We’ve organised a whip-round to buy Victoria a leaving gift,’ Ryan blurted out.
This time the whole of Marcello’s body tightened.
‘And you are wanting me to contribute?’ He was already pulling his wallet out of his suit jacket pocket. In a digital world, Marcello never felt comfortable unless he had a wedge of cash on him. He pulled out five one-hundred-dollar bills.
Ryan’s eyes widened.
‘Anything else?’ Marcello asked when the man who wished to fill the indispensable Victoria’s shoes continued hovering.
‘Would it be okay for me and Cate to finish early today so we can buy her the gift? We were going to buy it over the weekend but we’ve just learned she’ll be gone by then.’
‘Gone where?’ he asked casually.
‘Back to Ireland. Dani called her. She’s flying home tomorrow evening. Ideally we want to drop the gift to her apartment tonight.’
His heart contracted then pulsed with ice that spread into his every crevice.
Fingers digging into the mahogany of his desk, Marcello inclined his head and, through a smile he had to use imaginary marionette strings to pull off, said, ‘Do you know what you are going to buy her?’
‘We did but her leaving means we need to rethink it.’
‘She likes to wear rose-gold jewellery. Do you have a card for her?’ he added in case Ryan was tempted to ask how Marcello knew the kind of jewellery Victoria liked to wear. He wouldn’t have been able to answer. It was just something he knew.
‘Yes, sir.’
‘Good. Bring it to me to sign and send me the report, and then you and Cate can leave. Take the day.’
Ryan’s eyes widened again.