If Andrés had taken the different line, the little life inside her wouldn’t be there. She wouldn’t be there. She would be in her apartment watching a movie she’d seen a hundred times or reading a book she’d read a dozen times. She would be thinking of going to bed soon and resting enough for her work shift.

She would be oblivious to the bliss that could be found in the arms of someone you loved.

She closed her eyes and swayed.

The elevator door pinged open.

Andrés stepped into the car park. He’d searched every inch of his apartment. The Imperium’s security cameras had proved she hadn’t left through the atrium. An eagle-eyed security guard had spotted the slight figure pacing the car park but a problem with the electrics, which the maintenance crew were at that moment working on, had affected the main lights and meant the figure was impossible to see clearly.

He’d known though, and he strode to the woman who’d stopped pacing and now stood motionless in front of his car.

‘Are you so stubborn that you would rather stay in the dark in a locked underground car park than come back up to the apartment and leave another way?’ His relief at finding her mixed with the fury still pumping through his blood at her cowardice.

Her head turned slowly to him.

Even with the minimal lighting he could see the pallor of her skin.

‘Do you want to stay here all night?’ he demanded.

Her throat moved.

He turned his face from her. It made his guts shred to even look at her. ‘Come on,’ he said tersely. ‘The concierge has arranged for a car to take you home.’

After three paces he realised she still hadn’t moved from her spot.

Her expression was stark. ‘Do you love me?’

‘If that wasn’t made clear to you, then yes, I love you, and now that you’ve ripped out another piece of my scalp, can we get out of here?’

He set off again to the elevator.

‘Andrés, I’m scared.’

Now he was the one to freeze.

‘I’ve seen what love can do. I’ve lived it. I watched my mother waste away through the pain of losing my father, and Eloise...’

His heart caught in his throat. Turning slowly, he found himself caught in the dark brown eyes brimming with tears.

A wave of shame drove through him. He’d backed her into a corner and like a frightened kitten she’d come out fighting.

Rubbing her eyes, she said, ‘You were wrong, you know. It isn’t love I’m frightened of. It’s losing it.

‘I’ve always been the strong one. Eloise saw it, it’s why she was so insistent that I be Lucas’s mother, but I never asked or wanted to be the strong one. It was a role I was given and I’ve never had any choice but to live up to it for everyone else’s sake, and then you...’

She drew in a long breath and whispered, ‘You make me feel vulnerable.’ She swallowed. ‘It’s not something I’ve felt before and... Andrés, it’s terrifying.’

‘Enough,’ he said hoarsely, his legs unlocking themselves to stride to her. Hauling her into his arms, he pressed a long kiss to the top of her head. ‘Enough.’

After a moment’s hesitation, Gabrielle’s arms wrapped around and she held him as tightly as he held her.

He exhaled his deep relief into her sweet-smelling hair. ‘No more explanations. I love you, Gabrielle. With everything I have. I fell in love with you when you were dressed as a princess and I’ve loved you ever since. You are everything to me and I swear that if you put your heart and your trust in me, I will never abuse it. You don’t have to be the strong one any more. Just be you, because it’s you I love, you with all your strength and all your vulnerabilities, and I swear I will never let you down.’

A shudder ran through Gabrielle, so powerful she had to cling even tighter to him. When it had passed, she lifted her head to gaze up at the handsome face of the man who had stolen her heart without even trying.

Bathed in clarity, she palmed his bearded cheek.

‘I loveyou,’ she breathed. ‘I fell in love with you when I was dressed as a princess and I’ve never stopped. You are everything to me, and there is nothing I want more than to marry you.’