Dios, he could still taste her breath. He breathed it in with every inhalation.
Her chest rose, breasts straining beneath the fabric of her dress and, even as awareness strained his every sinew, he had the sense to remember this was her first time on a plane.
Switching seats to the one beside her, he took hold of her hand and held it tightly.
Her eyes flew back open.
Leaning into her, he said, ‘You havenothingto be frightened of. Pilots are some of the most highly trained professionals out there. You are safer on a plane than you are on the roads.’
Something flickered on her face, something that set a jolt of pure emotion into his heart.
He’d had no idea hearts could bruise so easily. The story about her sister had been close to unbearable to hear but the bruises had all come from the blows of Gabrielle’s tears. Now, each beat, he felt it, like he’d never done before. Just to look at her bruised him in ways he could never explain.
Just to look at her was to want her.
Gabrielle had become so lost in the black depths of Andrés’s eyes that she didn’t even notice they’d taken off until her stomach dipped from the plane, much like the dips to her stomach he induced.
His phone had saved them before. Saved her.
There was nothing to save her now from the lips she’d dreamed about every night since their one night together closing in on her.
As hard as she’d tried these last weeks to lock Andrés and the joy they’d discovered in each other’s arms into her memory box, it had been impossible and after the whirlwind of the last twenty-four hours, she felt like she was walking on quicksand, the body that had clung to the joy fighting with the brain that knew all the feelings sweeping and clinging to that body were dangerous...
But when their lips met, the quicksand deepened and she was helpless to do anything but sink into it.
ANDRÉSLEDGABRIELLEinto the plane’s bedroom, far beyond caring what was happening in Japan or anywhere. He was beyond thinking.
From the burning daze in her eyes, she was gripped by the same fever.
As soon as the door closed behind them, their mouths and limbs fused back together in one ravenous moan. Hungry lips parted, tongues plunging and exploring, and in no time at all Gabrielle’s legs were wrapped around his waist and he was carrying her to the bed.
Dios, he’d dreamed of this for so long.
All those nights, Gabrielle and the night they’d shared together haunting him.
Clothes were stripped and flung without care.
Both fully naked, Gabrielle on her back, chest rising and falling rapidly, cheeks flushed...he soaked in every inch, taking in the changes pregnancy had already made, changes that would be imperceptible to anyone else.
Desire as strong as he’d ever felt gripped him at the same time his chest tightened to a sharp point. That was his baby developing in her softly rounded stomach. The swelling of her breasts was the pregnancy preparing her body for the gift of life.
She’d never looked more beautiful.
Climbing between her legs, he pushed her thighs back and kissed her with a savagery she matched with her own.
She writhed against him, nails scraping over his back as she groped for his buttocks, her breaths hot and ragged, urging his possession.
His arousal guiding itself to the heat of her femininity, he drove into her.
Dios, he camethisclose to losing it with that first thrust.
He’d thought he’d remembered the intensity of the brief pleasure of being inside Gabrielle completely bare but this was something else.
Gabrielle had lost herself to the quicksand. Every cell and nerve ending burned at the feel of Andrés’s huge body covering her and possessing her.
If this was madness then she gave herself to it willingly, throwing off the shackles of her fears for the hedonistic connection that felt as necessary as breathing.