After several long breaths Gabrielle ran her fingers through her hair in an attempt to tidy it and noticed there was a gaping hole at the side of the dress where Andrés had ripped the clasp. A tear finally sprang free. She hastily wiped it away.
She supposed a touch of melancholy was to be expected after the night she’d just experienced.
Picking up her shoes and the clutch bag, she left the bathroom and padded back to Andrés’s bedroom. Heart now thumping violently as the time to say goodbye drew near she pushed the door open.
Her heart sighed. He was still deep in sleep.
With another sigh, she took the whole room in properly for the first time, committing the dark blue fitted wardrobes and side boards, and velvet blue soft furnishings dominated by the huge bed to her memory.
It was a beautifully modern room she acknowledged with a deep pang, and that was the bed she’d given her virginity in, given it to a man she wished with all her heart...
She closed her eyes and forced her thoughts to where they should be, not to a place they should never go. Lucas was her priority. His safety and happiness were all that mattered.
Tiptoeing to Andrés, she carefully leaned over and placed a gentle kiss to his cheek.
His eyes sprang open.
He blinked a number of times before rolling onto his back. Patting the space next to him, his voice was thick with sleep. ‘You’re going?’
More choked than she’d imagined she’d be when she’d agreed to stay the night with him, she nodded, and perched her bottom on the bed.
He reached for her hand. ‘I would drive you home...’
She threaded her fingers through his. ‘You’re probably over the limit.’ Make that definitely.
His grin was rueful if pained. ‘I think there’s been an explosion in my head.’
She started to laugh but it hurt her own head too much. ‘And mine.’
‘It was worth it.’ An intensity came into his stare. ‘I had a great night, Gabrielle.’
She squeezed his fingers. ‘Me too.’
It had been the best night of her life.
‘Michael will give you a lift and arrange for your bike and things to be brought to you.’
‘Thank you.’ Leaning down, she kissed his mouth. ‘Thank you for everything.’
Her intention to move away was scuppered when he caught the back of her head and kissed her so deeply and thoroughly that for a moment she didn’t even feel her poorly head.
Grinning, he rested back on the pillow and hooked an arm above his head. Stretching his body quite clearly showed the delineation of his erection beneath the light grey silk bedsheet covering him to his waist.
‘Sure you can’t stay for a while longer?’ he coaxed knowingly.
This time she did laugh, even as desire pulsed heavily inside her. Planting one last kiss to his mouth, she dragged herself back to her feet and shuffled to the door where she turned to face him one last time and blew him a kiss.
He pressed it to his lips and blew her a kiss back.
It was mid-morning when Andrés finally threw the covers off and dragged himself out of bed.
What a night.
Donning his robe, he laughed under his breath at just how fantastic the whole night had been. There was a very good chance he wouldn’t kill his sister for manipulating him into it after all. An internal stop button when drinking meant he hadn’t suffered many hangovers in his life but of the few he’d had, this was the only one that felt good. Even better, Gabrielle had left without any drama or hints about seeing him again. They’d both known exactly what the night was and that had been enough for them both. Still, he had to admit that if she hadn’t needed to return home to her son, he’d have coaxed her into staying in bed with him.Dios, just to remember how fantastic the sex had been was enough to make him hard...
A mark on the light grey under-sheet suddenly caught his eye.
Pulling away the crumpled heap of silk sheets partially covering it, he looked a little more closely.