Yes. Stop thinking. She’d known the night would involve them taking all their clothes off but she’d assumed it would be in a bedroom with the lights out.
Oh, help, what if her naked body turned him off?Could that happen?
Oh, shut up, brain!
Falling into step beside him, she finally quietened her brain and treaded over carpet her bare feet practically cried with joy to be walking on.
He pushed a door open with his elbow and Gabrielle found herself in a bathroom of such size and opulence that her mouth fell open.
And she’d thought the bathroom she’d showered in earlier was amazing.
Stepping over the colourful mosaic floor, she slowly took in the clean white tiles of the high walls and the embellished gold architrave, and then her gaze drifted back down to the enormous walk-in shower—twice the size at least of the one she’d showered in earlier—at the far end before finally resting on the long, sunken bath.
The lights dimmed, bathing the entire room in a romantic golden hue.
She snatched a breath before allowing her gaze to fall on Andrés.
He was watching her with an expression that set her heart pounding all over again.
‘Do you need to call Michael to show you how to work the bath?’ she said teasingly, needing to break the silence she knew her own nerves had created.
He stared pointedly at her before turning to a keypad built into the wall and pressing a button on it. Less than a second later and streaming water gushed out of dozens of hidden internal faucets. Next, he poured a liberal amount of bubble bath into it and immediately the most mouth-watering scent filled the air.
‘See?’ he said, his tone serious. ‘Andrés can run a bath.’
Mirth bubbled up in her in the same way the bubbles foaming in the bath were rising. ‘Very impressive,’ she said with a snigger.
Smirking, he dropped a wink. ‘I like to think so.’ Then, without missing a beat, his fingers went to the buttons of his shirt. In moments, he’d shrugged it off. He let it drop to the floor and moved his hand to the button of his trousers.
Gabrielle’s mouth ran dry. She’d caught a glimpse of his naked chest when she’d first arrived at his apartment, had touched the contours of it over his shirt but even so...
Nothingcould have prepared her for the raw beauty of it. Every inch, from the deep olive hue of his skin to the dark hair that covered from the band of his trousers up over the washboard stomach and smattered over his defined pecs...beautiful. And hisarms... They were a work of art in their own right, even without the sexy sleeve tattoo.
He watched her ogling and grinned. ‘You like what you see?’
She tried to affect nonchalance. ‘It’s...quite pleasing.’
His eyes glittered knowingly. In one fell swoop, he pulled his trousers and underwear down and stepped out of them, taking his black socks with them.
The mouth that had become so arid the Sahara would have felt sorry for it suddenly flooded with moisture.
Fully, unashamedly naked, Andrés’s body transcended beauty. This was masculinity in its purest form, a feat even Michelangelo would have struggled to replicate even when considering he’d have had to greatly reduce the size of a certain aroused appendage so as not to fall foul of obscenity laws, and it came to her in a flash why she hadn’t objected to sharing a bath with him.
The thought was too thrilling to refuse.
He stepped to her.
Her abdomen contracted.
‘Turn around,’ he ordered huskily.
Legs suddenly trembling again, she obeyed.
Warm hands clasped her arms. Warm breath danced into her hair. His erection jutted into her back. ‘Lift your arms.’
Closing her eyes, resisting the strong yearning to lean back into him, she again obeyed.
He pinched the tiny hidden zipper that ran beneath her armpit and tugged it down slowly all the way to where it met the skirt of her dress. Then he brought his hand to her shoulder and pinched the dress where it swept over it, and brushed it down her arm. The top part of her dress folded in a swoop to her waist, exposing her naked breasts.