Wave after wave of pleasure comes crashing down on me like a tidal wave, as a shuddering spasm shakes my whole body from head to toe. I clutch onto Krogoth, screaming with ecstasy. Enjoying the feeling of his joy and wonder at my orgasm being reflected to me. “Come inside me. I want every drop,” I beg.
Krogoth’s hands grip tighter around my bum as he increases his tempo to a blinding speed. He pants and growls like a wild beast in his haste. Desperately seeking the release he desires, my womanhood is so tight now, squeezing him snuggly, beckoning him to spill his seed.
We both pant heavily, feeling each other’s hot breath on our bodies. Then suddenly Krogoth roars, as he madly fucks me with such intensity that I don’t know if I can endure his massive cock slamming into my swollen lips much longer. But then he shudders and exhales, snarling manically. I gasp, feeling his pleasure through my strange power, the explosion of tension erupting deep within him. His seed fills me while the power of his orgasm reverberates in my mind. It’s a mind-bending experience that leaves me breathless.
“I love you,” Krogoth whispers breathlessly.
“I love you too.”
Chapter 13
Panting heavily, I marvellooking at my beautiful human female, my Pebbles, my Mortakin-Kis. My heart pounds in my chest with euphoria, as I wonder what good deed convinced the Gods to bless me so generously. I gently brush a lock of her glossy brown hair from her eyes, kissing her on the forehead. She smiles up at me through tired eyes with a light sheen of sweat glistening on her soft, supple skin.How can skin be this soft?
Pebbles worked so hard, taking all of me inside of her. As she always has, overcoming her fear of staying with me on Klendathor. Then fighting to complete the Proving to free me, facing almost certain death, and now together we slew theMachine God and completed the Mortakin-Tok, defying all the odds and the doubters who believed it could not be done.
All because of her, my sexy, tenacious, wondrous female. Pride overwhelms me as I squeeze her in close, enjoying her softness against my body, as her intoxicating scent fills my senses. My cock, still slick and tingling pleasantly, begins to stiffen, greedily hungering for more of my sweet Pebbles.Can I keep control again?I barely cling onto sanity and keep the Rush at bay.
Pebbles gasp of shock interrupts my thoughts. “Look, Krogoth.” Tearing my eyes from my love, I notice the cosmos outside our bubble is turning completely black. The stunning stars, nebulas and planets, all gone. The obsidian void grows larger and larger, encroaching into our sacred space, it rushes towards us, swallowing all.
Everything turns dark, filling me with a sense of falling.
As I blink open my eyes, we’re standing back in the Grand Temple of Lanaisor beside the magnificent statues of Machsin and Dagdorix. Pebbles breaks our embrace, taking in our surroundings with a look of wonder on her face. I pat my chest, feeling the incredible hardness of my arcweave armor once again. “Was any of it real?” I ask.
“The ache in my lady bits tells me it definitely was,” Pebble says, gesturing to her groin with her face scrunched up.
I laugh at her playful expression before speaking. “And when we faced the Machine God? Was that an actual event? The Gods were once mortals like us?”
Pebbles looks down at her feet as she kicks some broken bits of rotten wood. “I have no idea, Krogoth. I can only guess.”
The potential ramifications of the vision threaten to sour my jubilant mood. Until I force the thoughts from my mind for now.
“Do you feel any different?” Pebbles asks, her pretty hazel eyes studying me surprisingly intensely.
Do I?I close my eyes, taking a deep breath. At the edge of my awareness, I can feel something. “Yes...” The knowledge that she is near and safe. “I can feel you. Like in the vision, that’s astonishing!” I exclaim excitedly as I open my eyes.
Pebbles smiles before reaching for her necklace. “What about... anything else?” She asks, slowly, her tone uncertain.
“Anything else?” I ask, scratching the back of my head in confusion.
She gives a short laugh. “I don’t know. Something like moving objects with your mind.” She winces before continuing, “Creating vortexes. You know that type of thing.”
“Creating vortexes like the God Dagdorix himself!” Laughter erupts from me. “Perhaps I can unleash lightning bolts from my ass too! Ah, very good Pebbles.” I straighten, only to find her standing, arms folded, unamused. “Oh, you are being sincere?”
“I knew you would laugh,” Pebbles says. Reaching down, she picks up a piece of broken stone. “It sounds crazy, I know, but please try.”
I nod before staring intensely at the stone in her hand.Move, jump, float!Projecting my will and desire into the gray mossy lump, I try to recall how it felt in the vision using Dagdorix powers. During the vision, it felt as easy as a reflex, a mere thought, and the universe twisted and obeyed. However, in this reality, the universe has other ideas.
“Get really angry, Krogoth.” Pebbles encourages me. “Imagine the stone has smacked my ass and is the love child of Zyraxis and Tensin Naxsus.” She tries to suppress a giggle.My Pebbles, has a strange mind.Still, I feel my Rush rising as my eyes mist purple lightly, stoking anger on command is a trivial thing for any seasoned warrior.
The tension in my muscles rises as the veins in my neck pop out. I project commands into the stone with every fiber of my being.Move, shake, do something you voiding piece of borackdung!Then, to my amazement, the piece of broken masonry begins to shake and wobble. “Gods! It’s working! Look!” I shout.
Pebbles erupts into laughter. It’s then I notice she’s sneakily vibrating her hand, causing the stone to move about. A mixture of disappointment and annoyance flashes within me. “You little vipertail!” I exclaim, before I join her with hysterical laughter.
“You should have seen your face!” Pebbles doubles over, trying to breathe between fits of laughter. “Thought your eyes were going to pop out of your head.” We both continue to laugh, as I admit, she got me good. We both finally dry our eyes, having laughed ourselves out. “Told you I would get you back,” she says slyly.