Chapter 2
My heart pounds inmy chest like a drum, with the eyes of so many Draxxus Clan members staring at me so intently. Not a single sound can be heard other than my rapidly quickening breaths.Why didn’t Krogoth warn me I’d be called on to speak?Public speaking terrifies me.
I wish I could put on my warvisor and escape all this pressure... until I notice Krogoth’s stunning purple eyes. He looks at me with expectation and something else... A touch of uncertainty creases his brow.
He’s not sure what my answer will be!
My heart sinks with the weight of understanding. I leap down from the enormous chair, desperate to put his mind at ease, giving him my biggest smile as I approach, wanting him to haveno doubt about what I wish for. “The sooner the better, Krogoth. I went through the Proving because I love you, and I want us to be together,” I say, locking eyes with him, feeling every word. The noisy clamor of the onlookers fades away.
Krogoth’s face lights up, his confident demeanor returning. He closes the distance between us and scoops me up in his massive arms. I squeal as he spins me round, his voice ringing out in laughter along with mine. The crowd joins in with their own whooping and cheering. It’s a magical moment. I’ve never felt so much love and acceptance in my entire life. I wish I could hold on to this feeling forever.
“You’ve made me so proud, my sweet Pebbles. Know that I’ll always love and protect you,” Krogoth whispers into my ear before gently placing me back on my feet. I lean to one side as the room continues to spin from dizziness. Krogoth places a steadying hand around my waist as he turns to face the crowd once more. “I am all out of speeches, friends, but thankfully, I’m not out of drink and food! Stay and enjoy yourselves,” he says, merrily.
The crowd responds with laughing and chants of “Chieftain!” and “Rocks!” Looking at them, I’m grateful that so many joined in on the celebrations. I wave tentatively to the crowd before Krogoth turns, leading us both back towards the massive throne-like chair.
Krogoth ascends the throne with ease, his long legs easily a match for its height. For me, getting off it feels like hopping off a towering wall. As I consider how best to scale the massive thing, Krogoth lifts me up onto his lap as easily as a feather.
I should probably be annoyed by all his manhandling, but I feel incredibly loved and protected, knowing that he is always there looking after me. He seems so in tune with me. It’s like he knows what I need before I do. In appreciation, I scoot up so mybum rests atop his crotch, wiggling a lot more than necessary as I do so.
A satisfying groan escapes him in response. I turn my head towards Krogoth, attempting to look playful, which I hope doesn’t make me look like an insane weirdo. “You gave an awesome speech, Korgy. But when you mentioned the visions, you could cut the tension with a knife!” I recall the place on the verge of erupting into a huge brawl.
Krogoth runs his massive hand gently over my back. “There was no need for any cutting,” he replies slowly.
I stifle a snicker at this response. “No, Krogoth, it’s a figure of speech back on earth. It means the tensions were high. Like a fight could happen,” I explain to him, smiling.
“Interesting,” Krogoth rubs his chin in thought. “Such a violent expression from such a weak species,” he says absently.
My eyes narrow with annoyance, being a member of the ‘weak species.’ But from the perspective of the hulking Klendathians, it’s hard to deny.
Krogoth notices my face and quickly chimes in, “Not you, Pebbles. You’re an honorary Klendathian now.”
“Does that mean I’ll grow to be seven feet tall and gain super strength?” I ask dryly.
“If such a thing was possible, you’d have slain the Magaxus Prospects and all the venefexes simultaneously!” Krogoth laughs briefly before continuing. “You are perfect the way you are,” he finishes, his face suddenly serious.
“That’s sweet, Krogoth,” I reply. My annoyance melts away, leaning back fully against my love, letting him wrap his arms around me as I rest my head on his broad chest. I watch the crowd mingle and chat amongst themselves, enjoying the food, drink, and company. It seems surreal being honored for so-called great deeds. The whole time I felt like I was stumbling, afraid and alone in the dark. Each day was a desperate strugglefor survival, not some grand epic adventure. I only did it to save Krogoth, who in typical Krogoth fashion had already saved himself!
Running my fingers across the three large coarse scars on my cheek, I suppress a shudder at the ‘gift’ left by the black-haired Prospect. I have other ones all over my body, too many to list. The harrowing experience has changed me both mentally and physically. My body now carries the repulsive reminders forever. They haven’t seemed to diminish Krogoth’s desire for me. But the cost was high and only by the skin of my teeth did I survive.
I take a deep breath, steadying my thoughts. Either way, I’m just glad it’s all over and I can relax safely with Krogoth at my side and enjoy the rest of the day. It’s then I notice Xandor and Rylar ascend the foot high step up, approaching us. I wave enthusiastically, greeting them.
“Hail, Chieftain Krogoth and Rocks,” Rylar says while doing the traditional military salute.
“Congratulations, Rocks. I knew you had it in you,” Xandor says, smiling as he hands me two giant horns brimming with alcohol.
“Ah, the insubordinate Xandor and Rylar!” Krogoth growls, as he gently slides me down to stand before the pair, looming over them with an aura thick with tension that fills me with unease.
“My apologies, Chieftain Krogoth, I didn’t notice you behind the titan that is Rocks,” Xandor quips with a smile on his lips, unphased by Krogoth’s demeanor
“Xandor, show some respect!” Rylar says, quickly reprimanding Xandor as he turns on him.
Krogoth raises a hand for silence. “I should banish you both from the Clan for doing the exact opposite of what I asked of you.” He stands before Xandor, his eyes burrowing into his. “Did you not understand a word of it? Because of your overly large head, perhaps?” Krogoth demands angrily.
Xandor feigns scratching his head. “If I remember correctly, you asked me to keep Rocks safe,” he says, before leaning sideways to look at me, as I stand awkwardly holding the two giant horns of drink, trying to keep my hands and nerves steady. “And as you see here, she is safe,” he says, gesturing towards me.