“My first act is to abolish the title of War Chieftain,” Krogoth proclaims, his words firm and unwavering. “It is an anathema to our noble people.”

“Second, I declare our alliance with the Scythians over,” he announces, his gaze sweeping the assembled crowd. “This alliance has shackled us to oppression, a disgrace that has brought us to the brink of extinction.”

“Soon I will return to the front lines and consult with the Clan Chieftains and strategize our next moves,” he continues, his tone resolute.

Krogoth raises his arms, his silhouette against the purple sky like a titan. “This marks the beginning of a new era. Together, united, and free, we will rebuild our shattered civilization,” he declares, clutching me tight. “We have paved the way towards a new future, one of peace and love, not death and destruction. Follow me, brothers, and I will show you the way!” His voice booms out over the peaks, stirring my heart.

The Elders and delegates bow their heads before cheering “Honor to High Chieftain Krogoth!”

I look up in wonder and pride at Krogoth clutched tightly in his embrace as he stands proud against the purple setting sun on this historic day, his form outlined by the fading light, a beacon of hope for all Klendathor, with Cupcake’s silhouette dancing amongst the billowing clouds.

Chapter 21



Maybe this green dress?I run my hand through the flowing soft fabric. Yeah, I’ll definitely be taking this one with me, adding it to the pile on my bed.How much do I have now?Glancing at the heap of clothes now dominating my room, a twinge of apprehension grips me. Krogoth’s going to have a field day when he sees this.

I bite my lip. Just one more should be enough, although I might’ve thought that five outfits ago. Better safe than sorry, when we’re going on a warship to an intergalactic battle zone for who knows how long.And I refuse to wear those horrible brown robes again.The thought of the coarse material on my skin makes me shudder.

I rummage through my giant wardrobe, practically inside the secret trove of forbidden treasures. Oh, this purple outfit looks nice, and Krogoth likes me wearing purple. The thought creases my lips with a smile.Wonder if he’s nearly home yet?Extending my awareness, attempting to detect his emotional energy, a curious yet familiar sensation washes over me.

The presence of two nearby, but when I delve deeper into them, I detect no thoughts. It’s an unsettling feeling. This happened once before, when I had projected myself into a cyloillar bug out in Draxxi forest.

“AHI, are there any lifeforms in this house, intelligent or otherwise?” I ask, thumbing my necklace in thought.

“Roxy. Negative, this domicile is void of lifeforms, intelligent or otherwise,” the robotic voice answers, the exact source hard to detect.

“Hey! I’m still here, you know” I retort, narrowing my eyes, wishing I could glare at AHI.

“Roxy. Do you require further assistance?” AHI asks, in a robotic tone I can swear has a touch of mockery to it.

No intelligent life forms. The cheek. Still, the mystery remains unsolved.Maybe I’m detecting some puffrio’s outside the window?Must be a nest close by or something.I shrug, absently returning to examine this exquisite purple dress, as I scrunch my face, wondering if I should add it to my rapidly growing mountain of clothes.

“Trial by fitting. It is the only way,” I decide with a nod. One must be ruthless in desperate times such as these, where only the fabulous can survive.Gods, Krogoth must be rubbing off on me.In a flash, I throw the silky one-shoulder flowing dress over my head. But my excitement is short-lived as I feel an uncomfortable tightness around my midsection and bust.

“AHI, have my clothes shrunk in the wash?” I ask, craning my neck, trying to catch a glimpse of my ass.

“Roxy. Negative, you are expanding exponentially. At the current rate, your mass will exceed this room in two years,” the sneaky trickster artificial intelligence declares.

“What do you mean, I’ll exceed the room? That’s impossible!” I protest, outraged, heat rising in my face at AHI’s brutally efficient response. “AHI, why do you keep feeding me all these treats, then?” I ask incredulously, looking towards the wooden plate of snacks. Maybe I have been indulging too much, but it has been so nice relaxing with Krogoth in our cozy house rather than trudging through forests and mountains.

“Roxy. Nourishment is essential for all lifeforms, particularly expanding ones,” AHI replies in its unemotional voice, hiding its shifty ways.

“I wouldn’t be expanding if you weren’t feeding me so much!” I exclaim, ignoring the nagging little detail that I’m the one actually eating it. “AHI, are you like a weird feeder robot? Is that your game, hoping I explode?” I tease, curious how the AHI will respond.

“Roxy. Negative. Such a colossal explosion would require many resources to remedy,” AHI responds immediately.

“Aw, you’re all heart AHI,” I reply, chuckling softly, wondering why it cheekily adds ‘colossal.’ It’s like an artificial intelligence created by Xandor or something. Running my hands over my stomach, the truth can’t be denied any longer. I have put on fat. With a deep sigh, I struggle to remove the purple dress, adding it back to the wardrobe of defeat.

Maybe I should give Rylar a visit?He’d soon whip me back into shape, although thinking about those sprints again sends a shiver down my spine. Yeah, cutting back on the food sounds like a much better plan, now that I think about it.

“Welcome home Korgy,” AHI declares, pricking my ears up with excitement at the announcement. I hurry down the massive corridor to the front door to find my beautiful man smiling.

“Hail my love,” he greets, scooping me up and kissing my face in a flurry of smooches that makes me sputter with laughter.

“Hey, big guy.” I kiss him gently on his full lips before he sets me down. “How did it go at the meeting?” I ask, curious since he had left to speak with some elders.