Krogoth’s hands clench into fists and his muscles tense, causing my chest to tighten with worry. “It’s not their fault, Krogoth!” I interrupt, eager to defuse the situation. “I begged them to help me prepare for the Proving. Without their help, I would’ve had no chance of surviving!” I plead.
Krogoth studies me for a long, considered moment, before his expression visibly relaxes. Finally, he nods before turning back to face the pair. “In that case, you have my thanks,” he grasps them both tightly around the head, using one arm for each. “You prepared her well! Did you know she slayed Xyronath the Shadowstalker?” Krogoth asks, his voice now full of joyous pride.
Rylar and Xandor squirm free, then exchange a brief glance, both letting out a sigh of relief. “Truly amazing. It was our honor to prepare her,” Rylar turns to face me directly. “Well done, Rocks, you never once gave up, and the Gods rewarded your hard work,” he nods with a rare smile on his lips.
Looking at their smiling faces fills me with happiness. I never thought I’d see them again after we parted on the day of the Proving. And it was because of the training and supplies they’d given me I had any chance of success. “Thank you both so much! I know why you pushed me so hard now,” I say, smiling.
Xandor chuckles, “I thank the Gods you succeeded Rocks,” he glances over at Krogoth. “I think Krogoth might have given us a different type of embrace if you had died,” he suggests.
Krogoth laughs. “I thought you enjoyed embraces?” he asks, looking at Xandor.
“Only from the fairest of maidens,” Xandor replies, his tone light as he playfully caresses an imaginary face with his hand.
Krogoth scoffs, “One warrior’s fair maiden might be a more sensible warrior’s idea of a heavyweight arena champion.” Krogoth says, amusing the three Klendathians. While I smile empathically, not fully appreciating the joke.I guess Xandor prefers bigger women? So what?
I shrug, taking a sip of the fruity tasting but potent drink from the horn.Klendathian drinks are strong!I hand the other one to Krogoth, who offers his thanks before he takes a generous swig from it. “Do you not enjoy the taste? Shall I get you a Stardust Sunrise?” Krogoth offers, after noticing I had drunk only a little from my horn.
I smile, thinking back to the previous time Krogoth got me drunk. “Oh no! It tastes fine. I just don’t want to end up like last time. Even the thought of it gives me a sore head,” I reply, while examining the green-colored contents.
“Relax, this is your big day, Pebbles, and there’s no Clan Magaxus chasing us this time,” Krogoth says, as he takes another large swig. His capacity for food and drink is truly shocking.
I take another small sip, enjoying the warmth from the alcohol spreading throughout my body. “The night is still young, Krogoth,” I warn, spying him over the rim of the horn.
Rylar quickly retrieves two drinks from the nearby table and hands one to Xandor. They both begin drinking deeply, trying to catch up to Krogoth. “Tell us Rocks, what was your proudest moment during the Proving?” Rylar asks.
“Hmmm, that’s a good question.” I reply before taking a moment to consider all the terrifying encounters. “I would say befriending Cupcake, but she flew away.” Even now, the memory of her departure still stings.I hope you’re eating your fill out there, Cupcake.
Rylar scratches his head. “I’m not familiar with the term ‘Cuuuupcakk.’ Is this a human expression?” he asks.
His pronunciation of the word Cupcake sounds awkward but funny so I snicker at the question, the drink already influencing me “Cupcake is a Brutus. Or was it brontosaur? Crap, Krogoth, what was that name again?” I ask, looking to Krogoth, who stands with his chest puffed out proud as a peacock.
“A brutonous! She befriended a brutonous hatchling. I saw it with my own eyes,” Krogoth answers, looking between Xandor and Rylar for their reactions.
Both Xandor and Rylar look at me with shock painted on their faces. “I thought they were extinct,” Xandor says.
“You truly are blessed by the Gods!” Rylar exclaims, pausing in thought before he continues. “Some say the brutonous are the messengers of the Gods, but I believe all living creatures are,” he finishes.
“Well, this messenger was the hungriest animal I’d ever seen, and she saved my life when I was attacked by Xyronath,” I say, while looking down into my drink, recalling the terrible struggle in the earthen tunnel.
“Honor to Cupcake,” Krogoth says, raising his horn, mercifully breaking the tension.
“Honor to Cupcake,” I and the others say in unison before taking another drink.
“Rocks, Xyronath was he a massive giant white bastard with one big red eye?” Xandor asks after a moment of silence.
I nod in agreement, wondering what strange direction Xandor will go with this information.
“Thought so,” Xandor pauses, taking a deep breath. “I’ve never told this story to anyone... Oh wait, except for Razor Lilly. Now she was a fair maiden, I wouldn’t mind embracing again,” he sighs while his eyes glaze over.
Rylar scoffs, “Razor Lilly? Sounds like a class of Nebian battle ships,” he mocks.
Xandor smiles, “And twice as durable. Make no mistake about that,” he says, drawing laughter from Krogoth.
Can he not stay focused for five seconds?“So, what happened with Xyronath?” I remind Xandor.
“Xyronath? Oh, yeah.” Xandor pauses for dramatic effect. “I too was hunted by the legendary Shadowstalker! During my own Proving, I was little more than a half-trained youth, unlike the brave hero that stands before you today.” I stop myself from saying something cheeky, worrying it’ll send the conversation spiraling in another random direction.
“The veterans had warned me about the beast, that it liked to feast on the bones of fresh Prospects. I thought the story was total nonsense! I mean, how long can a venefex live for right? A couple hundred years? But this thing was supposed to be hunting the forests for generations?” Xandor asks, looking towards us for an answer. I look at Krogoth, who simply shrugs his huge shoulders.