The arrohawk roars in agony, the wing on its right side shredded into pieces. The beast awkwardly turns using its two talons as it attempts to navigate the treacherous stoney edge of the peak. Seizing the opportunity, I dash forward, delivering a brutal frontal kick, straining to reach the creature’s midriff. With a satisfying thud, the arrohawk is propelled backwards, flapping its torn wings frantically, as it tumbles over the edge of the peaks. Standing at the precipice, I watch it plummet into the darkness below, a whirlwind of talons and wings disappearing into the darkness.
With the danger gone, I survey the peaks once more, recognizing this as the ancient meeting place of the High Chieftain. Millennia ago, my ancestors called meetings of clans here to discuss many political issues. Running my hand over the black menhir stones, I try to envision such a time, when Klendathians were strong and whole.How did everything unravel so swiftly?
Amidst the semicircle of lifeless and partially devoured venefexes, my gaze is captivated by the colossal remains of a brutonous. With a surge of excitement, I trail my hand over the feathery and furry mane of the titanic avian creature, marveling at its existence. Sightings of a brutonous had become a rarity, with many believing them to be extinct for centuries.
Even in death, the creature is imposing, displaying a noble yet fearsome bearing. Studying it further reveals hundreds of wounds torn into its flesh, even its dark scaled underbelly bearing deep gashes.Strangely, it fought on land. If it had attacked from the air, it would’ve made quick work of these venefexes.As if in answer to my thoughts, I notice a massive nest situated at the heart of the menhir circle.
Quickly I ascend the nest, shocked to find it littered with hundreds of bones. Mostly animal bones but dotted amongst them are also the remains of Klendathians, short, rotten-haired Prospects encased in their respective clan armors. Suddenly, the thought of Pebbles being carried off by the brutonous springs to my mind. In a panic, I rummage through the bones, turning them over for any sign of her.
Finding no trace of her amidst the bones, I breathe a sigh of relief. Aside from the relatively recent remains of a blond-haired Magaxus Prospect, the other bodies seemed to have been there for an extended period. Leaping down from the nest, I resume my journey, reaching the crest of the final hill on the peak. From there, the distant silhouette of Sunaisor, barely visible in the moonlit horizon, surprises me—I’ve arrived here remarkably quickly.
My thoughts turn back to the brutonous. To see one is considered auspicious among my people, viewed as a favorable message from the Gods.However, what portents could be gleaned finding one dead, a female of all things dying to protect its young?I find the question unsettling.
With no obvious tracks of Pebbles to follow, I continue north towards Sunaisor. Overwhelming pride blooms within my chest that my female has made it so far, that she may at this very moment stand before the gates of the ancient temple. Navigating the steep stony decline, my nose wrinkles as Pebbles’ sweet scent fills my senses, urging me forward.
My pulse quickens, knowing she must have passed here not long before.My hunt nears its end. She’s so close now!Quickening my pace, I rush along a riverbank. With every stride, the faint scent of my beloved intensifies.I can almost see her beautiful face now. Soon I will spin her round in my arms and hear her laughter once more.The thought brings a wide smile to my lips.
But my joy turns to worry as along the muddy riverbank, footprints of tiny Pebbles’ feet appear, but alongside them are the oversized venefex tracks similar to the ones I spotted before the great obsidian stone cliff.The venefex has her scent and will not stop until it kills its prey; I pray I’m not too late.
The broad expanse of tracks along the riverbank suggests a frantic pursuit, evident by the tangled bushes, broken twigs, and scattered white fur clinging to branches. Among these telltale signs lie a sparse scattering of feathers—some as radiant as freshly fallen snow, others as dark as midnight.What manner of creature is chasing her?My mind frantically tries to make sense of it all.
As I trace Pebbles’ tracks, the cacophony of a thundering waterfall grows increasingly audible, resonating with the river’s escalating speed. Abruptly, Pebbles’ footprints vanish, sending a surge of panic through my heart. Frantically scouring the area for any signs of struggle, I find only the massive venefex tracks encircling the river’s edge.Did Pebbles seek refuge by leaping into the torrential waters?
Approaching the precipice of the colossal waterfall, the deafening roar of the cascading waters fills the air. Gently peering over the edge, I’m taken aback by the sheer magnitude of the drop. Doubt gnaws at me; the fall seems unsurvivable for Pebbles. The towering height coupled with the forceful pressure of the plummeting waters spell almost certain doom.Perhaps, ifthe waters below are deep enough and the Gods are merciful, she might endure.
Driven by frenzied concern, I carefully navigate the perilous, muddy slope that leads me down to the river’s edge below.
Praying I find my Pebbles safe.
Chapter 22
Shrouded in darkness, Ifall. I am frantic with panic, searching for anything to grasp, but there’s nothing, only utter blackness. Where the hell am I? There’s no wind, no sound other than the faint sound of water falling, fading into the distance. It’s as if I’m floating in place, in a confused daze, trying to make sense of it all.
A serene purple light in the shape of a crescent moon descends from above me, its gentle glow wavering and undulating like a flame, yet offering no warmth or illumination in the impenetrable darkness. In wonder, I watch the light growing larger. My heart races as it towers over me. Beautiful and terrifying.
As the brightness intensifies, I shield my eyes and turn away, yet calmness fills me. It’s as if this light is some kind of protective presence, like a nurturing guardian watching over me.
“Rise and complete the cycle,”a powerful female voice calls out, but I can’t see the source.
Stammering, I struggle to ask a question as the purple light envelopes me. Its warm embrace washes away all my doubts, worries, and pains.
Suddenly, I find myself on the riverbank, gasping for air, drenched and shivering from the icy water that forces its way from my lungs. Spasms of coughing wrack my body, the sensation searing my throat.
Between fits of retching, I gaze at my surroundings. It looks like I’ve washed up down river. In the distance, I can hear the roaring torrent of a waterfall. The venefex knocked me into the river. The memory of the hysterical chase causes me to shudder with anxiety.
Judging by the dawn light, it’s morning now. Have I been floating down the river all night? Surely that is impossible? Both Xandor and Rylar had warned me that being out at night in the forest was a death sentence, but here I am, mostly intact.
The hissing sound of a vipertail startles me, and quickly I reach for my knife, ready to defend myself. Rising from the ground causes the left side of my body to protest with a piercing ache. I cast my eyes over the scene, trying to pinpoint the source.Where is the bloody thing?There are many red bushes and shrubs dotting the area for an attacker to hide.
I’m buffeted by the force of wings flapping, forcing me to take cover amongst the weeds. My heart pounds in my chest with fear until I notice it’s Cupcake as she comes thudding down amongst a red bush nearby. Swiping the ground, she quickly clutches a squirming vipertail. The horrible creature is impaled on her talon, then she quickly devours the thing.
“Good girl!” I exclaim as I pet her fuzzy mane. Cupcake nuzzles my face before licking me with her smelly, wet tongue. “Pfft,” I splutter before wiping my face with the back of my hand. She stretches her massive wings, revealing a captivating underside that mirrors the deep hues of the night sky. She barks happily before stumping off noisily into the bushes, presumably looking for something else to eat.
A growl comes from my stomach, so I reach for my bag for one of those bars.