What followed was shambles. I remembered struggling to pluck the black and white feathers from the bird with the razor-sharp serrated beak. Next, I tried cutting into the thing, not knowing what the hell I was doing. I can still recall Xandor’s laughter ringing in my ears. Afterwards, I learned some basics with a local Draxxi butcher, although it had been a struggle.
I carefully cut some hefty chunks of red meat from the hydralith and wrap them in left-over cloth from the bars and carefully put them into my pack. Mindful of the time, I take out my compass; I don’t want to hang around too long in case any bigger scavengers arrive for an easy breakfast, with me as a bonus desert. I follow the compass needle north once more. Darting between bushes and trees, avoiding dangers, I’m eager to make good time, hoping I can soon be done with this nightmare.
Before long, I notice the change in the terrain. The heavily dense forest gives way to open plains, with patches of red-colored grass as tall as me, with obsidian rock outcroppings spotted throughout. Further ahead, rocky hills and steep cliffs can be seen, promising a hard climb in the future.
I take in the view for a moment as the wind whisks my hair and the tall grass gently sways. The beauty contrasts with the horrors that probably lurk hidden in the plains. A knot of anxiety causes my heart to race as I contemplate my best strategy. Without thetrees and bushes for cover, it will be easier for predators to spot me. Maybe following the forest and going around would be the safer option? But there’s no guarantee the forest will lead to the temple. I could lose days in the attempt. Resigned, I decide the best option is to forge ahead through the plains using the tall grass as cover.
I take a deep breath before bolting as fast as lightning into the plains, hoping to reach the first patch of tall, red grass in the distance. With my hands and feet pumping in a blur, I notice a shadow cast around the area; must be the sun becoming obscured by clouds, causing an overcast sky.
Wait, there’s no cloud in the sky!
The shadow grows smaller as I throw myself, rolling to my left as quickly as I can.
The ground explodes into a cloud of muck and grass. My heart nearly pounds out of my chest as the ear-piercing shriek of an arrohawk rings out in frustration. I scramble to my feet, having narrowly dodged the beast’s murderous, snatching claws. Its huge snake-like eye regards me coldly. Its muzzled mouth opens, showing rows and rows of cruelly pointed teeth; it shrieks once more before I’m pounded by the force of its huge flapping wings the size of a small plane.
What am I going to do?
The arrohawk takes into the air, showing its sleek gray colored scales along its back.
Not wishing to be at the end of another swooping attack, I sprint as fast I can away from the huge claw marks rendered into the ground. The soil and debris that had spluttered onto me from the ground now falls in my haste. I struggle to contain my rapidly erratic breathing, having come so close to the terrifying monster. I aim towards an area with many black rocks, some of which have overhangs which will protect me from aerial attacks.Hopefully, I can hide there until it loses interest.
Approaching the cluster of large obsidian rocks as fast as I can, I slide, skidding under the rocks with outcroppings for protection. Relief washes over me, having made it in one piece.
As I gulp in a lungful of air, trying to catch my breath, I notice a vast shadow moving along the ground.Bloody thing is still above, waiting for me.This won’t be the first or last time I’ve waited hours for the coast to be clear.That arrohawk is going to be disappointed waiting for this meal.
A short time later, my ears prick up as I hear a familiar sound of a blast followed by the air being seared. I nearly jump out from behind my cover as one of the black rocks in front of me is struck by a dazzling blue bolt that is so hot it distorts the very air. The blast bores into the rock, turning it into a molten blue and black sludge. It’s the unmistakable effect of a plasma weapon. I feel my panic bubble beneath me as I realize a Prospect is behind me, with an advanced alien weapon.As if my odds weren’t already bad enough!
More bolts are being discharged in my direction.I have to do something!
The focal point of the sound gets closer with each shot. Frantically I glance about, looking for any option of escape. Molten blue lava bathes the rocks in front of me. The stones I’m using for cover will soon look the same, leaving me totally exposed.
In desperation, I sprint for the tall grass, leaping from behind the weakened rocks. I glance over my shoulder at the massive green-haired Prospect in his armor as he aims his plasma pistol in my direction.
Before I can take any kind of evasive action, the arrohawk returns, swooping so swiftly it’s as if it materializes from thin air.
“AGGGH!” the Prospect cries out in pain as the monstrous arrohawk digs its talons into the midsection of the Klendathian. He flails out with his own claws, digging into the huge terrifyingbeast. Frantically, he struggles as the arrohawk carries them both into the air.
I am frozen to the spot as I witness the aerial battle, hoping the arrohawk wins.
High above the ground, the arrohawk attempts to tear at its prey in its clutches, using its huge muzzle. The Prospect keeps the fatal blow at bay with his left claws raking against the beast. He struggles to angle his right hand, which, to my dismay, still holds the plasma pistol.
The sky erupts in blue flashes. The death cries of the arrohawk echo across the plains as the top half of the creature is turned into steaming molten blue viscera. The ground shakes as the pair come crashing down to earth.
My pulse races in fear at the sudden change of outcome. I waste no time sprinting into the long red grass, which stands taller than me. My visibility is poor, the grass so dense it feels claustrophobic as the wind sways the ends of the grass to brush annoyingly against my face.
He wouldn’t try to follow me now? He’ll be too badly injured… right?
I decide to take no chances, and I take out my bow and notch an arrow as I glance behind me. My trail will be easy to follow, as I notice I’m crushing the grass as I pass.What would Xandor do?I make zig zagging patterns of random movement, leaving no trace of a single line to follow.
“Where are you, little girl?” comes the monotonous voice of the Prospect.
My heart nearly stops beating in shock.Do these guys never stop?With an effort I control my panicky breathing as I crouch to the ground, moving silently, hidden amongst the grass.
“I can smell your fear,” he says, sounding closer now.
I move carefully, trying to not disturb the grass as I loop back round to where I entered the field, hoping to get behind him.
“Reveal yourself, and I promise to end your life quickly,” he offers before sputtering in pain.