Instinctively I grasp for the salamadile’s long, fin-like tail as it seeks to withdraw back into the geyser. My claws find purchase digging into the shimmering yellow scales of its tail. I yank and pull the beast, dragging it out of the geyser and exposing it to the harsh ashen winds outside.

The creature thrashes wildly, seeking to free itself, before turning to snap back at me with its huge, long jaws.

I narrowly dodge to either side of the beast to avoid its desperate snapping attacks. Picking my moment, I clamber prone onto its back, using my bulk and strength preventing it from thrashing. My muscles bulge, veins appear straining with effort, keeping the monster subdued as it attempts to wriggle and break free while I shift my body further along its back until my claws can reach for its neck.

I tear and rip at the soft scales exposed underneath the salamadile’s neck. It shudders, hissing in agony before shortly becoming motionless. A moment slower, it would have been me dragged into the geyser to be feasted upon, but the Gods blessed me with victory.

Tired from sprinting and struggling with the salamadile, now is a good time to rest and eat. Having the salamadile for a meal seems appropriate since I was about to be his. I cut chunks of white meat from the salamadile. Taking it with me towards a pooling stream of molten hot lava, I place the meat upon large stones that I set on top of the cooling magma. Moments later, the meat is sizzling and charring nicely; I turn it over to the other side, repeating the process.

Taking a bite of the charred meat, I smile, appreciating the smoky taste and the feel of having a hot meal in my belly for once.A few spices, and this would truly be delicious.After my fill, I repeat the cooking process for the arrohawk meat in my bag and some more of the salamadile meat. I need to stock upon as much food as I can before entering the dissolute deserts of Nardune.

Returning to the geyser and checking it’s safe, I quench my thirst on the warm but refreshing waters. My greatest concern for my travels is the lack of water going into the dunes, especially since I don’t have a means to transport any. Another brutal test of endurance where I’ll be pushed to my limits. I smile, welcoming the challenge.

Hours have passed since I left the bloodstained scene of the salamadile behind as I hasten through the desolate, unforgiving expanse of Magaxus territory. The landscape gradually becomes more hospitable with each step. The choking ash diminishes, and the menacing lava streams grow scarcer. Ahead, I see massive, jagged rock formations jut out, resembling the splintered teeth of an immense creature, perhaps one lying dormant.

The rhythmic drum of marching boots echoes, alerting my senses. I dart for cover behind one of the stone spikes, my back pressing against the rock as I crouch low, holding my breath in anticipation of what is coming my way.

“Faster, you lazy snarlbrocs!” barks a commanding voice, seasoned in authority.

Silently, I strain to eavesdrop, hoping to remain concealed. Fortunately, the rhythmic thud of marching feet moves past my hiding spot, gradually fading into the distance. I peek cautiously from my cover and spy a dozen Prospects marching in synchronized steps behind their battle-hardened leader. Their gray armor, speckled with glistening orange and red hues, unmistakably identifies them as members of Clan Magaxus.

There must be forging grounds nearby.

With deliberate caution, I trail the path the Prospects had taken. Studying the well-trodden ground, I discern the footprints left by generations of Magaxus warriors, forming anatural but well-worn road. I follow this path for a short while until I spot crude stone structures emerging on the horizon.

Using the natural rock formations for cover, I approach slowly. As I move closer, I notice the forging grounds are empty, with only the firing range in the distance ringing out with the occasional plasma blasts.Most of the Prospects must be away with exercises.Carefully, I make my way over to the largest stone building. Like all the buildings here, it resembles the shape of the nearby volcanoes.

With my back pressed against the building’s opening, I listen intently for any kind of activity. Once I’m satisfied the place is dead silent, I dash in. An array of fur beds line the rough black walls of the large cone shaped building. Not wasting a moment, I rummage through the stone chests beside each bed. Before long I am smiling with my newfound bounty of several canteens and a cache of food bars in my bag.

As soon as I have enough supplies, I prepare to leave. Turning towards the exit, a mass of muscle barrels into my chest with a crashing thud. I look down at the short-haired Prospect, his head barely reaching my shoulders. His green eyes widen in shock as they slowly ascend from my chest. Before our gazes meet, I react, delivering a swift headbutt with a sickening crunch, sending him collapsing to the floor.I cannot be discovered here.

Quickly, I glance outside, relieved to see no one else coming. I pick up the unconscious Prospect in my arms and move him to the nearest bed. Carefully, I take the layer of furs and tuck him in. The loud sound of his nasally breathing is oddly appropriate as I almost laugh in amusement. With any luck, he’ll wake up thinking I was a bad dream…if he doesn’t notice the large welt blossoming upon his temple. Better leave quickly then!

I check the exit is clear before rushing out behind the sharp, jagged rocks surrounding the forging grounds, movingcautiously behind cover at first, until I can no longer see the tips of the black stone buildings behind me. After which, I resume my blistering pace once more into the desolate Magaxus crags. I feel laden, but the bag full of water and food at my back fills me with renewed confidence. Now a rest, then I need only run like the wind.

I awaken abruptly, my claws instinctively tensing as my eyes scan the area for danger. Groggily, the memories of the past week flood back—endless running, scorching heat blurring each day into the next. The desert of Nardune has proven to be a more formidable obstacle than the ashen wastes of Magaxus; there, at least, the purple sun didn’t threaten to boil you alive and evaporate all water.

I rise onto my blistered feet and exit a small stone cave nestled amongst the dunes. I’m immediately greeted by the oppressive glare of the hazy and shimmering sun overhead. It was my intention to catch my breath in the shade for a moment, but as soon as I stopped, my body betrayed me and lulled me into a fitful sleep. Three times this weakness has happened in the past week. My hands curl into fists at the thought of wasting precious time reaching my Pebbles.

Judging by the sun’s position, only a couple of hours have passed. Not much time has been wasted, at least. Unscrewing the canteen holding my last drops of water, I drink the meager, warm liquid, barely quenching my thirst.I’ll need to find more and quickly if I’m to survive.

I start my sprint once more into the purple-tinted sands of the Nardune desert, a continuous sense of déjà vu brought about by the desolate sameness of the dunes. It’s a barren expanse devoid of anything other than endless sands, perpetual winds, and ceaselessly scorching sun. No landmarks, no mountains, no animals—just sand.

How can my cousins of the Sanaxus Clan endure such monotony? How I long to be amongst the vibrant forests of Draxxi again, with my Pebbles at my side.The thought is a soothing balm, which brings a smile to my face and spurs me forward. If the Gods are kind, in a few days I will find her safe and sound. We will probably have to find a way off-world and live in exile. Pebbles will probably suggest living back on Earth. Could I really settle down in such a place?

The hot, soft sands are merciless to sprint upon, each step I sink deeply into the ground, taking more effort to push off from. I’m working twice as hard to go half the speed and it frustrates me, as crucial time is being lost.

Even in these endless sands, I can’t let my guard down.

Sinkholes are a danger here. They are barely recognizable in the harsh glare of the sun, but there are signs, like the almost imperceptible lighter colored grains of sand sinking of their own accord. I shudder, imagining falling into one, being slowly swallowed by this cruel desert, every move hastening your doom. Not a death worthy of a Klendathian warrior.

Cresting a long rolling dune, I rub my dry eyes in disbelief.

Water! At last. Water.

In the distance, nestled among steep dunes, a blue-purple pool shimmers and gleams like a gift from the Gods, beckoning me onward. In eager haste, I rush down the steep incline towards the small pool of water, already imagining drinking deeply of the delicious, life-preserving liquid. It appears to be enough to fill my canteens, too.

Near the shimmering waters, I halt abruptly.Wait, something is not right here.