Holding the image of the hunter in my mind, his massive frame, stoic and confident, his entire presence menacing behind his warvisor, is the type of person who can survive out here in this harsh wilderness. I feel like a small child that’s wandered into the tiger pens in a zoo.

The dense canopy shields me from some of the relentless downpour, my coat wrapped tightly around me as a shield. As the vegetation thickens the deeper into the forest I go, I take cover in the shadows, darting from one shrub to another, my enhanced speed my only advantage. This is a perilous stretch of Draxxi Clan land. I need patience as I carefully navigate it, keeping vigilance for hidden dangers lurking amidst the dense foliage.

A deafening shriek tears through the forest and my heart leaps into my throat, halting me in my tracks. In the distance, the colossal form of an arrohawk materializes from the skies, a sight both awe-inspiring and petrifying. Its muzzled face and sleek, scaled body exudes a primal power as it plunges into the canopy, its talons extended to seize its unsuspecting prey.

The unfortunate creature, pulled from the safety of the trees, dangles helplessly in the grasp of the monstrous predator. With terrifying precision, the arrohawk whisks its prey into the distance, the sound of snapping branches echoing through the forest as it disappears, consumed by the colossal bird’s insatiable hunger.

I tremble in shock and fear at the sight. Seeking safety, I quickly scramble into the cover of the nearby bushes, pulling my coat tighter to blend into the foliage. My heart races in my chest as I huddle down, praying that an arrohawk doesn’t sense my presence among the dense underbrush. Every nerve in my body screams in terror, but I force myself to stay silent and motionless.

Could I even react to such a quick attack?It seemed to appear from nowhere. I vow to always keep one eye on the clouds above from now on. I wait for my frantic breathing to return to normal as I remain hidden within the foliage before feeling confident enough to resume my march northward.

I continue my journey, darting between bush cover as I have done previously, paying close attention to the clouds above, which tells me I’m making steady progress. My confidence is bolstered by the enormous distance I’ve covered in just a half day, darting as a blur of movement in my armor.If I can continue like this, maybe I will sneak into the temple with no Prospects or horrible beasties noticing!

As if in response to my hubris, the forest floor begins to quake, shattering the tranquility of the surroundings.

What the fuck is happening!?

Quickly, I crouch in a thicket, clutching my coat tightly around me as the ground trembles with increasing intensity. The quake starts as a subtle tremor, but soon the earth rumbles with undeniable force. My pulse quickens as I gaze with wide-eyed trepidation, the hair-raising sensation of impending danger coursing through me at the thunderous approach of colossal beasts heading my way.

From the dense foliage emerges a herd of magnificent creatures, towering in stature, each one the size of a small house. With hooves thundering against the ground, these hulking herbivores Xandor had named as “aurodons,” known for grazingtheir way through the forest, their majestic forms a sight to behold. Their brown hides glisten in the faint light filtering through the canopy, massive horns jutting from the sides of their heads and oar-like tails swaying behind them. Yet, they are not alone in this spectacle.

Swiftly following in their wake, a chilling cacophony of snarls and barks slices through the air, signaling the arrival of the predatory hydraliths. These bipedal hunters, covered in menacing chitinous armor, stalk with purposeful strides. Their powerful forelimbs end in slashing claws, each hydralith resembling a fearsome predator bigger than tigers.

In the deafening commotion of the fleeing aurodons and the menacing pursuit of the hydraliths, panic grips me fiercely. Their chaotic charge, barreling straight towards my crouched position, presents a chilling dilemma. Staying means risking being trampled by the stampeding herd while fleeing might turn me into the hydraliths’ main course.

I watch in horror as a gray furred aurodon straggling behind desperately struggles as it’s pulled onto its side as a half dozen hydraliths swarm greedily around the poor beast, seeking their meaty prize. With the hydraliths distracted, I decide to break cover from the oncoming stampeding herd. Rushing like lightning, I bolt to my right, intent on putting as much distance as I can between myself and the scene of carnage.

My heart races in terror when I spot a lone hydralith peeling from the group, having noticed my attempted escape. My breath comes in ragged gasps as I push myself and the exoenhancer to maximum capacity. The speed is so dizzying I’m barely able to react to the obstacles in my path. Yet, the hydralith remains in hot pursuit, its snarling breath growing distant but persistent as I sprint onward.

Despite the adrenaline-fueled dash, the relentless hydralith maintains pace, its bloodthirsty pursuit unnerving me. Its bared,razor-sharp teeth, glistening with malice, mirror my escalating fear. I can’t afford any misstep that would be my immediate doom.

The terrain shifts, vegetation lessening, giving way to rocky formations. A surge of panic overtakes me as I hurtle towards a row of bushes. Instinctively, I leap over the tall hedge instead of wasting precious moments circling around it. Mid-air, I realize in terror that I’m hurtling toward a small, cave-like orifice on the other side.

With my arms flailing frantically, I try to catch myself as I descend into the tight darkness of the cave. My heart flutters in panic as I free fall before momentarily feeling the jarring jolt of force of my hands and feet contacting the rocky ground. If not for the armor absorbing the impact, I might have broken an ankle or a wrist, but thankfully, I remain unhurt. I lie motionless, gasping for breath.

For a tense moment, I expect the hydralith to come crashing through the entrance, yet it doesn’t follow. The cave is a realm of shadows, save for a faint glimmer filtering from above. The incessant patter of raindrops provides the only audible rhythm in the cavern’s confines.

I dare not move in case this is the home of some horrible cave dwelling monster, but I neither notice anything moving or smell anything other than musty mold and stale water. Knowing I can’t stay here forever, I search through my bag in the darkness, fumbling for the burner that Xandor had left me. Finally, my hands clasp the tube-like shape and I pull it out, turning the switch on to cast some flickering flames to illuminate the space.

My shoulders relax, the tension lessening when I see the cave has a cramped narrow path winding out of this chamber I’m currently in. Cautiously I make my way into the path ahead, having to crouch to squeeze through, even holding the burner like a torch in front of me. I can still make out luminescentinsects on the cave walls. Some are green, others are red. They flutter away from my feeble light. I’m glad, hoping none of the gross bugs come anywhere near me.Giant monsters are one thing, but hundreds of creepy crawlies are another ordeal entirely!

I shudder, hearing the chitinous wings of the horrible insects buzzing noisily around me. My heart sinks further, noticing the path becoming lower and lower, forcing me to crawl to make further progress. My breathing becomes erratic in panic, hoping there’s an actual exit at the end of his path. I scream in terror as I feel something flutter past my face.

This is a bloody nightmare!

On hands and knees, I press on, trying my best to ignore the claustrophobic feeling as I push on for what feels like an eternity. I crawl until coming to a larger chamber with more light from the outside streaming in. Standing, I stretch my limbs, taking a deep breath, savoring the fresh scent of victory.

I don’t stand for long before I hear the unmistakable sounds of vipertails hissing above me. Adrenaline pumps into my veins as I reach for my knife at my waist as fast as I can.

But I’m too late. “Aghhh!”

I scream as a dozen of them pounce from the ceiling, landing all about me. Like whips, their scorpion-like stringers crack at my armor, harmlessly bouncing off the golden metal. Frantically, I swing my huge knife, killing them as fast as I can. A vipertail on my shoulder strikes my cheek, sending pain searing through my mind.

Fuck. This is it. I’m dead. It’s over. But I’m taking more of you fuckers with me.

I recall Xandor warning me of their deadly poison. Still, I crush my attacker with my gauntleted hand. A few more I shake off before crushing them beneath my armored boot. Their death hisses oddly satisfying despite my dire circumstances.

Satisfied I’ve taken care of any remaining threats, I touch my swollen face. My cheek feels numb, an eerie sensation signaling the venom’s paralytic effect.