My gaze follows his outstretched hands, fixing on the massive purple sun at its zenith. Nearby, the full moon reflects the sun’s light, resembling two watchful eyes gazing down upon us. A shiver runs down my spine at the profound sight.

“Worthy of the sacred path that leads to Sunaisor,” Vereth continues.

I glance around at my fellow young warriors, noticing Zyraxis whispering into the ear of a red-haired youth, who nods in agreement.

“It is not merely a journey through the forest, but a test of your mettle, a forging of your spirits,” Vereth recites. I find myself playing with my necklace again, trying to calm my frantic heartbeat.


I hear my name. It’s faint at first, before it grows louder.

“Rocks! Rocks! Rocks!” I turn to see hundreds of Clan Draxxus men standing in the distance, waving and chanting my name.

“Each step you take, each obstacle you overcome, brings you closer to the divine blessing that awaits you within thosehallowed underground halls,” Vereth proclaims, his voice rising above the continuous chant of my name.

“Rocks! Rocks! Rocks!”

My heart soars to see them all. Their chants envelop me and I’m almost overwhelmed with gratitude so much I can feel it in my soul. This is a moment that etches itself on my very core, and I appreciate every one of those who came to stand by me.

Vereth strikes the ground with his staff in his fervor. “Go now!” he roars.

My Proving has officially begun.

Chapter 17



At Vereth’s command, thefour Prospects take off at full sprint into the dense forest ahead. I stand still, like a spectator, before the waning chants and cheers of my name make me realize I need to get going!This is it, Roxy! Everything we’ve worked towards; it’s time to save Krogoth.

With a slow steady jog, I head into the now familiar forest that is the beginning of the Taru path. Xandor drilled the route of the first day into my head, with every one of our field hunts leading us deeper along it, so I’m confident I can handle what is up ahead.

It’s what comes after today which worries me. Outside, the hunter’s borders are where monstrous beasts prey on the weak and slow. Xandor prepared me as best he could with recordingsand an encyclopedia of data on the creatures. But it’s one thing studying them from the safety of my home on a console versus what I imagine having a pack of hydraliths encircling me, baying for my blood, will really feel like.

Before long, I arrive at the river, taking a moment to enjoy the flowing violet and blue waters, its peaceful motions completely at odds with my flood of thoughts. So far I haven’t seen any of the Prospects, but I can’t dwell on what they are doing. Xandor mentioned he left something near to the place I first encountered the cyloillar skull. I scan the area, trying to recall what the bush looked like. It’s definitely around here somewhere. I take my trident and begin prodding the nearby dense hedges and brushes filled with red leaves cautiously until I make contact with something hard.

Carefully, I clear the bushes to reveal a large leather satchel with two straps. I smile at my discovery and place my trident down, opening the satchel with enthusiasm to examine the contents.

I count three metal canteens filled with some kind of liquid. Unscrewing one, I give it a sniff. With Xandor, it’s hard to know if it’s alcohol or water, but I don’t detect any smell from it. There’s some various dried meats and strange bars wrapped in cloth. Unwrapping one, it reminds me of the jellied rations back on Krogoth’s ship. My teeth won’t be happy, but my stomach will be.

Next, I pull out a long thick rope, compass, some bandages, a small jar of something that faintly glows green, some sort of powerful burner that I nearly burn my finger with turning on, and at the bottom some large tarp like material that I assume is meant for shelter. I quickly stuff them all back into the satchel as best I can.I hope I survive long enough to thank Xandor; his gift is going to take care of some of my basic survival needs… at least for a while.I sling the bulky bag over my shoulders,thankful the additional weight feels like nothing because of the exoenhancer armor bolstering my strength.

I continue following the river but stand some way from the bank itself, keeping an eye out for vipertails, a dark reddish snake-scorpion thing with bug-eyes and spiny sharp ridges down its length. I learned from my test runs that they often lie in wait for victims there. I’m so focused on watching for the vipertails, I nearly stumble in shock when a flock of razorbills erupts from some trees ahead of me, squawking frantically in a hurried flight.Something must be coming!Panic grips my chest, causing my breathing to become erratic. I’m moving so fast my limbs blur, darting into the orange-red colored bushes nearby, wrapping my coat tightly around me to camouflage myself.

Although my vision is reduced, I peek out of a tiny slit from within my hood. It’s hard to make out anything other than the endless forest, but something spooked those birds, so I take my time. As I wait, the only sound is the rustle of leaves and my own heavy, anxious breathing.Maybe I’m overreacting, and it’s nothing?Just as I consider leaving my hiding place, I hear the light pattering of steps. Slowly they grow louder, moving closer.

With considerable effort, I try to control my breathing. My heart feels like it’s going to beat out of my chest.What the hell is out there?I suppress a gasp at the sudden fright of a twig being snapped. Whatever it is, it’s close.

“The Elder said she’d be here,” says a male, completely monotonous, followed by more rustling leaves that sound close by.

“She can’t be too far,” a second male says, with a similar monotone voice. I can just about make out one of them as he passes my field of vision. It’s one of the young Prospects, his short red hair framing his impassive face. I remain deathly still, daring not to move a single muscle. He crouches, placing a hand on the ground, examining the very earth itself.

“She was here,” the red-haired youth states with no emotion. “See her tiny prints here?” He gestures to the ground.

They’re going to find me!

Adrenaline roars through my veins and almost overwhelms my senses. For a moment, I contemplate making a mad dash further into the forest.Maybe I can outrun them?No, they’ll catch me! And I have no chance of overpowering them.Two other youths join him, studying my tracks in the dirt. I recognize all of them as three of the four other Klendathian Prospects, distinguished by their different hair colors.