“What was your life like before Tensin?” I ask, curious.
Zelana’s eyes glaze over, lost in memory. “Before Great mas… I mean Tensin,” she lets out a wry chuckle, “I’m not sure. He bought me from some slavers when I was very young. He told me my parents were killed, that he’d never even seen my species before.” Tears well up in her eyes. “I don’t even know what my people are called, Rocks.”
Zelana’s large, obsidian eyes meet mine. “So I served as his attendant aboard his putrid ship for many years until I came of age, and that’s when the real horror started.”
My heart aches for Zelana. It’s almost unfathomable to imagine living your entire life under the thumb of a loathsome creature like Tensin Naxsus. I’m once again thankful he met the gruesome end he deserved. “Zelana, I’m so sorry. The bastard got what he deserved for what he done to you and the others.”
“No, don’t apologize. It’s because of you I could finally escape. To start again.” Her gaze follows two bare chested Klendathians casually passing closely by, the purple sun highlighting their sculpted muscles.
I laugh, noticing her distraction. “There are definitely worse places for a lady to end up,” I say.
Zelana’s face flushes that strange blue color again. “Oh. They are all so big and strong here, I can hardly focus half the time.” She giggles, covering her small mouth. “Do you think their cocks match their massive bodies?” she whispers.
I stifle a laugh, trying not to sound too obvious. “I probably shouldn’t say, but I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.”
Zelana squeals in delight, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “Really? How exciting!” Her face falls slightly. “They’d never want a woman as soiled as me, though, with a head full of terrible memories.” She pauses, her smile fading. “I don’t mean to bring the conversation down.”
“Zelana, what happened to you was not your fault. You are a victim of a terrible, evil monster. Don’t believe you are in any way lesser than anyone else, because you deserve to be happy,” I say, hoping to instill some strength in her.
“I hope someday I can believe that,” Zelana sullenly says, her voice soft and melancholic.
“One day at a time,” I reply, my words carrying a reassuring tone, “And If I’m still around after next week, I’ll always be here for you,” I add with a wry chuckle.
The sudden boom of Rylar’s voice startles me, causing me to nearly drop my boracks milk over Zelana’s pretty dress as she nearly leaps off the bench, her petite form trembling with surprise and fear. I’m still not used to the sheer power behind his voice, and clearly, I’m not the only one caught off guard.
“My apologies, pretty female,” Rylar says, a hint of courtesy in his tone that surprises me. I can’t recall him ever using the word “pretty” before.
He extends his armored hand to steady Zelana, his grip gentle yet firm. “My name is Rylar, Clan Draxxus’ forger of war brothers,” he introduces himself formally, his words accompanied by the customary Klendathian salute. “May I know your name?” His gaze lingers on Zelana, an intensity that borders on fascination.
“M-M-me?” Zelana stammers, her voice laced with uncertainty. She rises from her seat, her movements somewhat awkward. “I’m just Zelana, no one important,” she replies with abrief bow, her words tinged with humility. But the blush across her cheeks tells me she’s not unaffected by Rylar’s attention.
Rylar’s frown deepens in response to Zelana’s self-deprecating words. “No one important?” he counters, a trace of indignation in his voice. “I beg to differ, surely someone—” he begins, but I decide to intervene.
As much as I’m enjoying the surprisingly awkward yet sweet interaction, I assume Rylar came because he has news for me. “Rylar, is it time? Do I have to go now?” I ask more calmly than I feel, suppressing my rising anxiety.
Rylar slowly tears his gaze from Zelana. It’d be sweet if my life wasn’t on the line right now.I’ll do something for them both. If I return… no, when I return.
“Go? Oh yes, some elders are here. You must present yourself. Now.” My pulse quickens at his words.So this is it?I clench my fists to stop my hands from shaking.
“Good luck, Rocks. You’re strong. I know you can do it.” Zelana gives me a hug, but I barely register her touch as I’m lost in my own anxious thoughts. As she steps away, I come back to the present.
“Oh. Zelana, remember what I said.” I smile, nodding slyly at Rylar. “Sometimes the solution is right in front of you.” My words elicit a shy giggle from her and her blush deepens again.
Rylar bows once more towards Zelana, who watches him closely. “It was a pleasure. I hope we meet again.”
Zelana waves us goodbye as Rylar leads me toward the forging fields. I reach for the necklace Krogoth gifted me, rubbing the strange glowing orange crystal in the middle between my fingers. It brings me comfort, feeling some way closer to Krogoth.
“Your friend Zelana… she is a haunting beauty. I’ve never seen her species before. Where does she hail from?” Rylar asks me, shyer than I have ever heard him speak before.
I resist the urge to sigh.He’s thinking of getting a girlfriend while I’m about to face almost certain death.“You should ask her yourself sometime. I think she might like that,” I suggest, deciding to play matchmaker if I do actually survive this mess.
Rylar’s shoulders slump. “Ah, it’s a silly notion. What would she see in an old, crippled war brother like me?” he asks, resigned.
Rylar’s rare display of vulnerability takes me by surprise, totally at odds with the roaring harsh taskmaster I’ve come to know.
“She might see the noble veteran who worked his ass off to save a friend,” I state, looking up into his eyes.