Freezing, chilling wind howls against my almost naked body. My hands tremble with growing numbness. I summon all my rage and fury, thinking of everything that has led me to this pit of despair, for my Rush to roar within me. My eyes mist in defiance, a declaration of intent to survive the hollowing decline.

The air is thin this high amongst the darkened clouds, compounded by the fact the sparse oxygen is laden with flecks of ash from the constantly erupting volcanoes. It’s a struggle to breathe. My chest is heaving with effort, my lungs singed by the oppressive atmosphere. The harshness pushes me onward, knowing that every step lower will be easier.

Fueled by my rage and determination to find Pebbles, I rapidly navigate the Peaks of Scarn. Surveying the landscape, I finallysee the ground in the distance, giving me hope of finishing the brutal climb soon. Further afield, I glance at an array of molten capped volcanoes, bubbling and steaming. The view is simultaneously magnificent and brutal. It’s no wonder the Magaxus Clan is so harsh and unyielding, calling such a place home.

Surveying the scene, a flutter of movement above, almost hidden amongst the dark clouds, catches my eyes.

The webbed wings of an arrohawk grow larger as the beast moves closer, scanning the cliffs for a meal. My pulse rises at the sight. I have no way to defend myself with my back exposed hanging from the cliff-face. I scan the area for a safe place. Not far below, I notice a larger ledge jutting out. If I can make it there in time, I’ll be better able to tear the ambitious creature apart should it dare attack me.

As if hearing my plan, the arrohawk catches sight of me and unleashes a deafening roar, its call reverberating off the volcanic crags. Despite the noxious air causing a fit of coughing, I hasten my drop toward the ledge below.

This is a race against time, but I will not fail.

The arrohawk, notorious for its blinding speed, swoops directly at me. I position myself higher above the ledge, but still far from its safety. The monstrous predator lunges behind me, its claws stretching eagerly. With a shout, I let go of the rough stone cliffs, tumbling and sliding down the jagged rocks until crashing onto the ledge.

I scarcely notice the numerous cuts and scrapes I’ve acquired, so quickly I regain my composure, preparing for whatever the arrohawk has in store next. Its eyes, glinting orbs with vertical slits, fixate on me coldly. Perched upon the rocks where I had been hanging moments ago, the creature roars in frustration, unfurling its enormous webbed wings as it swoops toward me.I crouch into a fighting stance, claws extended and ready for battle.

Good. I’m hungry.

Like a bullet, it hurdles straight at me. Its huge claws glinting menacingly in the hazy purple sunlight. It moves with incredible speed but my Rush rages through me, increasing my reactions and strengthening my muscles. At the last possible moment, before its claws can penetrate my exposed chest, I dash to the side in a blurring motion. The ear-piercing sound of its claws scraping off stone rings out, as I retaliate with a savage upward claw thrust into the gray-colored scaled chest of the beast.

The arrohawk roars in pain as my claws bite deep. I’m forced to leap backwards as it lashes out wildly, its long tail and muzzle spinning in a fury to get revenge. Effortlessly, I weave through the brutal attacks like a dancer perfectly executing a choreographed performance. With each missed attack, I punish the creature with thrusting attacks aimed between its scales. It’s not long before my opponent is awash with dozens of gashes and punctures.

Exhausted, the arrohawk pants heavily, its once fierce gaze now tinged with uncertainty. Glimpsing the sky, it turns away, unfurling colossal wings.

“Not so fast, my flying breakfast!” I yell, leaping onto the beast’s back and scaling along its spiky spine until I reach beneath its neck.

Though it thrashes wildly to dislodge me, I cling steadfastly, digging my left-hand claws into its back while unleashing a flurry of vicious blows with my right, tearing at its neck.

It roars in agony as it desperately attempts to shake me off. The arrohawk’s muzzled head coils backwards, trying to crush me in its jaws, but I need only shift to the other side of its neck to avoid the danger. Before long, the beast grows weaker as a large pool of blood gathers beneath us, its strength weakening,life flowing from its body. The monster crashes to the ground, breathing its final breath.

Standing atop the defeated arrohawk, I ensure it remains motionless before swooping in to begin my grisly work. With deft claws, I carve out the hulking chest muscles, offering a prayer of gratitude to Machsin for this bounty and to Dagdorix for the strength to overcome.

My stomach rumbles at the sight of the meat. I eagerly devour the raw flesh, enjoying the taste despite it not being cooked or seasoned. My aching hunger spurs me, finally happy to receive any nourishment. I’ll need every ounce of strength I can muster, for the journey back to Draxxi, back to my Pebbles, will be long indeed.

After devouring enough of the raw meat to quell my hunger, I begin to fashion the arrohawk’s hide. Slicing and cleaning it in the yellowish stained rain, I make a makeshift scaled cloak, and a durable scaled bag using sinew and cleaned hide. Stuffing the bag with slices of the arrohawk meat, I prepare to resume my climb down the daunting peaks of Scarn.

Estimating myself halfway down, I find some relief as the wind lessens, and the air clears, even as traces of ash linger. As the mountain base widens, certain areas become walkable rather than sheer cliffs to scale.

Finally, I touch the ground. I pause, glancing at the cloudy sky and the sliver of the large purple moon visible. Judging by its phase, I estimate less than two weeks until the Proving.

With mounting anxiety, knowing the journey from here to the Proving typically takes over three weeks, I set off swiftly toward Draxxi, toward Pebbles, my beloved.

I need only go faster.

Chapter 16



Ican scarcely believeit’s here.

Two weeks of training, blood, sweat and tears boil down to this. I take a deep breath in a vain attempt to steady my nerves. Today, I will start my Proving.

I take a moment, staring down at my armored hands as I clench my fist, testing the hidden strength within, hoping for some silent reassurance that I can do this. Last night I barely slept a wink, my mind racing with all my hopes and fears. Can I really pull this off? Or will I die alone and forgotten in the wilds, dooming the man I love?

The huge majestic wooden statue of the Klendathian Goddess Machsin that lies in the heart of Draxru towers over me and I take a moment to look up and admire her. She looks so calm,alluring with a graceful strength that I wish I could muster right now. I brought flowers with me; it seems like the right thing to do. So I place the colorful bouquet among the many offerings at the base of the statue.