He paces back and forth, appearing frustrated. “You made me look a fool in front of my peers!” Zyraxis roars suddenly as he sneers through the bars at me.
For a moment, I consider reaching out to tear out his throat before reassessing.
“And this suicidal notion of defying the Scythians, the same madness that drove your treacherous father to plunge our entire planet into civil war?” He draws in a deep breath, his words weighted with sorrow and rage. “I lost my father in that war, Krogoth. He died fighting bravely so traitors like you wouldn’t bring ruin upon us all. And I will carry on his legacy by seeing you dead.”
The raw emotion in his voice catches me off guard, a glimpse of the pain that lies beneath his veneer of hatred.
Zyraxis clears his throat and straightens himself once more. “Like any fanatic, you do not fear death. Any fool can see that. But what about the alien whore you claim to love?”
I feel my Rush rising as my misty purple eyes bore into his.
“Ah, that got your attention. Do you think she’ll attempt the Proving, Krogoth? I recently discovered humans are a weak species, almost no warriors among them. She wouldn’t last a day!” His cruel laughter fills the cramped space. “I pray she does. I will relish the look on your face when I return here and tell you she’s dead because of you, just before we throw you into a volcano.” His words hang in the air.
I take deep breaths, trying to control the raging torrent of anger bubbling to express itself. Zyraxis wants to goad me, to provoke a reaction. I won’t give him the satisfaction.
“Of course, if the silly whore tries, I’ll see she never makes it to Sunaisor… Can’t leave the fate of our entire species up to chance, can we?”
With those words, my anger wins out. I reach for the only thing I can call a weapon in this pit with lightning-fast speed. Using as much force as I can muster, I grab my full shit-pot and fling it directly at Zyraxis, savoring the shocked expression on his face as he desperately recoils in futility. He screams like a newborn boracks as the pot shatters against the bars, sending excrement shooting in every direction. The majority of it smears his once pristine white robes.
I laugh bitterly, watching him gasp for breath, struggling to comprehend as he wipes a chunk from his face. “Covered in shit, as befits your station,” I say mockingly.
Zyraxis glares at me, his composure shattered. “No more food!” he bellows, then abruptly turns to depart, taking the precious light with him, leaving me once again in complete darkness, with no slop for the znats.
I hope Pebbles doesn’t throw her life away.
Chapter 13
My lungs strain againstthe rush of air as I sprint along the dirt path like Rylar had instructed. I’ve lost count how many laps I’ve done at this point. Each time, my exoenhancer armor helps propel me forward with speeds I never dreamed of during my decathlon days. My arms and legs move with blinding speed. The power generated from my legs launches me forward as if I’m almost floating. I’m sure I’ve broken a half dozen Earth world records.
“Again! And keep those knees high, you lazy znat,” Rylar barks as I reach the end of another sprint.
Between sprints, I glance over at the groups of young men in the training fields with me.
This is a place where he prepares young Klendathian men to become warriors. It’s like a military training camp, with sprint lanes, tracks, climbing walls, obstacle courses and shooting ranges.
This is a place I never expected to be, especially with so many guys with their chests laid bare, their glistering muscular bodies contoured by the early morning sun would’ve been swoon worthy previously. But now when I look at them, all I see is competition.
“Another lap! I’ve seen snarlbrocs move faster,” Rylar roars, pacing up and down his one arm behind his back.
If I can make myself faster and stronger than those young warriors, then I’ll have a good chance of surviving the Proving.And save Krogoth from this awful situation.As I run as fast as I can, I recall how everyone tried to talk me out of even trying. They think I have no chance. Even Krogoth instructed Xandor to convince me to abandon him. I know Krogoth wants to protect me, but I will prove them all wrong.I’m not giving up.
“Enough!” Rylar commands as he moves towards me.
I double over, my lungs on fire, sucking in large mouthfuls of air. Rylar tosses some leather cloth, which lands unceremoniously on the back of my head. I pluck the thing and start wiping my sweaty head and neck down.
“You are fast, Rocks, unbelievably so,” Rylar says, looking at me with an inquisitive eye.
I straighten up with my hands on hips, trying to catch my breath with little success.
“This… armor… is… exoenhancer,” I wheeze between gulps of air.
Rylar’s eyes widen in shock. “Nu’warian exoenhancer? You’re full of surprises.”