Nyxius places a hand upon Vereth’s own. “Do not do this, old friend. The Scythians are destroyers. They cannot be trusted. We must resist them as young Krogoth says.”

His words, a rallying cry, divide the chamber into fervent factions. Elders clash in heated debate, their voices a symphony of dissent. I watch in wonder, my life hanging in the balance, as these old elders nearly come to blows.

“If I may!” Zyraxis roars, his voice piercing through the hall. He pauses, waiting for the last chatter to die out. “I believe I have an elegant solution that will resolve this dispute.” His gaze fixes on me, an unsettling glint in his eye. “Krogoth, you claim to love her?” he probes.

“Yes,” I affirm, my voice unwavering. There is no doubt in my mind, and there never has been.

“You claim you are bonded?” Zyraxis continues, each word a measured step towards a fateful verdict.

“Yes,” I assert, my conviction unyielding.

“You claim the Gods will bless this bond at the Mortakin-Tok?” Zyraxis’ query hangs in the air, laden with consequence.

“Yes,” I reply, my voice a resolute affirmation.

Zyraxis’ smirk belies the hatred oozing from his eyes.

“If the Gods truly bless such a union, then this human female should survive the Proving this approaching full moon. If she succeeds, Krogoth and her are free to attempt the Mortakin-Tok. But if she cannot complete this coming Proving, Krogoth will be executed as a traitor. He will, of course, have to remain here to ensure he doesn’t flee,” he proclaims.

Vereth, the weight of decision etched upon his face, places a hand under his chin. “Yes. Leave it in the hands of the Gods,” he muses, his gaze distant, lost in contemplation. He turns his attention back to the council, seeking their consensus. “All who support this judgement, please stand.”

I watch in panic, praying they all remain seated. With hesitant glances exchanged, all the elders, save for Nyxius, rise to their feet.

The scales tip, my fate sealed.

I fall to my knees, utterly defeated. The weight of the council’s verdict presses upon me, suffocating and relentless. Knowing that, because of me, Pebbles may die. My heart clenches, torn between the desperate hope that she’ll choose to flee and the grim acceptance that my fate is sealed.

Vereth’s staff crashes down, a final decree etched in stone. “Very well, by majority, this sacred judgement is concluded. Assistants, please bring him to the cells.”

Frantically, I activate my wrist console, fingers darting across the holographic interface. With unsteady hands, I fervently find the message I had written earlier, sending it to Pebbles as fast as I can.

The last thing I hear is Zyraxis’s laughter mocking me from up high.

It’s over. Flee and live, my Pebbles.

Chapter 10



I’m still nestled ona seat of plush furs, close to the roaring bonfire that casts dancing shadows across the assembly of Klendathians. Their faces are alight with delight as laughter rings through the air. Amidst the camaraderie, one of the Klendathian men steps forward, and a hush descends.

I watch with interest as he gets ready to recite a poem.

“In shadows deep, our warriors tread, a civil war, our brothers bled. Scythian machines, a metal tide, our females wept, their hearts denied.

“Our planet wept, its skies ablaze, as we Draxxus fought in desperate craze. To save our females from cruel fate, we battled on, our love, our weight.

“Empty cradles, silent homes, echoes of laughter, now distant tones. A civilization lost, in depths of despair, our hearts heavy burdened, beyond compare.

“Yet in unity forged, we’ll rise from the ash, reclaim our legacy, renew our clash. For Klendathian spirit, though wounded, remains, and in our hearts, a spark of hope sustains.”

As the last words linger in the air, I join in the warm applause with the others. I’m moved by the sincerity in his words and imagine the harrowing experiences which created it.

I’ve been so caught up in the evening’s festivities, I didn’t notice the purple sun is low in the sky or the darkness creeping in.Crap, I need to get back!

I scramble to my feet, worrying if it gets much darker, I’ll not be able to navigate my way back through the forest with the impossibly large trees, back towards Krogoth’s house.Our house. I still haven’t wrapped my head around that!