With Felixus on board, we all agree on the plan and head towards the elevator to make our way up to the surface. It takes a long time passing through the intricate network system of old miner tunnels. I let out a sigh of relief, grateful I don’t have to endure the rope climb again, carrying all these parts.
As the elevator doors open, the nauseating view of the station’s dim and grimy surface greets us. Felixus turns to us. “See you over at Javik’s.” With that, his battlesuit vents explode to life, sending him flying off into the distance, barely visible at the apex of the roofed station.
Xandor chimes in, “Nice trick that. The Scythians never give us anything that good!”
“With that kind of tech, we could take on anything. Unfortunately, they don’t build them for our size,” I reply, half-jokingly.
Stepping out of the elevator, I take a moment to get my bearings and figure out where we are. This part of the station seems unfamiliar in the dimly lit surroundings. But soon enough, I spot Javik’s large stone building as it looms in the distance, and we make our way through the dark and dingy alleyways, carrying the container of Nebian battlesuit parts.
Passing by the drugged-out residents, I can feel their strange looks on us, but I watch for any hostile intent. We are so close to winning what we need. I just hope Pebbles and the others are still safe on the ship. It feels like an eternity since I last saw her, and the thought of anything happening to her puts a knot in my stomach.
Arriving at the stone steps leading up to Javik’s imposing building, the Crimson Beast on guard nods for us to go in when he casts his eyes over what we are carrying.
As we step inside the building’s hallway, a group of heavily armed guards stops us. I see the defense positions and security measures scattered around the room, and it’s clear Javik isn’t taking any chances.
It’s no surprise, really. This Godless sewer is known for its treachery and deceit. If Javik plans to meet us here, he’s surely intending to double-cross us on our deal. But we’re not about to back down.
After a moment, Javik emerges from his own room. Walking over confidently, his huge sharp teeth make a wide grin as he takes in the sight of the Nebian technology in the container.
“Amazing! I’m impressed,” he says as he ruffles through bits and pieces.
“Is this all the Whores Orphans had?” he demands, his eyes narrowing suspiciously.
“Yes, of course we brought everything,” I reply, keeping my voice steady.
“I see…” Javik says thoughtfully, tapping his fingers on the desk. “Very well, a deal’s a deal, as they say.” He gestures to one of his members, who places a case on the desk in front of me.
“It’s been a pleasure,” Javik adds with a sly smile, inclining his large horned head.
I cautiously approach the case, wary of any potential treachery, and gingerly open it. Inside, I behold several pounds of the peculiar, orange-hued Elerium, its gentle glow and swirling motion confirming its authenticity. Beside it lies the promised credit chip, just as promised.
But then Javik’s words give me pause. “You must think me a fool, Klendathian! A crippled Scythian battlebarge with a handful of crew. You’re deserters through and through. Andwhat would they do if they knew I aided you? No, I think they’ll pay handsomely for the return of their warship, along with the traitors who stole it. So long!” Javik turns his back and walks away.
Before he’s even finished speaking, I rush to take cover behind the large stone pillar close to the door entrance. Hails of ballistics rain down, sending chips of pillar and floor whizzing through the air. I’m relieved to see Xander and Logarn have also taken cover. If Felixus doesn’t show, we will have real trouble escaping with our lives.
Right on cue, a colossal form comes crashing down through the ceiling, shaking the very foundations of the building. The air is filled with chaos as debris and dust fly everywhere, and the blinding flashes of ruby laser fire pierce through the smoke. The sounds of gunfire mix with the agonizing screams of the dying Crimson Beasts, making it impossible to distinguish one from the other.
One of the heavily fortified positions unleashes a barrage of bullets at Felixus’ battlesuit, but they prove to be futile against its high-velocity shields that shimmer red, deflecting each impact. Felixus effortlessly hovers by to the next level and unleashes a devastating concentrated laser burst, obliterating an entire section of the room and its walls in a brilliant explosion of red light and heat.
As the dust settles, there is only the sound of falling masonry. I peek out to see Felixus picking up the container of Nebian battlesuit parts. I come out to join him in the center of the room, checking the case and its contents are ok. My attention is quickly drawn to Javik’s lifeless body, crushed under the weight of Felixus’ dramatic entrance.
“A Nebian saving a Klendathian’s hide. Who would have thought we’d ever see the day?” Felixus’ laughter echoes through the broken hallway.
“We saved you first!” Xandor protests.
“You wanted to leave me to rot in that cell, laddie!” Felixus retorts. “So, have you got what you came for?” he asks, turning his large machine in my direction.
“Yes, Elerium, to power the ship,” I explain, “We must hurry. The Psykes will be nearly finished repairing the ship by now.”
Pebbles, please be ok.
Chapter 17
Islowly regain consciousness.A throbbing pain resonates through my skull, intensifying with each passing moment. The harrowing memories of the events that unfolded before my eyes flood my mind. The sensation of being cornered by the grotesque, insectoid invaders, relentlessly breaching the walls of the ship, and the frenzied efforts of the brave Klendathian defenders to repel them, all come rushing back.Did the bastards touch me?I frantically scan my body with my hands. I’m relieved when I realize I remain unmolested.