I walk over to a desk and mirror against one wall, close to the armor. It has a holographic computer on it and a couple of items. It is hard to make out being so high up. I step onto the chair, which is little more than grooves cut into a tree stump. There is a large wooden mug and a square of what looks like green jelly. I try interacting with the console, but like with the wrist armor, it doesn’t respond. I sigh loudly.If only I could get access to their controls.

I then drag the massive mug towards the edge of the table at my end. It contains some thick white liquid that must have over two liters in the mug. My stomach rumbles loudly, announcing itself. I haven’t eaten anything since my date with Robert yesterday.

I slowly dip my index finger into the liquid and bring it to my face.



Doesn’t smell awful. It didn’t have much of an aroma at all. I take a deep breath and lick the liquid off my finger…“Hmm.” It instantly reminds me of milk but creamier. I quickly snatch the mug with two hands and start greedily gulping the milk. The creamy smooth texture fills my mouth with its rich, refreshing flavor.Delicious!

I put the mug back on the table in between trying to catch my breath. Next, I pick up the weird green jelly bar, wiggling it around. It’s pretty soft as it flops in my hand.What the hell is this?I bring it to my nose and inhale deeply. Hmm, doesn’t smell like anything at all. I take a tiny nibble at the corner. I chew… and chew and chew. It has a sweet taste, reminds me of eating Jell-O premade out of the box as a kid. I take a bigger bite, trying to separate the thing apart with my teeth. My neck strainsas I pull away with my head while simultaneously pulling the opposite direction with my hands. Finally, it rips, and I can start chewing it.Nearly lost a few teeth there!

Krogoth must have left these for me last night. Either that or I’ve just stolen his breakfast.He might be a thoughtful giant alien murder machine, the least he can do if he’s stealing me away!I look in the mirror and see I’m still wearing the same sliced up brown robe from yesterday. My heart sinks when I notice I have the worst case of bed head ever witnessed. My hair appears as if electricity zapped it, then was tossed into a clothes dryer on the highest spin cycle.

Right, this isn’t the time for vanity. It’s time to get out of here and get some answers. I approach the entrance door, still chewing the damn jelly. Some of these doors open automatically and others need some control panel access I recall from the shower rooms. This one does not open when I approach, causing my stomach to sink.He’s locked me in here! Wait until I get my hands on that big oaf. There must be a way out of here. I examine the room again, taking a deep breath.

An idea strikes me, and I quickly position myself behind the suit of armor, preparing to move it. With a deep breath, I charge forward and collide with the sturdy mannequin, letting out a grunt as the impact takes the wind out of me. “Oof!” I gasp, rubbing my sore shoulder. Despite the pain, I notice that I’ve managed to budge the armor a foot closer to the entrance. A minor victory, but it feels satisfying nonetheless.

My adrenaline rises as I reposition myself for what I hope is the last charge.This better work.Charging into the mannequin leading with my shoulder, screaming my best battle cry, “Ahh!” I hear an almighty clang and crash. Pain shoots up my shoulders, vision spinning as I tumble to the ground, covering my head with my arms. I’m rewarded with the glorious sound of the entrancedoor whizzing open. I hop back onto my feet, running towards the door before it can close again.

If my job has taught me anything, it is how to think outside the box to break stuff.I can hardly believe it actually worked.Breaking out seemed like a great idea, but what do I do now?I rub my shoulder. It’s throbbing and won’t be long before I’m bruised like an old banana. I crouch down, making myself smaller, and tiptoe in a random direction along the black marble corridor.

It’s hard to control my breathing and my mouth feels like I’ve eaten a box of dry crackers.Nice and slow, easy does it.I press my face to a window up ahead, my eyes drinking in the endless expanse of space. Streaks of vibrant colors stream by, the twisting ribbons of light an indication of the incredible speed at which the ship is traveling.Not good, terrible in fact.I urgently need to stop this ship if I’m ever going to make it back to Earth.

“Pebbles!” a familiar voice booms.

Startled, I nearly jump out of my skin. “I… I was. Ah. The armor fell over. An… and the door just opened on its own.”Is it too late to run?

Krogoth comes thundering over and hauls me over his shoulder as easily as I would a pillow. “You sneak like wild borack!” he grunts, carrying me back into the room.

Recovering from my initial shock, I find my words. “Put me down, you overgrown oaf. You locked me in this room, what if a fire… AH!” He throws me onto the bed, cutting me off mid-sentence. Then sets down a pile of brown robes and my old clothes beside me.

I grind my teeth together. “Are you even listening? These giant cult uniforms are not happening.” I throw them in his direction.I’ll keep my clothes, though.

He casually dodges, smirking. Frustration bubbles up inside me. He picks up his fallen armor and quickly places both wristplates on. They come to life and project the now familiar blue holographic display.

“Say something,” he says, staring at me.

“As I was saying, what would have hap–”

“Say something else,” he laughs. “Astraxius is a genius. We can communicate now.” He holds up his wrist to show the console.

“That’s great news, Krogoth. Now, can you take me back to Earth?” I hold my hands to hide their shaking.

There is a slight pause as Krogoth reads the translation on his console. “No. You’re mine.” He stares unblinkingly.

I feel like I’ve just been gut punched. “What are you going to do? Keep me here forever locked in this damn room?” I frantically point to the floor.

He walks over and gently strokes my cheek with his finger. “I promise I will not lock you in this room if you promise not to try to escape again.”

I instinctively look down, unable to meet his eyes. “How would I escape, anyway? Not like I know how to fly this thing.”

“I wouldn’t risk it. That trick with my armor was clever.” He gently uses his fingers under my chin to raise my head, forcing me to look up into his intense purple eyes. “I will not hurt you. This I swear on my ancestors.”

A thrill courses through my veins, electrifying my senses.I wish he wouldn’t look at me like this.No!I ruthlessly suppress the growing feeling of butterflies in my stomach. I can’t trust him.They always lie. I’d seen it all before. Probably wants a quick fling, then he’ll dump me off on a random moon somewhere.

“I… don’t believe you.” The words stumble out.