“Hail, brothers.” I say, clasping Xandor on his wrist.
“Ah, Chieftain, it’s good you return from your hunt. Xandor was just informing me our scouts have detected Scythian patrols in this sector,” Astraxius states, mimicking the same gesture of respect as Xandor without as much enthusiasm. He wears a white robe denoting his role as a scientist.
“Our absence from the main war fleet will have been noticed by now. We can’t stay here any longer. Xandor, plot a course back to Klendathor, avoiding the Sirius system,” I say while tracing a finger through the galaxy map.
For years, my clan, the Draxxus, has taken part in the Scythian suppression of the Nebians. It is a brutal war. The Nebians, with their advanced battlesuit technologies, inflicted heavy losses. They are the first species in centuries to halt a Scythian invasion. With the Scythians weakened and distracted, now is the time to strike and break their brutal hold over my people.
After the ship suffered minor damage during a boarding operation, I had feigned to War Chieftain Gorexius that we suffered serious hull damage. He commanded I return to Sirius Forward Space Station for repairs and report back immediately. It bought us enough time to arrive on Earth.
“Was your hunt… fruitful, Chieftain?” Astraxius asks, concerned.
“Of course it was. How could any female resist our chieftain? She’s probably already carrying twins,” Xandor quickly interjects with a wide grin.
“Xandor, you must be thinking of yourself. Last I heard, the females were paying you at the Nilius Pleasure Gardens. They were so impressed,” I say, laughing.
Astraxius clears his throat. “Chieftain, I must stress the importance of bonding with this female. You are the only one on this ship that has a single match. Only through you two can I verify the validity of my last century’s work.” Astraxius graspsme tightly around the shoulders. “This may be the only way to free ourselves from the Scythians’ terrible hold on our people,” he adds with an intense stare.
Astraxius’ words are a stark reminder of the importance of this mission.
I clench my fists. “I know I’ve risked all our lives to come here. But I refuse to be nothing more than a weapon to be used by the hated Scythians! Our people are better than that,” I speak loudly, ensuring everyone on the command bridge can hear clearly.
I pause for a moment and look around the room, my gaze stopping at each of my warrior’s faces.
“They’ve taken nearly everything from us, reduced us from great people to mindless killers who only know the thrill of battle. Our females stolen from us. Children returned to us with no idea of who they are or where they come from. I will lead the way and build a future again.” My words drip with rage as I recall exactly what they have stolen from us, and I make a silent vow to do everything in my power to right these wrongs.
A few seconds pass for what feels like an eternity. Every war brother in the room stands.Thump, thump, thumpechoes around the bridge until it reaches a crescendo. All my war brothers, without exception, bang their right-hand fists against their chest. I swell with pride for my loyal Draxxus brothers. Even old Astraxius nods approvingly.
“Well said, Chieftain. We’ll rip out their twisted hearts until we take back what is ours,” Xandor says, baring his fangs.
I give Xandor an encouraging slap on the back, feeling the solid thud of my palm against his armor. “Indeed, friend,” I say, “The female’s name is Rocks. Our communication is strained because of the language barrier, but at times, I could see a spark of interest in her eyes.”
I let out a sigh before I continue. “Yet, I fear the shock of the situation is too much for her. She collapsed upon learning shewas no longer on Earth, so I carried her to my bedroom to rest.” I feel a pang of concern for Pebbles again.
Astraxius rubs his chin. “Hmm. It has been a few centuries since we’ve interacted with our females for the bonding rituals. Judging by other species, it is a delicate balance fraught with many pitfalls. You must tread carefully,” he says whilst reading something on the console.
Astraxius presses a few symbols on the console. “Something that may help with the first problem. I have transferred a translation program onto your console stream. I adopted it from a program I wrote that translated Klendathian and Nebian. Next time you meet her, bring a wrist console with you,” he says, tapping his left wrist.
“Thank you, Astraxius,” I say, inclining my head in respect.
“Astraxius, aren’t you old enough to have been an adult before we lost our females? You must remember how courting and bonding took place?” Xander asks with a raised eyebrow, staring at Astraxius.
“Alas, I do not. You see, I was a sickly, slight little one that had a predilection for studying instead of hunting or fighting. The females had no interest and nor did I,” Astraxius says, staring absently out into space.
“We finally found the one thing you don’t know the answer to,” I interject, grinning towards Xandor.
“Never once have I claimed to know everything. Now if you will excuse me, Chieftain. I must rest now. I’m not as young as I once was,” he says, turning to leave. “Oh. Please send Rocks to my lab when she’s able.”
“Of course. I’d like you to give her a health check as well,” I suggest as Astraxius slowly makes his way towards the door.
“So, what’s she like, Krogoth? I know you have a duty to perform but there’s only so much a warrior can do when he’s looking down the backside of a hairy boracks!” Xandor says,showing a wide grin. As childhood friends, he often drops protocol, speaking casually. It’s a welcome habit that even his promotion to my Second never diminished.
“She is the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on,” I say, looking down, recalling her innocent, smiling face looking up at me.
“Truly? I can’t wait to meet her,” Xandor says, grinning with a gleam in his eyes.
“Xandor, if I catch you anywhere near her, I will fire you out into space from an arc cannon. She belongs to me,” I say more loudly than I had intended.
Xandor takes a step back with his hands held up. “Steady, old friend. I would never dare challenge you. Are there others on Earth, other females like Rocks?” he says, leaning in.