“No,” I reply, laughing at her expression.
“Jeez, what do they feed you on Klendathor? Wait, it’s boracks milk, isn’t it?” she chuckles, answering her own question.
“Right, ready or not, here I come!” She releases her unbelievably cute battle cry as she charges into me at the center of the ring. The force is as meager as it was before. She wraps her tiny arms around my waist, trying to trip me with her foot placedbehind mine like she had done last time. I simply hold on to her so she’s pulling against both of us.
She flashes that wicked smile of hers before she quickly reaches for the graviton training belt around my waist. With a quick twist of her wrist, she increases the dial on the belt. The incredible force crushes down on me, and my muscles bulge as the strain increases, causing my teeth to clench and my breathing to become labored. I can feel the blood rushing to my face, making my cheeks flush with heat.
With visible veins popping into my arms, I struggle to maintain my balance as she continues her throwing technique. The room spins around me before the impact with the ground takes my breath away, coupled with the extra force of the belt. I lie on my back, feeling the coarse sandy floor beneath me. Hands straining with all my might, reaching for the dial, I by some means turn the belt off, breathing a heavy sigh of relief, feeling the incredible crushing force being removed.
“That’s more like it!” she exclaims, her voice ringing in my ears.
“You are far too sneaky for your own good,” I say, my voice strained as I struggle to catch my breath.
“Not sneaky, just learning to think like a Klendathian,” she retorts, offering me a hand up.
As she offers an outstretched hand, I pull her towards me. Her tiny body rushes in against mine. I meet her luscious lips with my own, massaging them eagerly, feeling the desire for Pebbles building inside me. I probe her lips with my tongue, happy to feel her opening her beautiful full lips, allowing me access to the soft wetness within. I greedily intertwine our tongues together, relishing the low moans that escape her lips. The feel of her body against mine, the sound of our entwined breaths, and the taste of her on my tongue spurs me on further.
Suddenly, the unwelcome whirring of the door opening echoes in my ears, and I turn my head, fixing a glare on the intruder. “Wait, warrior. You train here, we’ll take this someplace else,” I say, smiling at Pebbles. “Come on, Pebbles. Let’s continue your training somewhere more private.” I stand and take her hand.
“Such a task master, this one.” She giggles as we pass Logarn, who looks blankly at us.
It’s more important I complete Pebbles’… other training soon.
Chapter 25
Ifurrow my browas I try to make sense of the unfamiliar symbols on the holographic display in front of me. It is like trying to decipher a complex code, and I let out a frustrated sigh as I stretch my back to ease the tension that has built up.
As I continue to study the Klendathian language, I feel impressed, and a little jealous, of Krogoth’s ability to learn English so quickly. I smile fondly as I recall the rough-around-the-edges version of him I met on Earth. I think he might like it if I could speak a few of his words before we part ways. Plus, it’ll be fun to see the look on the Big Guy’s face when I remind him I kicked his ass in his own language.
As I peer at the holographic display, I notice the intricate symbols that translate to “Mortakin-Tok” in English, listedsimply as a sacred bonding ritual. The meaning behind it holds great significance to Krogoth, and completing the ceremony seems to be a mystery not only to me but also to him, as none of the male Klendathians have done it in so long.
“MOR-ta-kin TOOK,” I say slowly, sounding out each syllable.
“Close, MOR-ta-kin TOCK,” Krogoth says, correcting.
I turn around in surprise to see the smiling face of Krogoth moving towards me. He is wearing his robe and huge fur monster claw cloak that makes him seem like a regal titan. He lightly kisses me on the head as he approaches. My heart flutters at the sight of him.
“Hail, tiny Pebbles, are you studying Klendathian?” he asks. Excitement and surprise blooms in his face as he looks over the display.
“Yeah, well, trying to, anyway. I was hoping to surprise you with it, though,” I state, slightly disappointed that I’ve been caught so soon.
“This is a surprise! I thought with your decision to return to Earth, the last thing you’d be doing is learning our language,” he says, rubbing my back with his huge hand.
I look up into his beautiful purple eyes. “It’s been a crazy few days, but it just feels like the right thing to do.” I take his hand in my two hands. “When you were at Terminus Exile Station, I missed you terribly. Then almost losing you in that awful duel… I really like you, Krogoth…”
“I feel the same. Always have since I first laid eyes on you,” he says, his eyes full of intensity. “I came to ask you on a ‘date,’” he finishes, turning his back.
“A date? Aww, Krogoth, that’s sweet you remembered,” I say, delighted at the idea. “I’m surprised. You didn’t seem to know what I meant last time,” I add inquisitively.
He lets out a short laugh. “I didn’t! Still not sure, but I looked through Astraxius’ notes and it makes more sense now.” He paces back and forth, looking unsure.
“I’m so excited. I formally accept your invitation, Korgy. So, what’s the date?” I ask, clapping my hands together lightly.
Krogoth stops pacing and stands in front of me, like a criminal mastermind unveiling his master plan. “Like I mentioned before, I want to cook you some proper Klendathian cuisine. I fear the jellied rations are not doing my people’s reputation justice,” he says in a serious tone.