I raise an eyebrow in amusement. “Is my tiny Pebbles jealous?”

“You bet I am,” she retorts playfully. “No one’s stealing my hunk of a man from me.”

I frown at her words. “No one’s stealing anyone. Soon you’ll be free like you wanted.”

“But you still stole me,” she counters incredulously.

I scratch my head, feeling slightly trapped. “That was different. We are bonded by the Gods… It is only a temporary taking until we return you back to Earth.”

“‘Bonded by the Gods,’ more like a sweet madness.” She smiles, jumping out of the bed. Her naked voluptuous form causes my cock to twitch at the beautiful sight before she sadly tosses on her own modified robes. “Right, so where are we going, Big Guy?” She approaches, standing before me, absurdly small and cute.

“We are going to the training halls,” I reply, taking her hand in mine as we move to leave the room.

“Good, I’ve been hoping for a rematch,” she says, bumping me with her shoulder.

It’s not long before the sound of a heated discussion reverberates through the corridor. As we get closer, it becomes apparent that it’s coming from Xandor and Felixus as Xandor looms over the small Nebian who stands defiantly before him.

“What is going on here?” I demand as I look between the two of them.

“Hail, High Chieftain, and Hail, Rocks,” Xander says, saluting. “Did you know that there’s a Nu’warian female on board?” he says, clearly excited. “An actual living Nu’warian!”

Felixus interrupts, “This blockhead wants to further traumatize these poor women by ‘introducing himself.’ The last thing these women need is this monstrous brute drooling all over them!” He waves his hand, encompassing Xandor.

“This is a Klendathian ship, short stuff. You don’t forbid me to do anything!” Xandor glares down at the small Nebian. “You just want them to yourself. That’s what this is about?” Xandor accuses, smirking.

“Don’t be a bigger blockhead than you already are! I’ll stand sentry outside these females’ rooms wearing my battlesuit if I have to stop you. You horned up barbarian,” Felixus says, puffing out his chest.

“Besides, didn’t you see what they did to Tensin? By the void, they tore him apart.” Felixus leans in, his voice dropping to a whisper, laden with urgency.

“No more than he deserved,” Pebbles chimes in eagerly. “Shame we had to let the spectators and their ‘attendees’ go, though.”

“True, Rocks, they got off too lightly! But the thing is, I like my females with a bit of a bite. If you know what I mean,” Xandor says, smiling, showing his fangs.

“No, I doubt anyone knows what you mean,” Felixus interjects, shaking his head. “This is unseemly to discuss in front of a lady.” He bows to Pebbles, taking her hand and kissing it. I eye him suspiciously.

“It lightens my heart to see you safe, like the others,” Felixus says, looking up at Pebbles.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Felixus, and thank you for helping Krogoth rescue me,” Pebbles says sweetly, returning a curt bow to Felixus.

“Stunning victory, lad, beating the Exoenhancer armored champion. I didn’t think you had it in you,” Felixus says, grinning at me.

“It was thanks to your shield upgrade I could block many of his attacks,” I say, nodding in approval.

“Pfft, nonsense, Chieftain, you didn’t need that weakling Nebian tech. It was because you moved like him. Like in a blur. How did you do it?” Xandor asks, suddenly interested.

“The thought of dying and leaving Pebbles to such a cruel fate.” I nod to Pebbles. “The Rush was incredibly intense. I felt nothing like it,” I say, eyes distant, reliving the battle in my mind.

“The Gods have truly cursed me by denying me a bond with an Earth female.” Xandor looks down.

I pat him on the back sympathetically.

“The Earth girls can rest easier at least,”Felixus says, laughing.

“All females know their modesty is safe with you around, being too small to perform the deed,” Xandor sneers back before quickly regaining his composure. “Chieftain, we recovered our sacred warvisors and other interesting items from Tensin’s ship,” Xandor finishes, back to his official patter.

“Good. We will return them to the honored catacombs of Nardune. Have Tensin’s ship set to follow us. It might prove useful. What interesting items did he have?” I ask.

“Ten million credits, a solid sphere of pure Elerium, some Nebian weapons, a half crushed Exoenhancer suit, courtesy of yourself. And a ton of ornaments and strange items,” Xandor finishes, shrugging.