I shouldn’t care what the hell he calls me if it hurries me back home, but despite my best intentions, I quickly point to myself again. “No. Not Rocks. Roxy!” I say, eagerly trying to correct him. I never liked my name, and I remember the other kids in school following me around singing The Police’s hit song“Roxanne.” Something about a red light. I need to nip this in the bud now.

He grins. His eyes look mischievous. “You tiny. Pebbles,” he says, pointing at me with his index finger.Just great. If this carries on, he will reduce my name to just TP. I need to put him on the back foot and hurry this along.

“Listen, Korgy. I’m very sleepy.” I act sleepily by placing my head on my hands which are pressed together, speaking slowly. “Can you call me a taxi? I have work in the morning.” I finish with my hands mimicking moving a steering wheel.

Krogoth erupts into laughter. “Korgy, meaning divine penis,” he says as his shoulders shake uncontrollably. Again, I’m struck by the sheer looming size of him and take another step back.

Suddenly, he stops laughing, concern showing on his face.Is he worried that he might be frightening me? Cause he definitely is and I don't know how long I can keep up my bravado.A sense of relief washes over me, maybe I can trust him. After all, he saved me from those attackers.Maybe he is some sort of escaped genetic experiment? And am I trapped in a military laboratory that created this super soldier?

“Pebbles, already on taxi,” he says with his arms opening to encompass the room.

I cross my arms in frustration.That doesn’t make any sense. This guy is obviously not the smartest cookie in the jar. I need a fresh line of questions.“WHY IS PEBBLES HERE?” I say, obnoxiously slowly and loudly, trying to mimic his own use of words. It’s incredibly rude, but the time for politeness is over. I have work tomorrow!

Krogoth smiles again and says, “You Krogoth Mortakin-Kis.” There is that mischievous look in his eyes again. My heart sinks. This hulking giant has intentions for me other than dropping me off home, and I know now that I might never see my friends or apartment again.

I brace myself as I ask, “WHAT IS MORTAKIN-KIS?” my voice shaking, barely holding the hysteria at bay.

He looks thoughtful with his hand rubbing his chin, eyes looking up. “Hmm. Eternal female. Wife,” he quickly says, so matter of fact. Purple eyes stare eagerly for a reaction.Wife!No, this is not happening. This cannot be happening. It must be an elaborate prank. Any second now, people are going to run in, laughing and holding cameras.

Terror grips me as I realize his almost nakedness might have more sinister motives than I initially thought. What if he tries to consummate a marriage right here, right now? I take a little comfort that I’m fully clothed.

I take another few steps back. “I can’t marry you… I’m already married!” I blurt out in a rush. It is probably too fast for him to understand. Krogoth immediately bounds forward at a speed I didn’t think possible for his size, closing the distance between us. I just about get my arms up protectively.

He gently places his huge hand on my cheek, tilting my face from one side to the other. His head bows lower for a closer inspection with his intense purple eyes. I can hear and feel his breath on my face and neck. He has a pleasant, scented smell that reminds me of leather and smoke.

He next takes my left hand, laying it flat on his giant palm. The contrast in size makes me feel like a child. Flipping it over and inspecting both sides, then repeating the process with my other hand, he is incredibly gentle with his movements. Looking slightly down, I notice a ridiculously large bulge outlined suggestively against his loincloth mere inches from my boobs.Divine penis indeed!

Finally done with his inspection, Krogoth lets my hand slip free as he stands straight again. “No bond marks. No bond tokens,” he says, relieved. “Pebbles hunts human male RobertMortakin-Kai?” he asks, looking eagerly for an answer.How did he know of Robert?

He is looking for a ring on my finger. He knows I’m lying. I assume Mortakin-Kai is like a wife but must refer to the male as a husband. What a horrible thought, marrying Robert.“Yes, I seek Robert as Mortakin-Kai!” I say with conviction, attempting to make the lie believable.

Krogoth narrows his purple eyes in a disapproving fashion. “You lie, female,” he rumbles, for the first time appearing annoyed at me. “Bah! I watch Pebbles reject male Robert,” he says, bringing his head closer to mine. “Not matter. If true, I challenge male Robert Krak-Tok.” I feel sick to my stomach.That sounds too ominous to be anything good, which means I’ve just guaranteed Robert’s death.This is why I should never lie!

I look into his eyes. “I’m sorry, I lied. Robert is not my boyfriend-kai,” I plead.

He looks pleased, moving his head back and standing straight. “Good, you return lie.” He smiles at me again. “Pebbles, no time, must hurry. Wash.” He slowly reaches under my armpits and lifts me as easily as if I were a doll and begins carrying me toward one of the golden statues.

“No, thank you, I’m still recovering from my last icicle shower,” I blurt out, shocked. He sets me down beside a statue and presses the belt buckle, then turns it clockwise. Steamy water immediately rushes out of the statue’s globe.

Krogoth runs his massive hand through the water, saying, “Water warm.” I pass my hand through it next to discover he’s right. I nervously begin taking my soaked coat off. Setting it aside, I notice Krogoth is still standing there expectantly.

“I’m not getting naked in front of you, Krogoth. It’s not happening,” I say firmly, hoping to dissuade him.

But Krogoth simply smiles after a moment, stating, “Human over modest. No hide.”

Easy for him to say with a body like a Greek God!A devilish idea pops into my head.“Krogoth lies. Krogoth still wears clothes,” I say, smiling, eyes traveling slowly down to his loincloth, emphasizing my point.Hopefully, the contradiction will force him to concede and give me some peace to shower alone.

Krogoth erupts into laughter while simultaneously ripping off his brown leather loincloth.This has backfired horribly! Or brilliantly,a naughty part of me thinks.“Tiny Pebbles correct. No modesty,”he says, looking far too pleased with himself.

Through the steam, I can see his earthen-red colored cock swinging lewdly between his legs. It is nearly as long as my forearm and thicker than I imagine I could wrap my hand around. It has many ridges and bumpy bits along the shaft, which ends with a head even wider than the rest. The tip is similar in shape to what I am used to, except along the edges, it has ball shaped raises, along with a bigger hole in the tip. Such an immense, majestic member, it both excites and scares me.

My cheeks flush crimson at the sight of it. For one mad moment, I feel the urge to reach out and hold it in my hands, wondering how his hefty manhood would feel. I savagely repress the thought, instead turning my gaze away from the bawdy scene.No, this is crazy. I need to focus and get the hell out of here, not hook up with an incredibly odd looking stranger in a shower.

Calm down, Roxy, deep breaths.I breathe slowly, the steamy air filling my lungs. After a few moments, I feel my senses returning. “If you promise not to look, I’ll get washed,” I say, promising.

Almost imperceptible purple mist is rising from Krogoth’s eyes which scan my body hungrily. “I swear. We meet after,” hesays, pointing towards the door I had attempted to sneak out before.

He flashes me a smile before turning and gracefully stalking towards the door and out.He has a great ass too!I wait a few moments to make sure he’s keeping good on his promise before I walk to the black marble benches and begin slowly removing my clothes, which are still soaked completely through. It feels good taking them off, especially the socks.The traitorous socks that had got me busted!I plop them onto the bench.