But as soon as my hand touches her, she screams and sinks her tiny blunt teeth into my hand. I, of course, feel no pain, only surprise at the action.This will not be easy.I raise my right arm, engaging my arc blaster.

Chapter 3



Iawake and instantlymassage my throbbing head with my fingers.Where the hell am I?I frantically try to recall what happened last night.Night? I don’t even know what time of the day it is anymore.Am I lying on a black marble bench?I sit up slowly, groaning as I take in my surroundings. The room is steamy, like a sauna, making it hard to see the area in its entirety. Water is running somewhere in the distance. Along the black marble walls, I see strange golden statues. Golden giants holding aloft some kind of sphere. It’s hard to make out the faces, but they appear a little off.

Suddenly, I recall the terror of being attacked by those two pieces of shit in the dark alleyway. The memory sends shivers down my spine. I had a feeling something bad was going tohappen, that strange sensation I was being watched ever since I left the café.I could have called a taxi, but no, I had to walk alone at night!I remember running as fast as I could, but they still caught me.Is that why I’m here? Am I being held captive?

Panicking, I run my hands over my body, searching for any signs of damage or violation, my heart racing with fear. I check myself over and find no evidence of harm and realize I am still fully clothed. I let out a deep breath, relieved. It makes little sense.What about my cell and purse? Maybe the attackers stole them, and I’m now in a helpful passerby’s bathroom or something. I frantically check my coat pocket and find my cell and purse. Opening the purse with trembling hands, I discover I still have all my money in all its meager glory. Phew, that is a relief.

I check my cell, and it seems to work, but there is no signal. It must be this sauna messing with the network, no nearby Wi-Fi either. The photos of my loving parents fill me with comfort, their faces captured in moments of pure joy and happiness, their arms wrapped around each other. I remember looking at this photo after my disappointing date with Robert…Wait, this better not be Robert’s parents’ house.I look around for a door or window but can’t see one.

Jumping off the bench, I immediately feel my head spinning, causing me to stumble and grasp the wall for support. My vision blurs and I blink rapidly, trying to regain my balance. After a few moments, the dizziness subsides and I slowly make my way to the nearest golden statue. It’s enormous, towering over me and making me feel small and insignificant. Everything in this room seems massive, with high ceilings and ornate decorations that suggest this is no cheap or ordinary place.Maybe crypto really does pay!

The statue itself is a work of art, a sleek and elegant figure of a woman with a graceful, serene expression. Her ears areunnaturally long and pointed, partially covered by elaborate, intricate braids. She wears a flowing robe with a V-neckline that reveals her collarbones and a long, elaborate belt that cinches her waist. The attention to detail is remarkable, from the intricate folds of the fabric to the delicate curves of her body.

There is something odd about the belt buckle. I can make out strange symbols on it, but it doesn’t look like any language I’ve ever seen before. At the center appears to be a button that looks to be pressable.Maybe this will open a window or something?I eagerly push the button, my curiosity getting the better of me. I glance about, hoping something opens.

A blast of icy water hits my body with a jarring force that steals my breath. The water is like tiny daggers piercing my skin, sending a chill through my body. I gasp, quickly fumbling with the button to warm it up or turn it off. Anything! But no matter how I press it, the water continues to blast me with a freezing torrent, leaving me shivering and struggling to catch my breath.Of course, it’s some freaking fancy pants shower! Why am I in a shower?

I trudge away, the squishing sound of my wet socks echoes with every step, and my feet feel heavy and uncomfortable. A loud splash of water nearby catches my attention and I follow the source, hoping for answers. As I get close through the steamy vapor, I make out the shape of a man sitting, legs crossed, on the ground with his back facing me. His long, straight, glossy black hair clings down his back as he uses some comb-like instrument to scrape along his skin.

I notice what looks to be a door on the other side of the room to the man’s right side. It may be possible to sneak past and get out without this guy noticing me. I tiptoe slowly toward the marble benches on the right.That’s it, Roxy, as quiet as a mouse.


Ohno,my wet shoes!I’m paralyzed by fear, unable to move or think clearly. I look over to where the man is sitting. A large ear twitches as he uncoils his legs and stands up.Why are his ears so pointy?He has the same strange ears as these statues.

My heart thumps in my chest, and my breathing is shallow and quick. My thoughts are all jumbled, and it’s hard to focus on anything else. It’s as if I’m about to burst out of my skin. The sense of impending doom is overwhelming.

Suddenly, another memory rushes into my mind with vivid clarity. A giant who came crashing down like a thunderbolt, moving with inhuman speed and strength, incapacitating my two shithead attackers. The terror I felt looking into his mask, seeing the fiery purple eyes staring so intensely, paralyzed me. Then he shot me with something after I bit his hand!Is he my savior or did he bring me back here just to kill me? Maybe something even more sinister?

My eyes widen in disbelief as I look up at the towering giant coming towards me. He’s a striking sight to behold, like something from a fever dream, a God made flesh. Massive limbs corded with rippling muscles. His broad shoulders, coupled with his narrow, chiseled abdominal muscles, give that coveted V-shape that I appreciate in men. As he draws closer, I notice his rusty-red colored skin and how it glistens in the light, highlighting every contour and groove.

The giant is shockingly naked except for a single piece of brown leather around his waist. A terrible claw-like scar traces from his collarbone to his navel, giving him a strange appearance that’s both beautiful and terrifying. His movements are slow and deliberate, almost graceful. I’m mesmerized by the intricate details of his body.

As I stand here, I realize that the top of my head barely reaches the giant’s navel. His size is so immense that he dwarveseverything around him, making me feel ridiculously tiny in comparison.

He stops at arm’s length from me. “Greets, tiny female,” he says, the words booming deeply.

His English takes me by surprise.The day is full of them now!He looks down at me expectantly. Our size difference reminds me of being in kindergarten, showing my toys off to the teacher.

“You health?” he says with concern in his big purple eyes that faintly glow.

“Who… What are you?” I fumble the words out while nervously taking a step back.

“No fear, Krogoth.” He flashes a smile, simultaneously tapping his chest. He has two large fangs where upper incisors should be.

“Krogoth? What’s a Krogoth?” I say sheepishly, struggling to think straight with his intense gaze pressing down on me, studying my every movement.

His smile drops and turns to a frown. He has large, heavy-set brows. “No. Me, Krogoth,” he says, again tapping his chest. “You be?” he says, gesturing towards me with his massive hand.

“Oh, your name is Krogoth! You’re not A Krogoth, right? My name is Roxanne, but I go by Roxy,” I say, thinking he hasn't killed me yet, so if I play along, maybe he’ll let me out of this weird place in one piece.

Krogoth stands still for what feels like ages, looking puzzled. I could almost see his brain trying to parse out the sentence. It’s clear I will have to keep my language simple. Suddenly, his face lights up in delight. “Rocks! Strong and hard. Good.”