For the first time in three weeks, Ivan witnessed Amy's professional mask crack. Her lips thinned and her jaw clenched as her eyes darkened. It lasted all of five seconds, but that was enough for his blood to heat up in a way it hadn't in months—and then it disappeared back under her perfectly serene facade.
Gotcha, Ivan smiled, and he couldn't help but rub it in a little. "I'm glad to see you understand."
Amy blinked, shoulders tense but face still serene. "I wouldn't want to interrupt any business dealings," she said airily as she stalked back to her desk. Her office chair squeaked whenshe sat down and wheeled it toward her computer, and Ivan watched gleefully, waiting for her to switch the screen on.
Disappointment followed when she didn't even flinch before giving him a cool look over her screen. "Has company policy changed to require specific images on our computer screens?"
"No?" he answered innocently. "Why, is there something specific you aren't happy with?"
"Yes, sir." Her voice turned frosty. "I'm simply curious why there are teddy bears on mine."
"No clue,Mishka," he replied with a shrug. He'd thought they suited her, his littleMishka. She was just as fierce as any grizzly. "You don't think I would have the time in my busy schedule to do something like that, do you?"
Yes, her green eyes screamed accusingly, and Ivan bit back his laughter as she ignored his question, her fingers clicking angrily on her computer mouse as she no doubt changed it. That was the first time he'd done something specifically to annoy her, but he'd had to, just to get her to let go of some of the work on her plate to keep him distracted. Now that he'd seen her reaction though, he was already planning the next prank in the hopes that she'd snap and show him a bit of that fire that flickered in her gaze.
Chapter 1 - Amy
1 year later
Orange peels on her desk made Amy break the first pencil that day. She snapped it clear in half, her jaw aching with how tight it was as she glared at them. "God damn it, Ivan."
She grabbed the trashcan only a few steps away from her desk and moved it to the edge, flicking each piece in with a muttered curse. He must've been called away to sort something out because there was still half of the orange left. Feeling spiteful, she picked it up and peeled it the rest of the way before biting into a segment. She really didn't know what Ivan's obsession was with her desk. Honestly. All she knew was that it was driving her insane because now she had to figure out what he'd been busy with before he was interrupted.
After five minutes of searching, Amy gave up looking and decided that whatever had interrupted his snack must've also interrupted whatever prank he'd been busy with too.A girl can only hope, she thought to herself. Then she saw the sticky note on her invoicing pile, and a headache started near the bottom of her neck."Change alcohol supplier,"it said. No reasons, no excuses, nothing to give her any proper explanation on why they were changing their alcohol supplier for the third time that week right before a big shipment was due.
"He's the boss," she told the orange as she clicked her computer on. Then she realized what she'd done and let out a groan as she sank back into her seat even while she continued speaking to the orange. "I can't exactly tell him to go fuck himself, can I?"
Except she had... once. Last Christmas, after a few too many glasses of eggnog. Thankfully, he was drunk enough that he hadn't remembered it; otherwise, she wouldn't have been able to go back to work the next week.
"Ivan Nikolai is enough to make a girl lose her mind," she murmured, to herself this time, as she went onto her computer. There were rubber duckies on her screen, but she didn't bother to change it. She'd lost count of how many times she'd changed her computer screen only to have it changed again whenever Ivan was back. Just another part of her life for him to stick his nose in.
"Just a few more days," she sighed, staring at the calendar next to the keyboard where she'd circled the date of her interview. She hadn't wanted Ivan to know what it was, so she'd placed three gold stars next to the date, highlighted and circled it instead of putting the letters in bold like she wanted to. Of course, that hadn't stopped him from asking about it, so she'd ended up telling him it was an appointment for the gynecologist and had the pleasure of seeing him shocked silent for the rest of that afternoon.Best day ever.
She finished the orange and then threw the rest of the peels away before using the toe of her heels to nudge the trashcan into its previous position next to her desk. Seeing the broken pencil, she flicked that in as well and then got back to reviewing her emails. As she did, the door to their office banged open, and Ivan came in, noisy as always. Music accompanied his entrance; the seductive beat of their newest DJ's latest track interrupted the peace and quiet she'd been looking for, and Amy shot a glare in his direction. Thankfully, without her having to ask, Ivan closed the door behind himself and then dropped his phone onto his desk with a clatter before pulling his chair out and falling into it. The moment the doors were shut, the officequieted again as the soundproofed walls did what they'd been installed to do.
"Did you finish my orange?" Ivan asked absently as he switched his laptop on. His dark hair was mussed from constantly running his fingers through it, something he only did when frustrated.
"You finished mine yesterday," Amy replied distractedly before realizing she'd broken her latest vow of silence.Damn it. How does he do that?she thought, pinching her nose as a smirk lit up Ivan's beautiful features.
"Talking to me again, are you?" he said, ignoring his computer to come stand over her desk. His ocean-blue eyes were far too easy to fall into if she wasn't careful, but it was the cock-sure grin that really spelled trouble as he leaned in his usual spot, pulling out a pack of playing cards and shuffling them between his ring-adorned fingers. "I knew you were going to cave eventually. Well done, though,Mishka. That's three days for the record books. Does that mean you've forgiven me for telling Lev about your car?"
Mishka. Little bear. Her heart fluttered at the nickname, but she ignored it just like she ignored the shiver trailing down her spine at his proximity.
"No," she bit out, unwillingly breathing in the scent of his cologne. It was something dark. Dangerous. Just like the man himself, and no amount of desperate searching had helped her to figure out what she was smelling; all she knew was it smelled good and reminded her of her first sip of the Old Rip Van Winkle 25 bourbon he'd made her taste for a function a couple of months ago. And oranges. Bourbon and oranges. Not that she'd ever admit to any of that to him.Focus, Amy!
God, why does he always have to stand so close?
"There's nothing wrong with my car."
It really was ridiculous to feel so protective of the car she'd bought at the beginning of the year. In truth, it was a piece of crap, but she'd found out about the late payments on her mother's mortgage, and that had been more important than a brand-new car at the time. She refused to admit that to Ivan though, because he hadn't just told Lev about how her shitty car broke down for the third time that month. He'd done it behind her back, and she only knew when Lev mentioned she'd be able to pick up the keys to a new SUV in a few days.
That had been three days ago, and just this morning she'd gotten a reminder from her best friend, Zia, about the keys. Which, of course, only convinced Amy further that the job offer she'd received was the best course of action. This was the last time she'd allow Ivan Nikolai the benefit of the doubt when he was interfering with things that had absolutely fucking nothing to do with him.
"It's a piece of crap,Mishka," Ivan stated softly. "The SUV Lev's arranging for you will be far more reliable."
Amy rolled her eyes.So he kept saying. "We're not getting into this again, Ivan." She got up from her desk, looking around for the clipboard she'd placed somewhere.
"Heading somewhere,Mishka?" Ivan questioned as she found the clipboard underneath the papers on her desk, picking it up with an "Ah-ha!"