Page 47 of Too Busy for Love

‘What’s that got to do with it?’ Abby asks, nonplussed.

‘It’s a metaphor for collective benefit. I do well, but you also benefit from my success.’

‘I see. Well, if we’re going to stick with tidal metaphors then Thanet council are King Canute, trying to stop the waves coming in.’

‘Nicely done,’ James congratulates her. ‘Canute didn’t succeed in turning back the tide though, so maybe there’s hope for you.’

‘It’ll take a bloody miracle,’ Abby replies despondently, taking her phone back and slumping on her sun lounger.

‘Illegitimi non carborundum,’ James tells her with a smile.

‘What’s that?’

‘Latin. Well, not proper Latin, but it basically means “don’t let the bastards grind you down”.’

‘Don’t worry,’ she mutters as she tilts her face up to the sun and adjusts her sunglasses. ‘I may be down, but I’m far from out.’

Sensing that the conversation is over, I turn my attention back to my original task of restocking the bar. After a few minutes, James wanders over and leans against the counter.

‘Can I get you something?’ I ask him.

‘You know that wine we were talking about earlier?’


‘There’s another flavour, on the finish. It’s slightly flinty, probably as a result of the soil it’s grown in: theterroir, as we call it in the business. It’s telling you that this is a wine made with confidence, firmly rooted in its environment and unashamed of what it is. A wine that showcases itsterroirso strongly is truly magical.’

I laugh softly. ‘You have got it bad.’

‘I think I’m in love,’ he says simply.


Raquel needed no persuading to put James and Abby forward for a date night, as she’d already noticed that James was keen on Abby, although she wasn’t entirely sure his feelings were reciprocated. Abby was duly summoned for interview where, according to what Raquel told me afterwards, she admitted she’d initially dismissed James as a ‘posh knob’ with whom she had nothing in common. However, despite him being totally not the kind of guy she normally went for, she found him easy to talk to and he was definitely growing on her. I, on the other hand, was summoned to see Gus, who was practically salivating over the footage of my chat with James; annoyingly, I’d forgotten that the whole thing would be recorded. On the plus side, he thinks my ‘sage advice’, as he put it, will further endear me to the viewers and help to shut down the few remaining trolls. I’ve been firmly avoiding any social media to do with the show, so I’m happy to take his word for it.

I’m helping Rosa to clear up after lunch when James appears, looking a little nervous.

‘What’s up?’ I ask him.

‘You know Abby and I are on a date night tonight?’

‘Yes. That’s what you wanted, wasn’t it?’

‘It is, absolutely. But, umm, don’t take this the wrong way, I’d like to serve her something a bit more special than the run of the mill wine we normally have. I also thought…’ He stops and I notice he’s blushing.

‘What is it?’

‘You might say this is hideously old-fashioned, and you must tell me if it’s a stupid idea, but I thought I’d like to get her some flowers.’

‘I think that’s a lovely idea. Just say what you want and I’ll chat to Gus and see what we can get organised for you.’

‘Umm, no. I was rather hoping you would help me to get them myself. I’m not sure it’s very romantic to give her flowers that someone else has bought on my behalf, do you know what I mean? I noticed you speak Spanish, and I know you drive, so I was hoping I could commandeer you for a couple of hours to take me to the nearest town and translate for me.’

‘Goodness, James. I’ll have to check with Gus and Rosa, but I don’t imagine there will be a problem. Do you know where you want to go?’

‘I’ve already researched the wine, but I’m happy to be guided by you on the best place for flowers.’

I should have known that buying wine with James wasn’t going to be as simple as a trip to a supermarket. We’re heading into the mountains to a winery called Bodega Ribas.