“What about the basement?” Levi looks to where the stairs disappear into a black hole. “That’s what we came for, right?”
“No, Levi.” Lea’s voice is sharp. She sucks in a breath to control herself. “We’re here for the full experience. But you guys can’t seem to get that through your thick skulls.” She stomps up the stairs.
“O-kayy…” Levi huffs. “If you say so.”
I follow the guys from a distance, keeping the camera to my glasses. “Let’s go see where Laura DiSanti and the other patients had their bedrooms. That sounds less terrifying than going down to that basement.”
That’s an understatement. The mere idea of being close to the isolation rooms gives me chills.
The stairs creak and groan as we walk up them. We are welcomed by another dark corridor with more doors, some of which are wide open.
“Finn, come check this out,” Lea calls. She's already on her knees, searching through a pile of items on the floor.
“Be careful of mice,” Levi warns from over my shoulder.
Lea rolls her eyes. “Yeah, yeah. And you? Doing anything useful?”
He snorts. “Yeah. I am your light, so you can dig around looking for old stuff.”
Ignoring him, she holds up an old shirt. “Look at this. It's part of a uniform those women wore. Let’s see if I can find a name tag or anything.” She fumbles around, humming as she goes through the entire pile. “Got it.”
“This belonged to Marie-Jo Hamilton,” I explain, reading the name from the tag. “We’ll be searching more about her once we get home. It’s amazing to actually fin?—”
“What the fuck?” Levi suddenly shouts. “Hey!”
He runs off and takes the light with him.
“Levi?” I turn back toward the corridor, one hand fumbling with the camera while the other searches frantically for my flashlight. “Levi?”
I turn around. Lea is still in that bedroom searching for her light, the video catching her wide, fearful eyes.
“What’s going on? Where did you go?” She gets up, lighting up the corridor.
“David? Levi?”
“Over here!” Levi calls out.
“David?” No answer.
Levi suddenly steps into Lea’s light, and we both jerk back.
“What the fuck Levi,” Lea bristles. “You can't just run off like that.”
“Did you hear that sound?” He hisses.
“What sound?”
“There was a scream. Like from an actual person. I swear I’m not making shit up.”
Lea chuckles. “That’s impossible. This place is abandoned. It was David fucking with you. David!”
“David?” Levi starts searching the rooms. “Where did that moron go?”
“Just ignore him. He'll be back in a minute. He’s been fucking with us ever since we left.” She walks along the corridor like nothing has happened.
After a moment’s hesitation, I follow her. I’m not sure what to think. It’s freaky, for sure, but Lea’s right. Those two guys have been nothing but assholes who make my life hell.