I scowled, my cheeks burning.
Not only am I embarrassed as hell, but I’m nowhere closer to figuring out if he was wearing the Ghostface mask.
“What happened to your nails?”
I jolted as I looked at my broken nails and chipped polish. I shrugged. “Unpacking. I better get a manicure. Mom will freak out if she finds out I left the apartment with my nails like this.”
He continued eating, not saying a word.
The similarities between what happened in the restaurant bathroom and the woods can’t be coincidental.
The only difference was the mask.
I’m pulled from my thoughts when I slam into someone.
“Ouch.” I stumble backward, holding my arms out for balance. My eyes lift to the dark-haired girl rubbing her arm. With her other hand, she pushes her long, sleek hair away from her face, her big brown eyes staring at me apologetically.
“I’m sorry.” We say in unison and then laugh.
I open my mouth, but she holds up her hand, silencing me. “It was my fault. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.”
“Me, either.” I give her an embarrassed grin. “I was lost inside my head.”
“Same.” She grins and nods. “I’ve forgotten my manners in the collision. I’m Sophia Myers.” She extends her hand, and I take it.
“Alexis Morgan. But you can call me Lexi.”
“Nice bumping into you. Literally.” She shakes my hand, her warm smile welcoming. I immediately like her.
“It was a pleasure bumping into you,” I gesture to the building a short distance away. “I’ve got to hurry before I’m late for class.”
She looks at the building. “Whitmore Social Sciences? I’m heading there, too.”
I cringe at her words, hating that I’m heading into a building with the name of Evan’s great-grandfather on it. Unfortunately, their influence stretches far and wide.
“For what class? I have Psychology.”
“With Dr. Boyle?” She raises her brows.
“Yes. At least, that’s the professor’s name on my schedule when I looked at it on Friday.”
“Oh, I’m glad.” She squeezes my arm. “That’s where I’m going. Wanna sit together?”
“I’d like that.” We take off toward the building. “I’m glad we ran into one another.”
Sophia laughs. “Same. I’ve only been here one semester, and lemme tell you, there’s some snobby rich bitches around here.”
“This is my first day, but I don’t doubt it.” My nose wrinkles as I spot a group of impeccably dressed girls ahead, their hair and makeup perfect.
“It’s sickening. I don’t think anyone wears sweatpants to class.”
“I’m sure they don’t.” Nervousness courses through me as I look at the imposing building. “Do you know anything about Dr. Boyle?”
“I heard he’s one of the easier Psychology professors.”