I arch my brow. “She’s an English major, and you’re a graduate student in IT. You’re not qualified to teach English.” I set my bag with my laptop on the table. “Besides, don’t you have technology skills?”

“I’m working on that.” Trent shoves his hands in his pockets. “She’s been receiving creepy notes from a stalker.” A wide grin stretches across his face. “I know she’s freaked out about it. I watched her on her laptop’s webcam when she opened the note last night.” He smirks, crossing his arms over his chest. “I’m gonna offer her my spare room to stay in.”

“What if she declines because of Owen?”

A growl escapes his lips. “I’ll escalate my attempts. If I have to, I’ll call Luca and have him set a fire in her building to displace the students.”

“Son of a bitch. I’m proud as hell.” I slap his shoulder, laughing. “Fucking brilliant.”

“Hell, yes. Her fucking stepbrother will go apeshit when she stays with me. And trust me, I’m not giving up until she agrees.”

“I hope Owen takes a swing at you.”

Trent snorts. “He’s too much of a fucking coward. But don’t worry. I know his weakness. He only fights for money, and I’m itching to get my hands on him.”

I rub my hands together, excited about watching my best friend beat the shit out of that punk asshole, especially after he leered at Lexi during dinner. “Underground Fight Club.”

“You bet.” His eyes light up. “Speaking of fighting, wanna hit the bags later?”

“I’m in.” I lift my cup from the podium, toasting him. “This is gonna be epic.”

“Which part? Watching me beat Owen’s ass or making Sophia mine.”

“Both.” I pull my cell phone from my pocket, checking the time. “Did you invite the guys yet?”

“I’m getting the details worked out. As soon as it’s official, I will. I texted Luca and Ryker to give them a heads-up. I’m sure Zayne and Jaxson will be in.”

“You know they won’t miss it.”



Anticipation makes my palms sweaty as I eye the clock over the door. A couple of students enter the room, doing a double-take when they see me leaning against the podium.

“Are you taking Dr. Boyle’s place this semester?”

“Sure am, James. He was approved for a last-minute sabbatical. I told the administration I’d step in and teach his course this semester.”

“Awesome.” Phoenix Carter, affectionately known as Nyx, wide receiver of the SRU Panthers, slaps my hand. “I’ll be signing up for tutoring during your office hours.”

“That’ll be a nice change.” I cross my arms over my chest, smirking at him.

He shrugs. “I’m not a fan of most professors. They don’t understand the demands on an athlete. You and Trent do since you used to play football.”

“We can’t tutor you in everything, Nyx.”

He slides into a seat. “I know. But you have Psychology and IT covered.” He lifts one shoulder in a shrug. “I need to find a nerd who can tutor me in English.”

I chuckle. “Good luck with that.”

My eyes dart to the door as another group of students walk inside.

Frustration fills me as I pace the front of the room.Where the hell is Lexi?

