Lexi isn’t happy with where they placed it, but she knows she’s already fought the crucial battles and will only lose this one.Grudging respect rolls through me.Smart girl.

My dad and Cynthia turn toward me. I plaster a fake smile on my face. “Sounds wonderful.” I step aside so they can pass, giving them my dutiful son smile.

Cynthia pauses beside me, squeezing my bicep. “I know you’ll help Lexi fit in. She’s going to be a challenge because she’s defiant.” Her mother glances over her shoulder, meeting Lexi’s scowl.

With a sigh, she turns back to me and pats my arm.“You can handle her, though.”

Oh, you bet I can handle her.

My gaze slides over Cynthia’s head. I stare Lexi down as I speak my next words. “There’s nothing I like more than a challenge. You know she’s in good hands with me.”

My dad squeezes Cynthia into his side. “Evan’s right. She’ll be fine. No need to worry.” His warning gaze flicks to me. I read the look loud and clear.You better keep Lexi under control, or there will be hell to pay.

Cynthia gives me one last smile before turning to Lexi, her expression darkening. “Change into something more appropriate for dinner.” Then she spins around, and they exit the room.

I saunter toward Lexi, staring her down like a predator analyzing his prey. Towering over her, I smirk as an uncontrollable shiver gives her away. “I’ll handle you, alright. Your tits, ass, and pussy are mine. And I’ll prove it soon enough.”

She stares at me with murderous rage in her eyes. “Like hell.”

I smirk, my finger going beneath her chin. “The parking lot proved how much you want me.”

She jerks her head away. I stare at her profile, watching her breath hitch as she blinks rapidly. “Shut up, Evan. I can’t deal with your shit right now.”

The tough woman act fades, and I glimpse the frightened girl beneath her facade.

“I’ll move your dresser once we return from dinner.”Why the fuck did I just offer to do that?

Lexi turns her head to look at me, her eyes narrowed. “What’s the catch?”

A blowjob.“No catch. I can tell you don’t want the dresser along that wall. But no one will listen to you.” Stepping back, I shove my hands in the pockets of my sweatpants to keep from touching her, afraid she’ll feel the truth in my fingertips.

We engage in a silent staredown. I’m the first to break it. “You’ll hurt yourself if you try to move it. I’ll move it for you.”

“Like you care.” She crosses her arms over her chest, her lip wobbling. She bites it, eyes lowering to the floor. Pain and sadness emanate from her to me.

This could be an act. Keep your guard up.

“Furniture won’t be what hurts you.” Her mocha eyes meet mine, narrowing with suspicion. A malicious smile curls my lips. “It’ll be me causing you pain. Only me.”

“Fucking asshole.” The anger flaring in her eyes does something to me, affecting me in a way nothing has before.

“Don’t worry, you’ll like the way I hurt you. You’ll enjoy the pain as much as the pleasure.” I wink at her before nodding toward the dresser. “Leave your dresser the fuck alone and get changed.”

She stares at me momentarily before whispering, “Thank you.” Her attention moves to the window, and her fingers twist around the necklace she always wears. She looks lost, empty.

I should go.“Your favorite piece of jewelry, huh?”

Wide, surprised eyes fly to mine. “My gram gave it to me.”

“I know you’re hurting since she passed away. My condolences.”Fuck. What is wrong with me?

My father’s voice floats down the hallway, and my carefully constructed mask slips back into place. “Hurry up before you piss off the parental figures.”

I don’t miss the confusion swimming in her eyes from the sudden change in my mood.

But I say nothing as I turn, leaving her bedroom and closing the door behind me.