“Wh—um. Okay?” he mumbles, blinking hard a few times at the tray, then us, then the tray. “Breakfast?”
Maison chuckles, reaching over to brush a hair off his boyfriend’s forehead. “Yeah. Don’t worry, Hunter did most of it, I was only allowed to flip them.”
“Is that why they’re lumpy?”
“Don’t be rude,” I scold, even though he’s right. Maison was terrible at waiting to flip them. He’d always do it too soon, making the half-liquid circle of batter crumple and fold on itself in the pan. He’d look so adorably frustrated every time.
I tap the tip of Nolan’s nose playfully. “He’s being very romantic right now. At least taste your treat before giving him shit for it.”
Nolan’s cheeks flush, his teeth nibbling on his bottom lip as he darts his eyes between us. He settles on Maison first. “Sorry, babe. It looks great. And even if it’s not, I’m really thankful.”
Maison takes a turn blushing.These two—I can’t even.“Just try ’em. If they’re terrible, blame your dom.”
Your dom. Like he’s mine. Really mine. Like I’m not just filling a gap.
Nolan looks right at me. He’s beaming. “CanI blame you, sir?”
I force my stupid heart way far down where it can’t fuck with me and shoot him a playful grin. “Nope.”
“Fine.” He gives me a cheeky grin before starting to cut his pancake. “I guess I’ll just have to insist on sharing with you.”
“I guess so.”
Still grinning, he dips the piece of pancake and sliced strawberry on his fork into the little cup of syrup we included, then puts the forkful in his mouth. I can’t speak for Maison, butI definitely enjoy the view of his lips wrapped around the utensil. The little dart of his pink tongue licking syrup off his bottom lip is even more enticing.
His eyes light up. “Oh wow.”
“Good. Wow good.” He laughs, already stabbing another piece of pancake with his fork. “What’d you do? What’s in these?”
I perk up, feeling unrealistically proud of myself. “Dash of vanilla and a sprinkle of cinnamon.”
“A dash and a sprinkle, huh?” He laughs, soft and light, beautiful.God, he is so fucking beautiful.“You sound like a real chef already.”
“Are you teasing me, darling?”
His eyes flash, a little pink growing on his cheeks. “Never, sir. It really is delicious. Thank you—both of you.”
“Good thing you plan on sharing,” Maison says, reaching for a piece of pancake with his fingers.
Nolan playfully stabs at him with an adorable scowl. “Hey! These are mine!”
“You said you insist on sharing!”
“That was when I thought they’d be terrible!” Nolan sticks his tongue out at him. “Plus, I was talking about sharing with sir, not you!”
“Um, rude! Why does sir get pancakes and not me?”
“Are you really arguing about me sharing gross pancakes with sir over sharing them with you? Because we’re arguing about gross pancakes right now, you know that, right? Gross pancakes that don’t even exist because these are good!”
“It’s the principal of the matter. If sir gets pancakes, so should I!”
“Oh my god, you’re fucking ridiculous!” Nolan grabs a piece of pancake and smashes it against Maison’s lips with a gigglethat only grows in volume when Maison playfully growls and pretends to eat his fingers.
Neither of them notice me just fucking sitting here, reeling at the fact that they had a playful argument, taking turns calling me sir like that’s just what I am to them,whoI am to them,theirsir. Maybe not Maison’s dom, but still sir.
I like it too much.