“That’s it. Good boy.” He guides our hands, jerking me through a bone-deep, mind-numbing orgasm, his gaze drifting over my shoulder again as my eyes fall closed. “So fucking good for me.”
Chapter Eight
I feel strung out, almost floaty. It’s a lot like the exhausted peace I find at the end of a long session punching the heavy bag, but different somehow. Safer, maybe. Lighter.
Fingers trail along my cheek. I startle, the touch immediately falling away but leaving a tingling warmth behind on my skin. Hunter’s smile is guilty when I manage to focus on him after a few hard blinks. “You with us?”
It takes a few more seconds before I get it together enough to realize where I am and what the fuck is happening. That’s when I remember the way he looked at me as Nolan came. Looked right at me and said, “So fucking good for me.”
I jerk away from him as the painfully sharp feeling in my chest returns, not caring when my elbow smashes into the headboard behind me.I don’t want to be good for you,I try to yell, but the words stick. I feel like I’m choking on them. Drowning in them. I can feel him watching me, can see his hand hovering nearby.Don’t touch me, don’t do it, I’ll fucking—
“I’m fine.” I swallow hard. Rub a hand over my face. Pull myself together like I’m so very fucking good at. “Fuck, where’s—” My eyes find my answer before I can finish asking the question, landing on Nolan where he’s laid out across the mattress, half-asleep and smiling. I soften at the sight, running my fingers through his hair. He makes a soft, happy little sound as he presses into the touch and nuzzles against my leg nearest his head. Something settles in my chest.
“You did so well,” I murmur, continuing to stroke his hair. “How do you feel?”
“Good. Real good.” His eyebrows pull in. “You’re good?”
I smile. “I’m great, baby.”
“Good.” He sighs, all happy and sleepy, pressing his face harder against my leg before letting his eyes fall closed. “Good.”
Hunter shifts beside us, drawing my attention again. He’s standing with his hands in his pockets, looking completely at ease, but there’s something underlying his usual calm. Something slightly off.
“How are you feeling?” he asks, his hazel eyes boring into me.
I fight the urge to squirm. It was easier when lust and adrenaline were rushing through me, allowing for lingering looks and unwanted praise, but now that floaty feeling is starting to turn into something itchy and heavy, and I want to get away from him as fast as fucking possible.
What are you doing to me, Hunter Meridian? And why am I just as afraid for you to stop as I am for you to continue?
“Maison?” he prompts, tilting his head to the side like he can understand me better at that angle. “Are you feeling alright? That was a lot, for the both of you.”
“I’m fine,” I growl. “Like I said before.”
“Are you?”
“Listen, all I did was talk dirty and fuck my boyfriend.”
Hunter’s eyes fall to Nolan, taking him in. I do the same. He’s asleep. I’m not sure the last time I’ve seen him look so peaceful, even in unconsciousness. It’s a startling relief.Finally, we figured it out.
“I can’t speak for him, but I think he got what he needed, from what I can tell,” Hunter muses, seeming to be on the same wavelength as me.
“Yeah.” I clear my throat, trying to escape the sensation that it’s about to close up. “Yeah, I think he did.”
Hunter tilts his head again. “What about you?”
“I just needed him to get what he needed,” I explain. My cock is out now, soft and still a little damp as it lies against my thigh. I’m suddenly very aware that Hunter is still fully dressed. He even zipped himself back up. “So, yeah. Yeah, that was—uh…good. Because he’s the focus here, not me.”
Hunter sighs deeply before nodding once. “I’ll be right back. I need to get a warm cloth to clean him up. Stay right there, alright?”
I bristle at the order. “Sure.”
His jaw twitches before he turns away and slips into his adjoined bathroom. The water runs for a moment before he returns with a blue washcloth. On the way back to the bed, he grabs a small basket that’s on top of his dresser. I can see two bottles of what looks to be sports drinks and a small stuffed bear. I frown as he places it beside my hip.
As he gently rolls Nolan over to clean him, I eye the rest of the basket’s contents. There are mini-bags of trail mix, granola bars, and small chocolates. A small, red first-aid kit is tucked beside an instant ice pack and an instant heat pack. There’s a green tube of something I can’t read the label of and a small vial-like thing that I’d almost think was lube if I didn’t already realize this is clearly an aftercare kit, not something for sex. Perhaps themost confusing thing out of it all is the plastic ring holding what appears to be a stack of flashcards together.