Page 214 of Piece Us Together

But now…

Thisfeels like me.

It feels like I've found the one last piece needed to fit me back into this world.It's even gold.

“Come on, darling,” Hunter murmurs, helping me to my feet on wobbly legs. Maison stays pressed up against my back to steady me. “We started in this room, so it felt right to do this here. But you two belong upstairs in my bed.”

“You're going to fuck me, right?”

He and Maison both laugh. Surprisingly, it's Maison that answers. “Oh, baby, we're going to fuck you so damn hard.”

“So damn hard.” Hunter hooks a finger in the o-ring of my collar and tugs just enough to have me stumbling forward a step with a gasp. His grin is wicked. “For the rest of your life.”



It’s just Maison and I in bed when I wake up. He’s half-asleep, one arm tossed over his head to rest on the pillow above, his chin turned so he’s looking at me when I open my eyes. We just look at each other for a few seconds, both too sleepy to care about the strangeness of it. He looks away first, a blush crawling along his cheeks. “Morning.”

I fight a smirk. “Good morning.”

“Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas.” I shift easily across the mattress until I’m hovering above him, my hands planted by his shoulders. He releases a shaky breath. His eyes are looking everywhere but at me. They fall closed when I drag my cock against his. We’re both hard and leaking. “Where do you think our boy is?”

He smiles, peeking at me through his lashes. “Making breakfast.”

“Definitely,” I agree. “Should we go find him?”

“I mean…” He adjusts himself beneath me. It’s really just an opportunity to grind our cocks together though. We’re both fullyaware of that. “We could wait for him to find us. Give him something fun to find.”

We could, actually. Just a few nights ago the three of us had agreed that all dynamics were on the table. They can mess around - but no orgasms unless I’ve given them permission - and I can mess around with each of them on my own. I haven’t taken advantage of it yet, though I did thoroughly enjoy when they called me while I was out shopping and I got to make them both beg and whine so pretty on speaker while roaming the very back aisles of the home goods store. I’d let them both finish, in the end. I can’t wait for the day I don’t. For the day I make them wait until I get home. They’ll be so fucking desperate. So needy for me.

“Whatever you’re thinking about, I’m on board,” Maison says with a laugh.

I can’t help but tell him the truth then, keeping a straight face as I do. “Good to know. I was thinking about denying you both. About how needy and desperate the two of you would get.”

His jaw literally drops. Then, even better, his bottom lip curls out into a fucking pout. “That’d be really mean on Christmas.”

“That’s true.”

“And it’s the week of selfish Maison…”

“Oh-ho, you’re going to change your tune on that now that it’s convenient, are you?”

He flashes me a grin that I just know has gotten him out of all sorts of trouble in his life.My mischievous little kitten.

“Oh! Hey, now!” I pull back and look over my shoulder, raising an eyebrow at the man standing in the doorway with a breakfast tray and a deep frown. “Um. Rude. No one invited me.”

Maison shrugs. “You were busy making whatever that is.”

“Whatever this is?” I swear, he looks a second away from stomping his foot. God, I love that. I love this newer side of him that’s been peeking out more and more. This little bratty sidethat only applies to Maison but sometimes spills out onto me until I point it out, sending him into a flustered, subby little mess full of apologies. He seems to be realizing he’s getting close to that point on his own because he glances at me before lowering his gaze to the tray and shuffling his feet nervously. “I made breakfast, if you guys want it.”

I roll my eyes fondly. “We would never say no to breakfast from you. Come join us. Maybe we can share Maison for dessert.”

Oh yeah. That gets him perking right up. “Yes, sir!”

The day goes by in an almost dream-like blur. The crème brûlée French toast and orgasms were just the start. There were a few sentimental presents and a whole lot of unnecessary ones - Nolan really did shop and shop and then shop some more, but seeing his joy whenever we thanked him was well worth the papercut I got unwrapping so many gifts. The best was when I gave him his final present, though. A giftcard to the home goods store.