He was quiet for a moment. “Son, I’m only trying to help. I care deeply for Rosalie. I just don’t want harm to come to her—”
“Then I die with her,” I snapped, tugging at my hair.
“You cannot be so reckless,” he snarled at me. “You have responsibilities. Duties. Loving in our world can get you hurt. Or worse. Is that what you want? To watch the woman you love die in your arms?”
“How would you even know? Life has been good to you, Father. You have Mom. Still, you have her through everything.”
“And I hide her from the fucking world, Lorenzo! I’ve hidden her and kept her trapped in order to keep her alive. Your mother and Rosalie remind me so much of one another. If I could do it over, I’d let her go. I’d let your mother go. I’d set her free because I love her. If you love Rosalie like you say you do, then you’ll let her go. Don’t live with my regrets.”
“You regret being with Mom?”
“I regret ruining her life with mine,” he whispered.
We were both quiet. I cleared my throat after a moment. His words hurt me because there were moments where I had regret for pulling Rosalie into my life. Moments where I almost let her go before I realized living without her wasn’t something I could handle. I needed her like my next breath of air.
“I will marry Rosalie this fall. That’s final.”
“Lorenzo, please reconsider. Vander Veer is willing to add you to his company. He’ll give you a chair. Power. A wife who is expendable. And that gives your precious, sweet Rosalie freedom, safety, and the life she wants. The one she deserves.The offer is open. Vander Veer has agreed it will remain on the table until you seal your marriage to Rosalie. You know as well as I do that Rosalie is not cut out for this life. Do you want Dominic’s wife’s fate for Rosalie? Do you want her kidnapped, raped, and burned to a fucking bed?”
“Stop,” I whispered. “I’m done discussing this. My decision is final.”
“Think about it. I’ll tell your mother you send your love.” He breathed out. “I love you, Lorenzo. I only want the best for you. The best isn’t on the bottom rung, fighting for your life and the lives of those you love. Letting go of what holds you back, even for a short time, may change everything.”
“Goodbye, Father,” I said softly before disconnecting from the call.
I tossed my phone back onto the table and buried my face in my hands. The thought of marrying Celeste over Rosalie sickened me to the point of wanting to vomit. I could never do that to my Sunshine. My love for her ran too deep.
But I couldn’t get the thought out of my head that I was risking her life for my own selfishness.
I was beginning to really hate who I was. Who I was becoming. This wasn’t me. Fuck, it wasn’t.
At least it hadn’t been before all this shit.
“Be good,”I warned, my lips against Rosalie’s. “We’ll only be gone a few hours.”
“I’m always good,” she answered back before she kissed me once more. I fell deeper into it, not wanting to leave her side but knowing I had to check on the kings. They needed a night away.
Finally, I broke off my kiss to her and looked to Anson.
“You know the drill,” I said gruffly.
“I’m aware,” he answered, his voice devoid of emotion. He scratched his head and went into the living room, presumably to sit on the couch and wait for Rosalie.
I hated leaving her with him but knew she’d be safe. The guys had already said goodbye and were waiting for me in the Escalade.
“Whatever you guys go do, just make sure you’re paying attention to your surroundings,” I reminded her.
“Yes, Daddy,” Rosalie teased, pecking my lips again.
I nipped her bottom lip. “Why do I like you calling me that?”
“Because you’re dirty,” she whispered, smiling at me.
I managed a smile back. “I am. Wait for me in my room tonight?”
“OK. Hurry back so I can greet you.”
“Mm, I like the sound of that.” I kissed her again before leaving her and joining the guys. Cole was driving, and I got into the passenger seat.