“What else is bothering you?”
I shrugged and bit my bottom lip. “I guess Anson. He’s been quiet lately. Not himself. I worry about him. He fights in the Underground when he’s upset.”
“Is that what he’s doing right now?”
I shrugged and added the chocolate chips to the mix.
“I don’t really know. He hasn’t said anything. I texted him three times today and he hasn’t replied back. He hasn’t called. I called him twice.”
“Sunshine.” He turned me around to face him. “Anson is a grown man. He’s not someone I think you need to constantly be worried about. It feels too. . . close.”
“Close?” I crinkled my brows.
He nodded. “Yeah. Like you’re too close.”
I looked to the cookie dough, the memory of Anson’s kiss forefront of my mind.
“You’re right,” I whispered. “I am, but I can’t help it. I’m just. . .”
“Drawn to him,” he finished. “Look at me.”
I looked up at him, my throat tight.
“It’s OK to care, baby. It is. It’s one of the things I love most about you. You’re just so sweet and want to take care of everyone, but you also need to let people try to stand on theirown, you know? I promise you that Anson Beyers knows what he’s doing. He practically raised himself.”
I licked my lips. “You’re right. I do care. I worry.”
“I know. You’re my sweet Sunshine.” He kissed my forehead. “But maybe focus a little bit more on yourself. Findyourhappiness and not concern yourself so much with everyone else’s. As much as I want all of your attention focused on me and the guys, I think you should take some of it and put it on yourself. You deserve it. Let Anson handle his business. If, and when, he needs you, he will come to you.”
I nodded, knowing he was right. “OK.”
“Good. Now tell me what you’re going to do for yourself. Or tell me what you want me to do for you, because I will give you anything you want.”
I brushed my lips against his. “I want you to be happy too.”
“I’m happiest with you,” he murmured back. “Always will be.”
“I’m happy with you too.”
He smiled against my lips, his hands on my hips as he held me.
“I’d fuck you right here and eat this cookie batter off that pretty pink pussy if I didn’t think Cole would come barreling in here and steal my spotlight. We all know how much he loves sweets and pussy.”
I pulled away from him and laughed. “Let’s just bake these cookies. We can discuss Cole’s odd quirks when he’s here to defend himself.”
“Cookies done?” Cole asked, coming into the room.
“Speak of the devil.” Enzo grinned and turned to him. “We’re just getting ready to put them in the oven.”
“Cool. And the pussy?”
“Do you have fucking ears on the walls in this place?” Enzo shook his head at him.
Cole shrugged and dragged me against his body, his lips smashing against mine to kiss me.
“I was gifted with this incredible hearing because I’m meant to hear children fighting from their bedroom. I’m just waiting for my chance to fulfill my destiny.”
I kissed him, hoping to silence the baby talk. I’d made my decision on it and was just waiting to tell him. I wanted it to be perfect for him. My heart swelled knowing that soon he’d be so happy he’d probably cry.