“He’s good. Really good. Infiltrated the lords. Getting info on who killed Mom and Tia… Gianna.”
He nodded, his throat bobbing. “Good. Very good. You both make me a proud papà. Do you remember when you’d sit on my lap and I’d tell you stories?”
I reached out and took his hand. I turned it palm up and peered down at the cross tattoo on his wrist. “Yes. I remember.”
He let out a soft laugh. “You used to ask me why it wouldn’t wash off.”
“And you’d tell me it’s a reminder that everyone has to meet their god eventually.”
“Someday, Alessandro. Today is not that day.” He clapped me on the shoulder as I dropped his hand. “Go now. Take care of business like a De Santis. Make your papà proud.”
I nodded, my throat tight. I’d missed this man—this monster—so much. Knowing he was this killer, this boss, confused me because he had been a kind man when I was a child.
And even now, he didn’t seem cruel or anything like the stories I’d heard. Time had bent and twisted him, but I had faith he was salvageable deep down and that maybe he even wanted to be saved.
“Don’t waste your prayers on me,” he said softly as he hugged me against him. He pressed a kiss atop my head. “Monsters such as me don’t deserve such luxuries. I’m already lost.”
“You’re not,” I whispered, hugging him back. “I don’t believe anyone is ever truly lost. They just need someone to help find them.”
He pulled away and offered me a sad smile. “So much like your mother. I have missed you so, my son.Possa l'universo guidarti attraverso l'oscurità, figlio mio.”
“Possa l'universo guidarti verso la luce, papà,”I murmured.
May the universe guide you through the darkness, my son.
May the universe guide you to the light, papà.
“Go. Whisper the name De Santis in your enemies’ ears as you end their lives. Let them know we are Death, and we will come for them all.”
I nodded, backing away from him.
“I will ensure your Rose is protected, but be careful. Every rose has its thorn. In this case, it’s another De Santis.”
I nodded once more, knowing he was talking about Fox.
“I’ll see you soon, papà.”
“I’ll see you soon, Alessandro.”
I left the room and breathed out, my body in a state of pain and confusion. Nothing seemed right and yet everything did.
I tucked the gun into my jacket and looked to Alessio who walked toward me.
“Ready, Alessandro?”
“I’m the Archangel,” I said softly.
“So I’ve heard.” His eyes sparkled. “And there’s hell to pay.”
“Come here,” Enzo said, giving me a wicked smile, his dark eyes flashing.
I backed away from him and shook my head.