Her lashes fluttered open and she stared at me, her green eyes so mesmerizing that the sob I was trying to hold in slipped past my lips.
Her brows crinkled as she stared at the tears on my cheeks.
“Don’t leave me,” I repeated softly. “I’m a prick. I know I am. I’m sorry about this morning. I-I’m just angry and scared.”
Her lack of words made my chest clench.
“Say something,” I choked out. “Please, tell me you still love me and aren’t leaving.”
“We need to talk,” she said, her voice so small I could barely hear her.
My pulse thundered in my ears.
“OK,” I answered, my voice wobbly. “OK, baby. We-we can talk.”
She sat up, and I followed, watching her with my heart in my throat.
“I know we all have secrets,” she started in her soft, melodic voice.
Fuck, baby. Don’t tell me yours. I don’t want to know. I don’t fucking want to hurt, Rosalie. God, please don’t hurt me.
I nodded tightly, watching as her tongue darted out to wet her lips. Tears leaked from her eyes.
“Just say it,” I said in a rasp.
She inhaled. “I-I’ve been keeping something from you and Enzo.”
I swallowed hard. “So Fox and E know?”
She nodded and bit her bottom lip.
“What is it?” I pressed.
“I-I think it’s best if Enzo is here too.” She looked up at me, her eyes glistening with her tears. “I don’t want to have to say the words again.”
Carefully and with shaking hands, I pulled my phone out and sent a text to Enzo to tell him to come up. Moments later, his footfalls sounded out and he came into the room.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, coming to sit on the bed with us, concern all over his face.
“I don’t want any more secrets.” She wiped at her eyes and stared down at the string she was playing with from the blanket. “We promised there wouldn’t be. So, I’m going to just tell you mine.”
Enzo visibly tensed but said nothing.
I held my breath, waiting for my world to be obliterated.
“Cole, I need you to not react with violence,” she continued softly. “Please. I just want you to listen.”
I exhaled and drew in another breath, too scared to even speak.
I could do this. For her, I could do it, so I nodded, making a promise I really fucking hoped I could keep.
“On New Year’s Eve, I came to my bedroom, and Anson was in here.”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
“He kissed me,” she said, her voice shaking. “I-I kissed him back for all of a moment before I stopped it.” She looked to Enzo, then to me. “I’m sorry.”
Enzo and I sat in silence for a long time. I felt numb inside.