“Rosie, baby. Have some water,” Fox called out.
“Hm?” I blinked at him, seeing two of his handsome faces.
“Hey, baby. Drink for me.” He helped me to sit up and pressed a glass of cool water to my lips. I drank it, enjoying the refreshing liquid before letting out a contented sigh.
“Mm, thanks, Foxy,” I slurred, smiling at him.
He chuckled.
Anson came into the room and handed him a beer, and he sank down on the chair across from us, his eyes locked on me.
I slumped back against the cushions while Fox settled in beside me.
“How pissed is Enzo?” Anson asked.
Fox shrugged. “You know how that goes. I think it’s better that I’m here. It helped put him at ease.”
“I’m sorry, but he can’t keep telling me what to do,” I mumbled.
“Babe, to be fair, it’s a fucked-up time right now with the kings’ girl being gone and all that. It’s hard on everyone, and Enzo is an heir, and you’re. . .” He sighed. “You’rehisgirl. To break a man, you break his woman. Those are just the facts in our world.”
“I’m not just his,” I argued. “And I understand the kings’ stuff, but damnit, Fox.” I sighed and rubbed my eyes. I didn’t want to have this conversation tonight. Honestly, I was being a bitch, but it was frustrating to have a little freedom and then have it taken. I felt like I was being edged, and just when I thought the pleasure was at hand, I was ripped back to reality, knowing it was just some kind of teasing.
I was too drunk for all the thinking, though. Tomorrow, I’d deal with the repercussions. Tonight, I wanted to just keep feeling that small amount of pleasure I’d managed to grasp.
I placed my hand high on Fox’s thigh. He didn’t try to stop me, so I figured that was good. The room spun around me. I sipped at my water again and let my head rest against the back of the couch.
“I get it,” Fox murmured.
I grunted a reply, not bothering to pursue it.
Fox seemed to understand the conversation was over because he moved on, talking to Anson about classes, football, and the next sing-off on campus.
I was so blitzed out of my mind that their words didn’t make sense to me. Through bleary eyes, I watched Fox. The smile on his lips. The way he drank his beer. His laugh that made butterflies take flight.
I loved him with everything I was or could ever become.
Fox was my life and always had been, even when we were apart all those years.
I shifted my hand higher on his thigh as he continued to speak to Anson. He’d come around to being friendly with Anson. Despite all of it, he’d relented because he loved me.
I moved forward for a moment before I leaned into him and pressed my lips to his. His words were cut off against my lips, but he kissed me back.
“What’s wrong, baby?” he murmured, breaking away from me and cradling my face, his blue eyes focused on me.
“I love you,” I answered back softly.
He offered me a tender smile. “I love you too. Why don’t you rest? You’ve had a lot to drink.”
“I don’t want to rest.” I kissed him again. This time, he didn’t fall into it the way I wanted. He was hesitant. I moved and straddled his lap, pressing my mouth firmer to his.
“Rosie,” he said, managing to break away from me. “Baby, no.”
“Please?” I whispered. “I want you.”
“I want you too, but we’re not alone, and you’re way too drunk to do what I think you’re going to do.”
I’d already forgotten about Anson.