Page 86 of Into the Fire

Fox gave me a knowing look, and I nodded to him while E watched Anson with narrowed eyes. We were all on the same page. E was nicer than we were, but he was dealing with his own shit right now. He didn’t need the added stress.

Quickly, Fox got up and scooped Rosalie off Cole’s lap amid his protests. My phone buzzed, and I caught Dominic De Santis’s name on the screen while Rosalie giggled, Fox teasing her on his lap.

With a pounding heart, I answered.

“Dominic,” I said.

“The lords have her,” Dominic’s soft voice came over the line.

I swallowed hard, absorbing his words.Bianca. Queenie.He’d found her, and it was fucking worse than I’d feared. “You’re sure?”

“Fallon. He-he raped her.” He let out a shaky breath.

I got up from my seat and left the room, Cole immediately picking up on something being wrong. I went to the office, where I closed the door.

“Where is he?” I asked, my heart in my damn throat. Fallon was a king. Or almost king. He and Queenie had been in love, and the kings had let him in. Any tiny, little idea I may have hadabout accepting Anson was blown out of the fucking water.Trust no one outside your already formed circle.

“I don’t know. I got a text from an anonymous number about demanding a ransom for her. There was a live video link of the lords with her and Fallon climbing on her. I couldn’t see the lords but recognized Fallon’s tattoo.” He paused for a moment before continuing, his voice trembling so much it didn’t even sound like the tough king leader I’d come to know. “She’s hurt. Badly. I-I don’t know if she will make it.”

“Fuck,” I snarled. “What do you need us to do?”

“We have to find the lords. They’re in a windowless room. That’s all I fucking know.”

“We’ll meet you. Say where.”

“I have a safe house. It’s about ten miles outside of town.” Dominic gave me directions to his place. “We need to do it fast. She’s hurting.”

“Deep breaths. We’ll see you soon. Don’t do anything fucking stupid. Get in the car and go straight there. We’ll take care of these fuckers. OK?”

“I’ll see you soon.” Dominic disconnected the call.

I sat for a moment, absorbing everything that was said and about to happen. I couldn’t handle it if someone took my Sunshine from me. I just couldn’t. The fact that the kings had been able to hold it together this long made them that much more powerful in my mind.

Breathing out, I walked back to the living room.

“Anson, can you stay with Rosalie? We need to go,” I said.

The room fell silent, and E paused the movie that had been playing in the background while everyone socialized. By the looks of it, Cole had just insulted Anson again because he was lowering his middle finger with frosting on it, and Anson was shaking his head.

“What’s going on?” Cole demanded, licking the frosting off his finger.

“It’s the kings. They found her,” I said. “Get your gear.”

Rosalie’s eyes grew wide, and she got to her feet. “Bianca? Is she OK?”

I licked my lips and swallowed. “Baby, stay with Anson, OK? We’ll be back soon.”

She reached for me and clung to my arms while the guys got up and went to get their weapons.

“Enzo?” she whispered. “Is she OK?”

“I don’t know, Sunshine. She’s hurt. We’re going to try to get her. Stay here with Anson. Don’t leave the house. Can you do that for me?”

She nodded, the worry evident in her green eyes.

Fuck, I didn’t want to leave her, but if the roles were reversed, I’d expect the kings to come for me.

I made to turn away, but she grasped my hand and tugged me back to her.