Page 61 of Into the Fire

He looked from the knife and then to my face, his nostrils flared.

“What is it?”

“It’s a knife. You know how these work. They’re sharp. This one is my favorite. I’ve used it countless times on men who wronged you. It seems only fitting I get to use it on you as well.” I twirled it again. “Place your hand on the floor.”

“No,” he murmured.

“OK.” I shrugged, ready to take him out of the world. “See you in hell.”

“WAIT!” he shouted, sweat dotting his forehead. “Wait. Fine. Fine.”

I watched as he placed his hand out in front of me.

“Spread your fingers,” I murmured.

He did as commanded, a slight visible tremble making his hand twitch.

“This may hurt a little.” I brought the knife down swiftly and cut off his index finger. He howled as the finger separated fromhis hand and jerked it toward his chest, clutching it as the blood gushed out.

I wasted no time tucking the knife back into my boot and gun into my waistband. I lunged forward and knocked him onto his back, his severed finger in my hand. His body shook beneath me, his face now covered in a sheen of sweat as his chest heaved.

“Open your fucking mouth,” I commanded in a deep growl.

He parted his pale lips, his eyes wavering. I dropped the severed finger into his mouth.

“Chew,” I whispered, straddling him and pulling my knife back out.

He did as he was told, chewing his own finger, the blood dribbling from his mouth.

“Careful of the bone,” I cooed, running my blade down his cheek. “But you know how tricky those can be.”

He said nothing as he ate his own finger. When I was satisfied, I spoke.

“Spit the rest out.”

He let the severed appendage fall from his mouth, most of it gone and a good deal of bone the only remainder.

I tore open his black designer shirt, the buttons scattering across the floor.

“What are you doing?” he rasped.

“Marking you as my bitch.” I sliced quickly across his skin, carving my initials deep across his chest. The blood pooled out as he let out a grunt of pain. I had to hand it to him though. He held his shit together better than I expected.

I made a final X over his heart and tapped it with my blade. There was so much fucking blood now. My hands were sticky with it.

“This mark is where I’ll drive my blade if you fucking try to come for me or my girl. I’ll feed your heart to your son. Then I’ll kill him too,” I said softly. “Understand?”

He nodded tightly, his breathing shallow.

“Good. Now get the fuck out of my house.” I let my hand fall to my side as I stood. “And don’t fucking come back. If I never see your ass again it’ll be too soon.”

He rose slowly to his feet and cast the dead at mine a long look.

“You play hardball, Alessandro,” he whispered, his voice quivering “You’re like your father.”

“I’m worse than my father. Push me and find out.”

He nodded his head. “W-we have an arrangement. You and Rosalie are safe. I will answer your call. You have my word.”