Page 42 of Into the Fire

Cole straightened. “OK.”

Rosalie took the strap-on, then got off E’s lap and shot us each a confused, nervous look before leaving the room.

“Uh, is this happening?” E asked.

“Yep.” Cole grinned. “I’m excited.”

“You would be, you fucking nut,” I said with a laugh. “You’re seriously going to let her fuck your ass?”

“Abso-fucking-lutely,” Cole said. “We’re always giving her our cock. Maybe it’s time the tables turn, you know?”

“Not really,” I said, shaking my head at him.

“Well, this I have to see,” Enzo said, grinning widely. “Mind an audience?”

“I’d be offended if you guys weren’t there,” Cole said, grinning back. “Come on, someone get my ass warmed up. Just a finger or something. The size of that strap-on is intimidating.”

“Not it.” I held my hands up and backed away. “You’re on your own.”

“The fuck, Foxy? I can’t finger my own asshole. That’s not fun. Take one for the team.” He closed in on me.

“Not happening.” I laughed and backed away.

“Don’t take no for an answer,” Enzo called out with a laugh. “You’re Cole-fucking-Scott. No isn’t part of your vocabulary.”

“He’s right.” Cole’s blue eyes sparkled as he closed in on me. E laughed somewhere in the background when Cole lunged. I darted away from him. We made three solid runs around the kitchen table before I broke free and juked him and rushed upstairs, his naked ass chasing me with his cock flopping in the wind as he took the stairs two at a time, his laughter booming out behind me.

“Don’t let me catch you, Foxy boy!” he shouted.

I was definitely taking that advice, laughing while I did it.



Iwas so fucking turned on that my dick was leaking copious amounts of precum as Rosalie came into the room with that fake cock strapped over her pussy.

I didn’t care if they’d gotten it as a joke. I was always serious about sex and more than willing to try anything. And my Rosebud at the helm of a dick?

Fuck. Yes.

Sign me up, Captain.

I knew my girl could move her hips, even if she thought she couldn’t. I was hoping that translated into a positive experience for all of us since the guys had come in to watch and were perched on seats in the room.

Fox smirked at me and shook his head, which only made me grin wider. I’d caught him earlier and had tackled him to the floor before thrusting wildly against his leg naked, moaning his name. He’d swatted at me while I called him Daddy and begged for a spanking.

I liked fucking with him.

Shit had been far too tense in our house lately. Now that things were finally falling back into place, I was more thanwilling to bend over and take some rubber dick in my ass to keep it that way.

“How do you want me?” I asked as she crawled onto the bed.

“Um, like normal?”

I chuckled at her. “Normal is me shoving my cock into your body, baby. Not the other way around. So, tell me how you want me.”

“I’m nervous,” she said in a breathy rush. “I don’t know what I’m doing.”