“OK. Where are you going with this?”
“I wrote a song. I was thinking about seeing if Fox would play the drums for it. I could do some guitar and maybe Enzo could help. The tricky part is I want there to be a violin. Unfortunately, I don’t play the violin—”
“I play the violin.”
“What? Really?”
I nodded. “Yeah. LeeLee, name an instrument and I can probably play it or learn it in a day or two. It’s my superpower.”
“Oh my god. Um, will you look at the song?”
“Of course I will.”
“Tonight? You can come over. I’ll make dinner and everything. I’ll even pay you—”
I pressed my finger to her lips, silencing her. “Shh, LeeLee. Why would you ever suggest paying me? I do this because I believe in you. It’s that simple. If you’re insistent on payment, then maybe learn this dance so you can at least carry yourself because you won’t be able to rely on anyone in the group.”
“OK,” she said around my finger. “Deal.”
I grinned at her. “Perfect. Let’s get you home so you can bake me a pie. Apple, if you would.”
She let out a laugh and went to sling her bag over her shoulder, but like always, I took it from her and winked, leading her from the room.
Her smile was worth everything.
The snow fellaround me as I stood in the darkness. It was a dangerous place, but I was a dangerous guy.
“Archangel,” a deep voice called out.
I turned to see a messenger strolling toward me. After I’d dropped Rosalie off at home, a message had come through my phone, requesting my presence.
“Messenger,” I said, taking in his brisk movements. I knew which messenger he was. I’d watched him dine with Everett before. I’d vomited in the bathroom after seeing them feast on flesh.
Messengers were who Everett sent out to give a warning before he came to collect. I wasn’t surprised I was meeting with one after what I’d done to Alice. Sylar and I had carved her body up in perfect bits and sent them back to Everett, complete with a red bow. Of course, he had no idea Sylar was involved because Sylar said it was best that way, and I trusted him.
“Everett has a message for you.” He stopped in front of me, his dark eyes wide.
“Enlighten me,” I said, eyeing him.
“He has received your message. He wants you to know he is disappointed, but he understands your position. He is requesting that you give yourself up to him immediately ora recipebe delivered. Failure to comply will result in the warrant for the capture of a certain redhead.”
“Is that all?” I asked softly, trying to not behead the pompous fuck before me.
“There is one more thing.” He pulled an envelope from his pocket.
I snatched it from him and looked inside to see photos of Trent. They were of him out and about and some from school.
“What’s this?” I demanded, looking up from the packet and glaring at him.
“The menu should you not comply.”
My chest burned with his words. Red clouded my vision.
“If I do not return home alive, Archangel, there will be no further negotiations,” the messenger continued in a low voice. “The order will be given. You will lose two people you love. Are you willing to risk it? You have twenty-four hours to give yourself up.”
I swallowed as I stared at him. “You need to return? Alive?”
He nodded wordlessly.