She had a record of her cycle and the birth control she was using. The times she took it. Calculations on when to go off it so she could get pregnant. Ovulation calendar. Everything right down to a diet for a healthy pregnancy, the best vitamins to take, and the best doctors in the area. Even a calendar so she could plan the baby around her school, like giving birth during the summer and getting pregnant in September so she could have the summer off to be with the baby.
I swallowed as I took in everything.
She was serious.
I’d been upset when she’d gone off and changed her major to teaching and hadn’t told us. I’d have been lying if I said I wasn’t grateful for Anson’s response. I was pretty sure we’d have been kept in the dark about it had he not come forward.
This was next level though.
She was going to get pregnant and work her ass off to make sure the baby survived.
I hated she felt she needed to do this. It gutted me. She had to be so stressed out. This wasn’t what I wanted for her. Her dad was a real prick for putting this shit in the forefront of her mind, and I was secretly glad Cole threatened his ass.
I closed the notebook and got up to take it to her. She didn’t need to leave it where anyone else could read it, especially Fox. He was still hurting over the engagement, and no one could tell me differently.
I knocked lightly on her door and stepped inside to see her pulling a purple cashmere sweater over her head. Carefully, I placed the book on her nightstand.
“Do you like it?” she asked, gesturing to the sweater.
I nodded. “You look good in purple."
She gave me a tiny smile. “Cole gave it to me. He said the same thing.”
“See? It must be true then, right?”
She let out a soft huff of laughter before coming to me. I took her hand in mine.
She nodded. “Yeah. Can we have Chinese?”
“Weird. Are you a mind reader, sweetheart? I was just going to ask you if you’d be OK with that.”
“You were not.” She smiled up at me.
“Absolutely was.” I led her from the room and downstairs.
“And the movie?” she prompted.
“Mm, something funny. Maybe a little romantic.”
“You don’t like rom-coms.” She narrowed her eyes at me.
“Maybe it’ll be spicy and we can re-enact some of the scenes.”
“That’s not how that’ll work,” she said with a laugh. “It’ll be funny, not spicy.”
“I guess we’ll just have to use our imaginations then, huh?” I could feel my cheeks heat with the words. I sucked at flirting and dirty talk. It always made me feel awkward and uncomfortable. But hell, my entire existence was awkward and uncomfortable.
She let out a laugh that made butterflies take flight in my chest. She seemed a little happier as we got into my car.
Maybe my plan was working.
I really fucking hoped so.
We walked backto my car after the movie, and I helped her inside before getting behind the wheel. It was dark out, and the snow was falling. I started the engine and we idled for a minute while it warmed up before I pulled out of the parking lot and drove home.
We were alone. No being tailed. None of it. I specifically asked Enzo for it, and he’d agreed after a long sigh and staring contest.